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Opened 11 years ago

Closed 11 years ago

#620 closed defect (fixed)

Numerical hickup in gfortran 4.7 in CIRCE1 photon tests

Reported by: Juergen Reuter Owned by: kilian
Priority: P0 Milestone: v2.2.0
Component: core Version: 2.2.0beta
Severity: critical Keywords:


This is again another "Tiefschlag" ...

|   e+  (mass = 5.1099700E-04 GeV)
|   sqrts = 5.000000000000E+02 GeV
 circe1:message: starting up ...
 circe1:message: $Id: circe1.nw 5510 2014-03-17 16:43:35Z kilian $
 circe1:message: updating `chat' to  2                                       
 circe1:message: keeping `x1min' at   0.0000E+00                             
 circe1:message: keeping `x2min' at   0.0000E+00                             
 circe1:message: keeping `roots' at  500.0                                   
 circe1:message: updating `acc' to TESLA                                     
 circe1:message: updating `ver' to  0                                        
 circe1:message: keeping `rev' at        0                                   
 circe1:message: mapping date        0 to revision index  0                  
 circe1:message: mapping energy  500.0 to energy index  2                    
| Circe1: activating generator mode
| RNG: Initializing TAO random-number generator
| RNG: Setting seed for random-number generator to 3
| Phase space: generating configuration ...
| Phase space: ... success.
| Phase space: writing configuration file 'circe1_photons_2_p3_i1.phs'
| Phase space: 5 channels, 2 dimensions
| Phase space: found 5 channels, collected in 2 groves.
| Phase space: Using 9 equivalences between channels.
| Phase space: wood
| Beam structure: circe1 => epa, none => none, epa
| Beam structure: 2 channels, 2 dimensions
| Applying user-defined cuts.
| Starting integration for process 'circe1_photons_2_p3'
| Integrator: 2 chains, 5 channels, 4 dimensions
| Integrator: Using VAMP channel equivalences
| Integrator: 1000 initial calls, 20 bins, stratified = T
| Integrator: VAMP
| It      Calls  Integral[fb]  Error[fb]   Err[%]    Acc  Eff[%]   Chi2 N[It] |
   1       1000  9.2496647E-01  1.34E-01   14.48    4.58*   2.54
   2       1000  1.3819460E+00  4.50E-01   32.56   10.30    1.09
   3       1000  8.1511020E+00  4.28E+00   52.49   16.60    0.70
   4       1000  4.8652855E+00  1.77E+00   36.43   11.52*   0.81
   5       1000  2.0211513E+01  5.48E+00   27.11    8.57*   1.46
   5       5000  9.9938517E-01  1.28E-01   12.80    9.05    1.46    5.22   5
   6       1000  1.4227195E+01  3.04E+00   21.36    6.75*   0.93
   7       1000  1.3785595E+01  4.22E+00   30.59    9.67    0.77
   8       1000  1.4413093E+01  4.65E+00   32.26   10.20    0.54
   8       3000  1.4150205E+01  2.18E+00   15.39    8.43    0.54    0.01   3
| WHIZARD run finished.
<    1       1000  2.7423868E+01  1.14E+00    4.16    1.32*  16.28
<    2       1000  2.6507221E+01  4.34E-01    1.64    0.52*  41.31
<    3       1000  2.6309619E+01  4.37E-01    1.66    0.52   33.28
<    4       1000  2.6283528E+01  4.01E-01    1.52    0.48*  40.09
<    5       1000  2.5225994E+01  4.17E-01    1.65    0.52   41.26
< |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|
<    5       5000  2.6117343E+01  2.07E-01    0.79    0.56   41.26    1.76   5
< |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|
<    6       1000  2.5943285E+01  4.19E-01    1.61    0.51*  37.91
<    7       1000  2.6152644E+01  4.39E-01    1.68    0.53   31.92
<    8       1000  2.6279144E+01  4.20E-01    1.60    0.51*  28.97
>    1       1000  1.1348256E+00  2.98E-01   26.25    8.30*   1.27
>    2       1000  1.9909871E+00  7.87E-01   39.50   12.49    0.82
>    3       1000  1.4373630E+01  8.03E+00   55.85   17.66    0.60
>    4       1000  7.8538174E+00  3.61E+00   45.90   14.52*   0.93
>    5       1000  1.1858360E+01  1.96E+00   16.53    5.23*   2.14
> |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|
>    5       5000  1.5047175E+00  2.75E-01   18.26   12.91    2.14    8.87   5
> |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|
>    6       1000  1.8433109E+01  1.10E+01   59.76   18.90    0.70
>    7       1000  1.3902906E+01  4.79E+00   34.46   10.90*   0.49
>    8       1000  3.7448943E+01  2.53E+01   67.65   21.39    0.64
<    8       3000  2.6123751E+01  2.46E-01    0.94    0.52   28.97    0.16   3
>    8       3000  1.5289847E+01  4.33E+00   28.31   15.51    0.64    0.47   3
<    1       1000  2.5269378E+01  1.07E+00    4.24    1.34*  15.25
<    2       1000  2.7105504E+01  4.74E-01    1.75    0.55*  38.78
<    3       1000  2.6982652E+01  4.29E-01    1.59    0.50*  30.09
<    4       1000  2.6741590E+01  4.65E-01    1.74    0.55   26.96
<    5       1000  2.6961428E+01  4.32E-01    1.60    0.51*  37.71
< |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|
<    5       5000  2.6877827E+01  2.20E-01    0.82    0.58   37.71    0.67   5
< |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|
<    6       1000  2.6729330E+01  4.33E-01    1.62    0.51   33.26
<    7       1000  2.6654538E+01  4.02E-01    1.51    0.48*  33.17
<    8       1000  2.7181659E+01  4.16E-01    1.53    0.48   33.83
>    1       1000  9.2496647E-01  1.34E-01   14.48    4.58*   2.54
>    2       1000  1.3819460E+00  4.50E-01   32.56   10.30    1.09
>    3       1000  8.1511020E+00  4.28E+00   52.49   16.60    0.70
>    4       1000  4.8652855E+00  1.77E+00   36.43   11.52*   0.81
>    5       1000  2.0211513E+01  5.48E+00   27.11    8.57*   1.46
> |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|
>    5       5000  9.9938517E-01  1.28E-01   12.80    9.05    1.46    5.22   5
> |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|
>    6       1000  1.4227195E+01  3.04E+00   21.36    6.75*   0.93
>    7       1000  1.3785595E+01  4.22E+00   30.59    9.67    0.77
>    8       1000  1.4413093E+01  4.65E+00   32.26   10.20    0.54
<    8       3000  2.6854056E+01  2.40E-01    0.90    0.49   33.83    0.48   3
>    8       3000  1.4150205E+01  2.18E+00   15.39    8.43    0.54    0.01   3

Change History (2)

comment:1 Changed 11 years ago by kilian

Status: newassigned

.. had already started to look into this

comment:2 Changed 11 years ago by kilian

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

Another instance of the INTENT(OUT) bug. Fixed in r5534.

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