ChangeLog -- Summary of changes to the WHIZARD package Use git log/svn log to see detailed changes. Version 3.1.6 2025-03-20 RELEASE: version 3.1.6 2025-03-10 Larger revision of NLO EW functionality and Recola interface: - complete photon treatment for NLO EW - Recola OLP with full NLO EW and pp process functionality - Bug fix: massive lepton initial states for NLO EW - Bug fix: event generation for QCD-EW mixed NLO corrections - Bug fix: determine coupling powers from flavor structures 2024-12-10 More stable and faster implementation of NLL electron PDFs 2024-12-03 Bug fix: robust functional test hepmc3_6 binary 2024-09-25 Recola version 1.4.4 and newer: supported and required ################################################################## 2024-09-13 RELEASE: version 3.1.5 2024-09-12 Special parameterization for photo-induced low-pT hadrons 2024-08-26 Resonance-aware FKS for NLO QCD/EW pp processes 2024-07-13 Bug fix: correct normalization for template MEs 2024-06-30 Bug fix: static linking on Darwin with clang/gfortran 2024-06-25 HepMC2 and HepMC3 can be linked simultaneously Minor bug fixes and improvements for HepMC3 interface 2024-06-01 Bug fix: typo in MPI build rules Bug fix: O'Mega: no more colored resurrections for -cascade "^c" 2024-04-30 Bug fix: UFO models wait for MPI master worker Bug fix: NLO GoSam compatiblity with MPI 2024-04-29 Bug fix: pointer assignment of model data type 2024-04-24 O'Mega: merge versioned API (API v3 work in progress) O'Mega: birdtrack library improvements ################################################################## 2023-11-08 RELEASE: version 3.1.4 2023-11-02 Pythia8 interface: support for Pythia v8.310+ UFO interface: allow backslash escaped new lines Add missing O'Mega comparison files to distribution Minimal Intel compiler version: 21.10 (oneAPI 23.2) 2023-10-20 Infrastructure for NLO hadron collisions with GoSam ################################################################## 2023-10-06 RELEASE: version 3.1.3 2023-10-02 CIRCE2: add 'null' maps for regions with not enough statistics O'Mega/CIRCE2: remove pre OCaml 4.08 workarounds 2023-09-25 Minimal compiler versions: OCaml 4.08, gfortran 9.1.0 2023-09-22 Bug fix UFO interface: parsing of tokens corrected 2023-06-01 Common folder 'contrib' for external codes shipped with WHIZARD 2023-05-28 Bug fix UFO interface: workaround for case-sensitive parameters 2023-05-05 Update of meson and baryon listings in SM hadrons model 2023-03-28 Workaround for Intel oneAPI 2022/23 regression(s) ################################################################## 2023-03-21 RELEASE: version 3.1.2 2023-03-21 Bug fix in cyclic build dependence of WHIZARD core 2023-03-11 Resolve minor inconsistency in manual for NLO real partition ################################################################## 2023-03-10 RELEASE: version 3.1.1 2023-03-09 Bug fix in UFO file parser Small bug fix in NLO EW infrastructure 2023-03-01 Bug fix: numerical mapping stability for peaked PDFs 2023-02-28 Bug fix UFO interface: avoid too long ME code lines 2023-02-22 Infrastructure for calculation of kinematic MT2 variable 2023-02-17 Bug fix UFO interface: correct parentheses in rational functions ################################################################## 2022-12-14 RELEASE: version 3.1.0 2022-12-12 Bug fix Pythia8 interface: production vertices, shower history O'Mega support for epsilon tensor color structures 2023-01-27 Support for loop-induced processes 2022-11-30 O'Mega support for general SU(N) color representations 2022-11-07 Modernize configure checks for Python versions v3.10+ 2022-10-21 General POWHEG matching with optional NLO real phase space partitioning 2022-09-26 Bug fix: accept negative scale values in SLHA block header 2022-08-08 Numerical stability of testsuite for Apple M1 processors 2022-08-07 Technically allow for muons as CIRCE2 beam spectra 2022-06-22 POWHEG matching for Drell-Yan and similar processes 2022-06-12 Add unit tests for Lorentz and phase-space modules 2022-05-09 Massive eikonals: Numeric robustness at ultrahigh energies 2022-04-20 Bug fix for VAMP2 event generation with indefinite samples ################################################################## 2022-04-06 RELEASE: version 3.0.3 2022-04-05 POWHEG matching for single flavor hadron collisions 2022-03-31 NLO EW processes with massless leptons and jets (i.e. jet clustering and photon recombination) supported NLO EW for massive initial leptons validated 2022-03-27 Complete implementation/validation of NLL electron PDFs 2022-02-22 Bug fix: correct normalization for CIRCE2+EPA+polarization 2022-02-21 WHIZARD core now uses Fortran modules and submodules 2022-01-27 Infrastructure for POWHEG matching for hadron collisions 2021-12-16 Event files can be written/read also for decay processes Implementation of running QED coupling alpha 2021-12-10 Independent variations of renormalization/factorization scale ################################################################## 2021-11-23 RELEASE: version 3.0.2 2021-11-19 Support for a wide class of mixed NLO QCD/EW processes 2021-11-18 Add pp processes for NLO EW corrections to testsuite 2021-11-11 Output numerically critical values with LCIO 2.17+ as double 2021-11-05 Minor refactoring on phase space points and kinematics 2021-10-21 NLO (QCD) differential distributions supported for full lepton collider setup: polarization, QED ISR, beamstrahlung 2021-10-15 SINDARIN now has a sum and product function of expressions, SINDARIN supports observables defined on full (sub)events First application: transverse mass Bug fix: 2HDM did not allow H+, H- as external particles 2021-10-14 CT18 PDFs included (NLO, NNLO) 2021-09-30 Bug fix: keep non-recombined photons in the event record 2021-09-13 Modular NLO event generation with real partition 2021-08-20 Bug fix: correctly reading in NLO fixed order events 2021-08-06 Generalize optional partitioning of the NLO real phase space ################################################################## 2021-07-08 RELEASE: version 3.0.1 2021-07-06 MPI parallelization now comes with two incarnations: - standard MPI parallelization ("simple", default) - MPI with load balancer ("load") 2021-07-05 Bug fix for C++17 default compilers w/ HepMC3/ROOT interface 2021-07-02 Improvement for POWHEG matching: - implement massless recoil case - enable reading in existing POWHEG grids - support kinematic cuts at generator level 2021-07-01 Distinguish different cases of photons in NLO EW corrections 2021-06-21 Option to keep negative PDF entries or set them zero 2021-05-31 Full LCIO MC production files can be properly recasted 2021-05-24 Use defaults for UFO models without 2021-05-21 Bug fix: prevent invalid code for UFO models containing hyphens 2021-05-20 UFO files with scientific notation float constants allowed UFO files: max. n-arity of vertices bound by process multiplicity ################################################################## 2021-04-27 RELEASE: version 3.0.0 2021-04-20 Minimal required OCaml version is now 4.05.0. Bug fix for tau polarization from stau decays 2021-04-19 NLO EW splitting functions and collinear remnants completed Photon recombination implemented 2021-04-14 Bug fix for vertices/status codes with HepMC2/3 event format 2021-04-08 Correct Lorentz statistics for UFO model with Majorana fermions 2021-04-06 Bug fix for rare script failure in Kappa factor for quartic Higgs coupling in SM_ac(_CKM) model 2021-04-04 Support for UFO extensions in SMEFTSim 3.0 2021-02-25 Enable VAMP and VAMP2 channel equivalences for NLO integrations 2021-02-04 Bug fix if user does not set a prefix at configuration 2020-12-10 Generalize NLO calculations to non-CMS lab frames 2020-12-08 Bug fix in expanded p-wave form factor for top threshold 2020-12-06 Patch for macOS Big Sur shared library handling due to libtool; the patch also demands gcc/gfortran 11.0/10.3/9.4/8.5 2020-12-04 O'Mega only inserts non-vanishing couplings from UFO models 2020-11-21 Bug fix for fractional hypercharges in UFO models 2020-11-11 Enable PYTHIA6 settings for eh collisions (enable-pythia6_eh) 2020-11-09 Correct flavor assignment for NLO fixed-order events 2020-11-05 Bug fix for ISR handler not working with unstable particles 2020-10-08 Bug fix in LHAPDF interface for photon PDFs 2020-10-07 Bug fix for structure function setup with asymmetric beams 2020-10-02 Python/Cython layer for WHIZARD API 2020-09-30 Allow mismatches of Python and name attributes in UFO models 2020-09-26 Support for negative PDG particles from certain UFO models 2020-09-24 Allow for QNUMBERS blocks in BSM SLHA files 2020-09-22 Full support for compilation with clang(++) on Darwin/macOS More documentation in the manual Minor clean-ups 2020-09-16 Bug fix enables reading LCIO events with LCIO v2.15+ ################################################################## 2020-09-16 RELEASE: version 2.8.5 2020-09-11 Bug fix for H->tau tau transverse polarization with PYTHIA6 (thanks to Junping Tian / Akiya Miyamoto) 2020-09-09 Fix a long standing bug (since 2.0) in the calculation of color factors when particles of different color were combined in a particle class. NB: O'Mega never produced a wrong number, it only declared all processes as invalid. 2020-09-08 Enable Openloops matrix element equivalences for optimization 2020-09-02 Compatibility fix for PYTHIA v8.301+ interface 2020-09-01 Support exclusive jet clustering in ee for Fastjet interface ################################################################## 2020-08-30 RELEASE: version 3.0.0_beta 2020-08-27 Major revision of NLO distributions and events for processes with structure functions: - Use parton momenta/flavors (instead of beams) for events - Bug fix for Lorentz boosts and Lorentz frames of momenta - Bug fix: apply cuts to virtual NLO component in correct frame - Correctly assign ISR radiation momenta in data structures - Refactoring on quantum numbers for NLO event data structures - Functional tests for hadron collider NLO distributions - many minor bug fixes regarding NLO hadron collider physics 2020-08-11 Bug fix for linking problem with OpenMPI 2020-08-07 New WHIZARD API: WHIZARD can be externally linked as a library, added examples for Fortran, C, C++ programs ################################################################## 2020-07-08 RELEASE: version 2.8.4 2020-07-07 Bug fix: steering of UFO Majorana models from WHIZARD ################################################################## 2020-07-06 Combined integration also for hadron collider processes at NLO 2020-07-05 Bug fix: correctly steer e+e- FastJet clustering algorithms Major revision of NLO differential distributions and events: - Correctly assign quantum numbers to NLO fixed-order events - Correctly assign weights to NLO fixed-order events for combined simulation - Cut all NLO fixed-order subevents in event groups individually - Only allow "sigma" normalization for NLO fixed-order events - Use correct PDF setup for NLO counter events - Several technical fixes and updates of the NLO testsuite ################################################################## 2020-07-03 RELEASE: version 2.8.3 2020-07-02 Feature-complete UFO implementation for Majorana fermions 2020-06-22 Running width scheme supported for O'Mega matrix elements 2020-06-20 Adding H-s-s coupling to SM_Higgs(_CKM) models 2020-06-17 Completion of ILC 2->6 fermion extended test suite 2020-06-15 Bug fix: PYTHIA6/Tauola, correctly assign tau spins for stau decays 2020-06-09 Bug fix: correctly update calls for additional VAMP/2 iterations Bug fix: correct assignment for tau spins from PYTHIA6 interface 2020-06-04 Bug fix: cascades2 tree merge with empty subtree(s) 2020-05-31 Switch $epa_mode for different EPA implementations 2020-05-26 Bug fix: spin information transferred for resonance histories 2020-04-13 HepMC: correct weighted events for non-xsec event normalizations 2020-04-04 Improved HepMC3 interface: HepMC3 Root/RootTree interface 2020-03-24 ISR: Fix on-shell kinematics for events with ?isr_handler=true (set ?isr_handler_keep_mass=false for old behavior) 2020-03-11 Beam masses are correctly passed to hard matrix element for CIRCE2 EPA with polarized beams: double-counting corrected ################################################################## 2020-03-03 RELEASE: version 3.0.0_alpha 2020-02-25 Bug fix: Scale and alphas can be retrieved from internal event format to external formats 2020-02-17 Bug fix: ?keep_failed_events now forces output of actual event data Bug fix: particle-set reconstruction (rescanning events w/o radiation) 2020-01-28 Bug fix for left-over EPA parameter epa_e_max (replaced by epa_q_max) 2020-01-23 Bug fix for real components of NLO QCD 2->1 processes 2020-01-22 Bug fix: correct random number sequencing during parallel MPI event generation with rng_stream 2020-01-21 Consistent distribution of events during parallel MPI event generation 2020-01-20 Bug fix for configure setup for automake v1.16+ 2020-01-18 General SLHA parameter files for UFO models supported 2020-01-08 Bug fix: correctly register RECOLA processes with flavor sums 2019-12-19 Support for UFO customized propagators O'Mega unit tests for fermion-number violating interactions 2019-12-10 For distribution building: check for graphviz/dot version 2.40 or newer 2019-11-21 Bug fix: alternate setups now work correctly Infrastructure for accessing alpha_QED event-by-event Guard against tiny numbers that break ASCII event output Enable inverse hyperbolic functions as SINDARIN observables Remove old compiler bug workarounds 2019-11-20 Allow quoted -e argument, implemented -f option 2019-11-19 Bug fix: resonance histories now work also with UFO models Fix in numerical precision of ASCII VAMP2 grids 2019-11-06 Add squared matrix elements to the LCIO event header 2019-11-05 Do not include RNG state in MD5 sum for CIRCE1/2 2019-11-04 Full CIRCE2 ILC 250 and 500 GeV beam spectra added Minor update on LCIO event header information 2019-10-30 NLO QCD for final states completed When using Openloops, v2.1.1+ mandatory 2019-10-25 Binary grid files for VAMP2 integrator ################################################################## 2019-10-24 RELEASE: version 2.8.2 2019-10-20 Bug fix for HepMC linker flags 2019-10-19 Support for spin-2 particles from UFO files 2019-09-27 LCIO event format allows rescan and alternate weights 2019-09-24 Compatibility fix for OCaml v4.08.0+ ################################################################## 2019-09-21 RELEASE: version 2.8.1 2019-09-19 Carriage return characters in UFO models can be parsed Mathematica symbols in UFO models possible Unused/undefined parameters in UFO models handled 2019-09-13 New extended NLO test suite for ee and pp processes 2019-09-09 Photon isolation (separation of perturbative and fragmentation part a la Frixione) 2019-09-05 Major progress on NLO QCD for hadron collisions: - correctly assign flavor structures for alpha regions - fix crossing of particles for initial state splittings - correct assignment for PDF factors for real subtractions - fix kinematics for collinear splittings - bug fix for integrated virtual subtraction terms 2019-09-03 b and c jet selection in cuts and analysis 2019-08-27 Support for Intel MPI 2019-08-20 Complete (preliminary) HepMC3 support (incl. backwards HepMC2 write/read mode) 2019-08-08 Bug fix: handle carriage returns in UFO files (non-Unix OS) ################################################################## 2019-08-07 RELEASE: version 2.8.0 2019-07-31 Complete WHIZARD UFO interface: - general Lorentz structures - matrix element support for general color factors - missing features: Majorana fermions and SLHA 2019-07-20 Make WHIZARD compatible with OCaml 4.08.0+ 2019-07-19 Fix version testing for LHAPDF 6.2.3 and newer Minimal required OCaml version is now 4.02.3. 2019-04-18 Correctly generate ordered FKS tuples for alpha regions from all possible underlying Born processes 2019-04-08 Extended O'Mega/Recola matrix element test suite 2019-03-29 Correct identical particle symmetry factors for FKS subtraction 2019-03-28 Correct assertion of spin-correlated matrix elements for hadron collisions 2019-03-27 Bug fix for cut-off parameter delta_i for collinear plus/minus regions ################################################################## 2019-03-27 RELEASE: version 2.7.1 2019-02-19 Further infrastructure for HepMC3 interface (v3.01.00) 2019-02-07 Explicit configure option for using debugging options Bug fix for performance by removing unnecessary debug operations 2019-01-29 Bug fix for DGLAP remnants with cut-off parameter delta_i 2019-01-24 Radiative decay neu2 -> neu1 A added to MSSM_Hgg model ################################################################## 2019-01-21 RELEASE: version 2.7.0 2018-12-18 Support RECOLA for integrated und unintegrated subtractions 2018-12-11 FCNC top-up sector in model SM_top_anom 2018-12-05 Use libtirpc instead of SunRPC on Arch Linux etc. 2018-11-30 Display rescaling factor for weighted event samples with cuts 2018-11-29 Reintroduce check against different masses in flavor sums Bug fix for wrong couplings in the Littlest Higgs model(s) 2018-11-22 Bug fix for rescanning events with beam structure 2018-11-09 Major refactoring of internal process data 2018-11-02 PYTHIA8 interface 2018-10-29 Flat phase space parametrization with RAMBO (on diet) implemented 2018-10-17 Revise extended test suite 2018-09-27 Process container for RECOLA processes 2018-09-15 Fixes by M. Berggren for PYTHIA6 interface 2018-09-14 First fixes after HepForge modernization ################################################################## 2018-08-23 RELEASE: version 2.6.4 2018-08-09 Infrastructure to check colored subevents 2018-07-10 Infrastructure for running WHIZARD in batch mode 2018-07-04 MPI available from distribution tarball 2018-06-03 Support Intel Fortran Compiler under MAC OS X 2018-05-07 FKS slicing parameter delta_i (initial state) implementend 2018-05-03 Refactor structure function assignment for NLO 2018-05-02 FKS slicing parameter xi_cut, delta_0 implemented 2018-04-20 Workspace subdirectory for process integration (grid/phs files) Packing/unpacking of files at job end/start Exporting integration results from scan loops 2018-04-13 Extended QCD NLO test suite 2018-04-09 Bug fix for Higgs Singlet Extension model 2018-04-06 Workspace subdirectory for process generation and compilation --job-id option for creating job-specific names 2018-03-20 Bug fix for color flow matching in hadron collisions with identical initial state quarks 2018-03-08 Structure functions quantum numbers correctly assigned for NLO 2018-02-24 Configure setup includes 'pgfortran' and 'flang' 2018-02-21 Include spin-correlated matrix elements in interactions 2018-02-15 Separate module for QED ISR structure functions ################################################################## 2018-02-10 RELEASE: version 2.6.3 2018-02-08 Improvements in memory management for PS generation 2018-01-31 Partial refactoring: quantum number assigment NLO Initial-state QCD splittings for hadron collisions 2018-01-25 Bug fix for weighted events with VAMP2 2018-01-17 Generalized interface for Recola versions 1.3+ and 2.1+ 2018-01-15 Channel equivalences also for VAMP2 integrator 2018-01-12 Fix for OCaml compiler 4.06 (and newer) 2017-12-19 RECOLA matrix elements with flavor sums can be integrated 2017-12-18 Bug fix for segmentation fault in empty resonance histories 2017-12-16 Fixing a bug in PYTHIA6 PYHEPC routine by omitting CMShowers from transferral between PYTHIA and WHIZARD event records 2017-12-15 Event index for multiple processes in event file correct ################################################################## 2017-12-13 RELEASE: version 2.6.2 2017-12-07 User can set offset in event numbers 2017-11-29 Possibility to have more than one RECOLA process in one file 2017-11-23 Transversal/mixed (and unitarized) dim-8 operators 2017-11-16 epa_q_max replaces epa_e_max (trivial factor 2) 2017-11-15 O'Mega matrix element compilation silent now 2017-11-14 Complete expanded P-wave form factor for top threshold 2017-11-10 Incoming particles can be accessed in SINDARIN 2017-11-08 Improved handling of resonance insertion, additional parameters 2017-11-04 Added Higgs-electron coupling (SM_Higgs) ################################################################## 2017-11-03 RELEASE: version 2.6.1 2017-10-20 More than 5 NLO components possible at same time 2017-10-19 Gaussian cutoff for shower resonance matching 2017-10-12 Alternative (more efficient) method to generate phase space file 2017-10-11 Bug fix for shower resonance histories for processes with multiple components 2017-09-25 Bug fix for process libraries in shower resonance histories 2017-09-21 Correctly generate pT distribution for EPA remnants 2017-09-20 Set branching ratios for unstable particles also by hand 2017-09-14 Correctly generate pT distribution for ISR photons ################################################################## 2017-09-08 RELEASE: version 2.6.0 2017-09-05 Bug fix for initial state NLO QCD flavor structures Real and virtual NLO QCD hadron collider processes work with internal interactions 2017-09-04 Fully validated MPI integration and event generation 2017-09-01 Resonance histories for shower: full support Bug fix in O'Mega model constraints O'Mega allows to output a parsable form of the DAG 2017-08-24 Resonance histories in events for transferral to parton shower (e.g. in ee -> jjjj) 2017-08-01 Alpha version of HepMC v3 interface (not yet really functional) 2017-07-31 Beta version for RECOLA OLP support 2017-07-06 Radiation generator fix for LHC processes 2017-06-30 Fix bug for NLO with structure functions and/or polarization 2017-06-23 Collinear limit for QED corrections works 2017-06-17 POWHEG grids generated already during integration 2017-06-12 Soft limit for QED corrections works 2017-05-16 Beta version of full MPI parallelization (VAMP2) Check consistency of POWHEG grid files Logfile config-summary.log for configure summary 2017-05-12 Allow polarization in top threshold 2017-05-09 Minimal demand automake 1.12.2 Silent rules for make procedures 2017-05-07 Major fix for POWHEG damping Correctly initialize FKS ISR phasespace ################################################################## 2017-05-06 RELEASE: version 2.5.0 2017-05-05 Full UFO support (SM-like models) Fixed-beam ISR FKS phase space 2017-04-26 QED splittings in radiation generator 2017-04-10 Retire deprecated O'Mega vertex cache files ################################################################## 2017-03-24 RELEASE: version 2.4.1 2017-03-16 Distinguish resonance charge in phase space channels Keep track of resonance histories in phase space Complex mass scheme default for OpenLoops amplitudes 2017-03-13 Fix helicities for polarized OpenLoops calculations 2017-03-09 Possibility to advance RNG state in rng_stream 2017-03-04 General setup for partitioning real emission phase space 2017-03-06 Bug fix on rescan command for converting event files 2017-02-27 Alternative multi-channel VEGAS implementation VAMP2: serial backbone for MPI setup Smoothstep top threshold matching 2017-02-25 Single-beam structure function with s-channel mapping supported Safeguard against invalid process libraries 2017-02-16 Radiation generator for photon emission 2017-02-10 Fixes for NLO QCD processes (color correlations) 2017-01-16 LCIO variable takes precedence over LCIO_DIR 2017-01-13 Alternative random number generator rng_stream (cf. L'Ecuyer et al.) 2017-01-01 Fix for multi-flavor BLHA tree matrix elements 2016-12-31 Grid path option for VAMP grids 2016-12-28 Alpha version of Recola OLP support 2016-12-27 Dalitz plots for FKS phase space 2016-12-14 NLO multi-flavor events possible 2016-12-09 LCIO event header information added 2016-12-02 Alpha version of RECOLA interface Bug fix for generator status in LCIO ################################################################## 2016-11-28 RELEASE: version 2.4.0 2016-11-24 Bug fix for OpenLoops interface: EW scheme is set by WHIZARD Bug fixes for top threshold implementation 2016-11-11 Refactoring of dispatching 2016-10-18 Bug fix for LCIO output 2016-10-10 First implementation for collinear soft terms 2016-10-06 First full WHIZARD models from UFO files 2016-10-05 WHIZARD does not support legacy gcc 4.7.4 any longer 2016-09-30 Major refactoring of process core and NLO components 2016-09-23 WHIZARD homogeneous entity: discarding subconfigures for CIRCE1/2, O'Mega, VAMP subpackages; these are reconstructable by script projectors 2016-09-06 Introduce main configure summary 2016-08-26 Fix memory leak in event generation ################################################################## 2016-08-25 RELEASE: version 2.3.1 2016-08-19 Bug fix for EW-scheme dependence of gluino propagators 2016-08-01 Beta version of complex mass scheme support 2016-07-26 Fix bug in POWHEG damping for the matching ################################################################## 2016-07-21 RELEASE: version 2.3.0 2016-07-20 UFO file support (alpha version) in O'Mega 2016-07-13 New (more) stable of WHIZARD GUI Support for EW schemes for OpenLoops Factorized NLO top decays for threshold model 2016-06-15 Passing factorization scale to PYTHIA6 Adding charge and neutral observables 2016-06-14 Correcting angular distribution/tweaked kinematics in non-collinear structure functions splittings 2016-05-10 Include (Fortran) TAUOLA/PHOTOS for tau decays via PYTHIA6 (backwards validation of LC CDR/TDR samples) 2016-04-27 Within OpenLoops virtuals: support for Collier library 2016-04-25 O'Mega vertex tables only loaded at first usage 2016-04-21 New CJ15 PDF parameterizations added 2016-04-21 Support for hadron collisions at NLO QCD 2016-04-05 Support for different (parameter) schemes in model files 2016-03-31 Correct transferral of lifetime/vertex from PYTHIA/TAUOLA into the event record 2016-03-21 New internal implementation of polarization via Bloch vectors, remove pointer constructions 2016-03-13 Extension of cascade syntax for processes: exclude propagators/vertices etc. possible 2016-02-24 Full support for OpenLoops QCD NLO matrix elements, inclusion in test suite 2016-02-12 Substantial progress on QCD NLO support 2016-02-02 Automated resonance mapping for FKS subtraction 2015-12-17 New BSM model WZW for diphoton resonances ################################################################## 2015-11-22 RELEASE: version 2.2.8 2015-11-21 Bug fix for fixed-order NLO events 2015-11-20 Anomalous FCNC top-charm vertices 2015-11-19 StdHEP output via HEPEVT/HEPEV4 supported 2015-11-18 Full set of electroweak dim-6 operators included 2015-10-22 Polarized one-loop amplitudes supported 2015-10-21 Fixes for event formats for showered events 2015-10-14 Callback mechanism for event output 2015-09-22 Bypass matrix elements in pure event sample rescans StdHep frozen final version v5.06.01 included internally 2015-09-21 configure option --with-precision to demand 64bit, 80bit, or 128bit Fortran and bind C precision types 2015-09-07 More extensive tests of NLO infrastructure and POWHEG matching 2015-09-01 NLO decay infrastructure User-defined squared matrix elements Inclusive FastJet algorithm plugin Numerical improvement for small boosts ################################################################## 2015-08-11 RELEASE: version 2.2.7 2015-08-10 Infrastructure for damped POWHEG Massive emitters in POWHEG Born matrix elements via BLHA GoSam filters via SINDARIN Minor running coupling bug fixes Fixed-order NLO events 2015-08-06 CT14 PDFs included (LO, NLO, NNLL) 2015-07-07 Revalidation of ILC WHIZARD-PYTHIA event chain Extended test suite for showered events Alpha version of massive FSR for POWHEG 2015-06-09 Fix memory leak in interaction for long cascades Catch mismatch between beam definition and CIRCE2 spectrum 2015-06-08 Automated POWHEG matching: beta version Infrastructure for GKS matching Alpha version of fixed-order NLO events CIRCE2 polarization averaged spectra with explicitly polarized beams 2015-05-12 Abstract matching type: OO structure for matching/merging 2015-05-07 Bug fix in event record WHIZARD-PYTHIA6 transferral Gaussian beam spectra for lepton colliders ################################################################## 2015-05-02 RELEASE: version 2.2.6 2015-05-01 Models for (unitarized) tensor resonances in VBS 2015-04-28 Bug fix in channel weights for event generation. 2015-04-18 Improved event record transfer WHIZARD/PYTHIA6 2015-03-19 POWHEG matching: alpha version ################################################################## 2015-02-27 RELEASE: version 2.2.5 2015-02-26 Abstract types for quantum numbers 2015-02-25 Read-in of StdHEP events, self-tests 2015-02-22 Bug fix for mother-daughter relations in showered/hadronized events 2015-02-20 Projection on polarization in intermediate states 2015-02-13 Correct treatment of beam remnants in event formats (also LC remnants) ################################################################## 2015-02-06 RELEASE: version 2.2.4 2015-02-06 Bug fix in event output 2015-02-05 LCIO event format supported 2015-01-30 Including state matrices in WHIZARD's internal IO Versioning for WHIZARD's internal IO Libtool update from 2.4.3 to 2.4.5 LCIO event output (beta version) 2015-01-27 Progress on NLO integration Fixing a bug for multiple processes in a single event file when using beam event files 2015-01-19 Bug fix for spin correlations evaluated in the rest frame of the mother particle 2015-01-17 Regression fix for statically linked processes from SARAH and FeynRules 2015-01-10 NLO: massive FKS emitters supported (experimental) 2015-01-06 MMHT2014 PDF sets included 2015-01-05 Handling mass degeneracies in auto_decays 2014-12-19 Fixing bug in rescan of event files ################################################################## 2014-11-30 RELEASE: version 2.2.3 2014-11-29 Beta version of LO continuum/NLL-threshold matched top threshold model for e+e- physics 2014-11-28 More internal refactoring: disentanglement of module dependencies 2014-11-21 OVM: O'Mega Virtual Machine, bytecode instructions instead of compiled Fortran code 2014-11-01 Higgs Singlet extension model included 2014-10-18 Internal restructuring of code; half-way WHIZARD main code file disassembled 2014-07-09 Alpha version of NLO infrastructure ################################################################## 2014-07-06 RELEASE: version 2.2.2 2014-07-05 CIRCE2: correlated LC beam spectra and GuineaPig Interface to LC machine parameters 2014-07-01 Reading LHEF for decayed/factorized/showered/ hadronized events 2014-06-25 Configure support for GoSAM/Ninja/Form/QGraf 2014-06-22 LHAPDF6 interface 2014-06-18 Module for automatic generation of radiation and loop infrastructure code 2014-06-11 Improved internal directory structure ################################################################## 2014-06-03 RELEASE: version 2.2.1 2014-05-30 Extensions of internal PDG arrays 2014-05-26 FastJet interface 2014-05-24 CJ12 PDFs included 2014-05-20 Regression fix for external models (via SARAH or FeynRules) ################################################################## 2014-05-18 RELEASE: version 2.2.0 2014-04-11 Multiple components: inclusive process definitions, syntax: process A + B + ... 2014-03-13 Improved PS mappings for e+e- ISR ILC TDR and CLIC spectra included in CIRCE1 2014-02-23 New models: AltH w\ Higgs for exclusion purposes, SM_rx for Dim 6-/Dim-8 operators, SSC for general strong interactions (w/ Higgs), and NoH_rx (w\ Higgs) 2014-02-14 Improved s-channel mapping, new on-shell production mapping (e.g. Drell-Yan) 2014-02-03 PRE-RELEASE: version 2.2.0_beta 2014-01-26 O'Mega: Feynman diagram generation possible (again) 2013-12-16 HOPPET interface for b parton matching 2013-11-15 PRE-RELEASE: version 2.2.0_alpha-4 2013-10-27 LHEF standards 1.0/2.0/3.0 implemented 2013-10-15 PRE-RELEASE: version 2.2.0_alpha-3 2013-10-02 PRE-RELEASE: version 2.2.0_alpha-2 2013-09-25 PRE-RELEASE: version 2.2.0_alpha-1 2013-09-12 PRE-RELEASE: version 2.2.0_alpha 2013-09-03 General 2HDM implemented 2013-08-18 Rescanning/recalculating events 2013-06-07 Reconstruction of complete event from 4-momenta possible 2013-05-06 Process library stacks 2013-05-02 Process stacks 2013-04-29 Single-particle phase space module 2013-04-26 Abstract interface for random number generator 2013-04-24 More object-orientation on modules Midpoint-rule integrator 2013-04-05 Object-oriented integration and event generation 2013-03-12 Processes recasted object-oriented: MEs, scales, structure functions First infrastructure for general Lorentz structures 2013-01-17 Object-orientated reworking of library and process core, more variable internal structure, unit tests 2012-12-14 Update Pythia version to 6.4.27 2012-12-04 Fix the phase in HAZ vertices 2012-11-21 First O'Mega unit tests, some infrastructure 2012-11-13 Bug fix in anom. HVV Lorentz structures ################################################################## 2012-09-18 RELEASE: version 2.1.1 2012-09-11 Model MSSM_Hgg with Hgg and HAA vertices 2012-09-10 First version of implementation of multiple interactions in WHIZARD 2012-09-05 Infrastructure for internal CKKW matching 2012-09-02 C, C++, Python API 2012-07-19 Fixing particle numbering in HepMC format ################################################################## 2012-06-15 RELEASE: version 2.1.0 2012-06-14 Analytical and kT-ordered shower officially released PYTHIA interface officially released 2012-05-09 Intrisince PDFs can be used for showering 2012-05-04 Anomalous Higgs couplings a la hep-ph/9902321 ################################################################## 2012-03-19 RELEASE: version 2.0.7 2012-03-15 Run IDs are available now More event variables in analysis Modified raw event format (compatibility mode exists) 2012-03-12 Bug fix in decay-integration order MLM matching steered completely internally now 2012-03-09 Special phase space mapping for narrow resonances decaying to 4-particle final states with far off-shell intermediate states Running alphas from PDF collaborations with builtin PDFs 2012-02-16 Bug fix in cascades decay infrastructure 2012-02-04 WHIZARD documentation compatible with TeXLive 2011 2012-02-01 Bug fix in FeynRules interface with --prefix flag 2012-01-29 Bug fix with name clash of O'Mega variable names 2012-01-27 Update internal PYTHIA to version 6.4.26 Bug fix in LHEF output 2012-01-21 Catching stricter automake 1.11.2 rules 2011-12-23 Bug fix in decay cascade setup 2011-12-20 Bug fix in helicity selection rules 2011-12-16 Accuracy goal reimplemented 2011-12-14 WHIZARD compatible with TeXLive 2011 2011-12-09 Option --user-target added ################################################################## 2011-12-07 RELEASE: version 2.0.6 2011-12-07 Bug fixes in SM_top_anom Added missing entries to HepMC format 2011-12-06 Allow to pass options to O'Mega Bug fix for HEPEVT block for showered/hadronized events 2011-12-01 Reenabled user plug-in for external code for cuts, structure functions, routines etc. 2011-11-29 Changed model SM_Higgs for Higgs phenomenology 2011-11-25 Supporting a Y, (B-L) Z' model 2011-11-23 Make WHIZARD compatible for MAC OS X Lion/XCode 4 2011-09-25 WHIZARD paper published: Eur.Phys.J. C71 (2011) 1742 2011-08-16 Model SM_QCD: QCD with one EW insertion 2011-07-19 Explicit output channel for dvips avoids printing 2011-07-10 Test suite for WHIZARD unit tests 2011-07-01 Commands for matrix element tests More OpenMP parallelization of kinematics Added unit tests 2011-06-23 Conversion of CIRCE2 from F77 to F90, major clean-up 2011-06-14 Conversion of CIRCE1 from F77 to F90 2011-06-10 OpenMP parallelization of channel kinematics (by Matthias Trudewind) 2011-05-31 RELEASE: version 1.97 2011-05-24 Minor bug fixes: update grids and elsif statement. ################################################################## 2011-05-10 RELEASE: version 2.0.5 2011-05-09 Fixed bug in final state flavor sums Minor improvements on phase-space setup 2011-05-05 Minor bug fixes 2011-04-15 WHIZARD as a precompiled 64-bit binary available 2011-04-06 Wall clock instead of cpu time for time estimates 2011-04-05 Major improvement on the phase space setup 2011-04-02 OpenMP parallelization for helicity loop in O'Mega matrix elements 2011-03-31 Tools for relocating WHIZARD and use in batch environments 2011-03-29 Completely static builds possible, profiling options 2011-03-28 Visualization of integration history 2011-03-27 Fixed broken K-matrix implementation 2011-03-23 Including the GAMELAN manual in the distribution 2011-01-26 WHIZARD analysis can handle hadronized event files 2011-01-17 MSTW2008 and CT10 PDF sets included 2010-12-23 Inclusion of NMSSM with Hgg couplings 2010-12-21 Advanced options for integration passes 2010-11-16 WHIZARD supports CTEQ6 and possibly other PDFs directly; data files included in the distribution ################################################################## 2010-10-26 RELEASE: version 2.0.4 2010-10-06 Bug fix in MSSM implementation 2010-10-01 Update to libtool 2.4 2010-09-29 Support for anomalous top couplings (form factors etc.) Bug fix for running gauge Yukawa SUSY couplings 2010-09-28 RELEASE: version 1.96 2010-09-21 Beam remnants and pT spectra for lepton collider re-enabled Restructuring subevt class 2010-09-16 Shower and matching are disabled by default PYTHIA as a conditional on these two options 2010-09-14 Possibility to read in beam spectra re-enabled (e.g. Guinea Pig) 2010-09-13 Energy scan as (pseudo-) structure functions re-implemented 2010-09-10 CIRCE2 included again in WHIZARD 2 and validated 2010-09-02 Re-implementation of asymmetric beam energies and collision angles, e-p collisions work, inclusion of a HERA DIS test case ################################################################## 2010-10-18 RELEASE: version 2.0.3 2010-08-08 Bug in CP-violating anomalous triple TGCs fixed 2010-08-06 Solving backwards compatibility problem with O'Caml 3.12.0 2010-07-12 Conserved quantum numbers speed up O'Mega code generation 2010-07-07 Attaching full ISR/FSR parton shower and MPI/ISR module Added SM model containing Hgg, HAA, HAZ vertices 2010-07-02 Matching output available as LHEF and STDHEP 2010-06-30 Various bug fixes, missing files, typos 2010-06-26 CIRCE1 completely re-enabled Chaining structure functions supported 2010-06-25 Partial support for conserved quantum numbers in O'Mega 2010-06-21 Major upgrade of the graphics package: error bars, smarter SINDARIN steering, documentation, and all that... 2010-06-17 MLM matching with PYTHIA shower included 2010-06-16 Added full CIRCE1 and CIRCE2 versions including full documentation and miscellanea to the trunk 2010-06-12 User file management supported, improved variable and command structure 2010-05-24 Improved handling of variables in local command lists 2010-05-20 PYTHIA interface re-enabled 2010-05-19 ASCII file formats for interfacing ROOT and gnuplot in data analysis ################################################################## 2010-05-18 RELEASE: version 2.0.2 2010-05-14 Reimplementation of visualization of phase space channels Minor bug fixes 2010-05-12 Improved phase space - elimination of redundancies 2010-05-08 Interface for polarization completed: polarized beams etc. 2010-05-06 Full quantum numbers appear in process log Integration results are usable as user variables Communication with external programs 2010-05-05 Split module commands into commands, integration, simulation modules 2010-05-04 FSR+ISR for the first time connected to the WHIZARD 2 core ################################################################## 2010-04-25 RELEASE: version 2.0.1 2010-04-23 Automatic compile and integrate if simulate is called Minor bug fixes in O'Mega 2010-04-21 Checkpointing for event generation Flush statements to use WHIZARD inside a pipe 2010-04-20 Reimplementation of signal handling in WGIZARD 2.0 2010-04-19 VAMP is now a separately configurable and installable unit of WHIZARD, included VAMP self-checks Support again compilation in quadruple precision 2010-04-06 Allow for logarithmic plots in GAMELAN, reimplement the possibility to set the number of bins 2010-04-15 Improvement on time estimates for event generation ################################################################## 2010-04-12 RELEASE: version 2.0.0 2010-04-09 Per default, the code for the amplitudes is subdivided to allow faster compiler optimization More advanced and unified and straightforward command language syntax Final bug fixes 2010-04-07 Improvement on SINDARIN syntax; printf, sprintf function thorugh a C interface 2010-04-05 Colorizing DAGs instead of model vertices: speed boost in colored code generation 2010-03-31 Generalized options for normalization of weighted and unweighted events Grid and weight histories added again to log files Weights can be used in analyses 2010-03-28 Cascade decays completely implemented including color and spin correlations 2010-03-07 Added new WHIZARD header with logo 2010-03-05 Removed conflict in O'Mega amplitudes between flavour sums and cascades StdHEP interface re-implemented 2010-03-03 RELEASE: version 2.0.0rc3 Several bug fixes for preventing abuse in input files OpenMP support for amplitudes Reimplementation of WHIZARD 1 HEPEVT ASCII event formats FeynRules interface successfully passed MSSM test 2010-02-26 Eliminating ghost gluons from multi-gluon amplitudes 2010-02-25 RELEASE: version 1.95 HEPEVT format from WHIZARD 1 re-implemented in WHIZARD 2 2010-02-23 Running alpha_s implemented in the FeynRules interface 2010-02-19 MSSM (semi-) automatized self-tests finalized 2010-02-17 RELEASE: version 1.94 2010-02-16 Closed memory corruption in WHIZARD 1 Fixed problems of old MadGraph and CompHep drivers with modern compilers Uncolored vertex selection rules for colored amplitudes in O'Mega 2010-02-15 Infrastructure for color correlation computation in O'Mega finished Forbidden processes are warned about, but treated as non-fatal 2010-02-14 Color correlation computation in O'Mega finalized 2010-02-10 Improving phase space mappings for identical particles in initial and final states Introduction of more extended multi-line error message 2010-02-08 First O'Caml code for computation of color correlations in O'Mega 2010-02-07 First MLM matching with e+ e- -> jets ################################################################## 2010-02-06 RELEASE: version 2.0.0rc2 2010-02-05 Reconsidered the Makefile structure and more extended tests Catch a crash between WHIZARD and O'Mega for forbidden processes Tensor products of arbitrary color structures in jet definitions 2010-02-04 Color correlation computation in O'Mega finalized ################################################################## 2010-02-03 RELEASE: version 2.0.0rc1 ################################################################## 2010-01-31 Reimplemented numerical helicity selection rules Phase space functionality of version 1 restored and improved 2009-12-05 NMSSM validated with FeynRules in WHIZARD 1 (Felix Braam) 2009-12-04 RELEASE: version 2.0.0alpha ################################################################## 2009-04-16 RELEASE: version 1.93 2009-04-15 Clean-up of Makefiles and configure scripts Reconfiguration of BSM model implementation extended supersymmetric models 2008-12-23 New model NMSSM (Felix Braam) SLHA2 added Bug in LHAPDF interface fixed 2008-08-16 Bug fixed in K matrix implementation Gravitino option in the MSSM added 2008-03-20 Improved color and flavor sums ################################################################## 2008-03-12 RELEASE: version 1.92 LHEF (Les Houches Event File) format added Fortran 2003 command-line interface (if supported by the compiler) Automated interface to colored models More bug fixes and workarounds for compiler compatibility ################################################################## 2008-03-06 RELEASE: version 1.91 New model K-matrix (resonances and anom. couplings in WW scattering) EWA spectrum Energy-scan pseudo spectrum Preliminary parton shower module (only from final-state quarks) Cleanup and improvements of configure process Improvements for O'Mega parameter files Quadruple precision works again More plotting options: lines, symbols, errors Documentation with PDF bookmarks enabled Various bug fixes 2007-11-29 New model UED ################################################################## 2007-11-23 RELEASE: version 1.90 O'Mega now part of the WHIZARD tree Madgraph/CompHEP disabled by default (but still usable) Support for LHAPDF (preliminary) Added new models: SMZprime, SM_km, Template Improved compiler recognition and compatibility Minor bug fixes ################################################################## 2006-06-15 RELEASE: version 1.51 Support for anomaly-type Higgs couplings (to gluon and photon/Z) Support for spin 3/2 and spin 2 New models: Little Higgs (4 versions), toy models for extra dimensions and gravitinos Fixes to the whizard.nw source documentation to run through LaTeX Intel 9.0 bug workaround (deallocation of some arrays) 2006-05-15 O'Mega RELEASE: version 0.11 merged JRR's O'Mega extensions ################################################################## 2006-02-07 RELEASE: version 1.50 To avoid confusion: Mention outdated manual example in BUGS file O'Mega becomes part of the WHIZARD generator 2006-02-02 [bug fix update] Bug fix: spurious error when writing event files for weighted events Bug fix: 'r' option for omega produced garbage for some particle names Workaround for ifort90 bug (crash when compiling whizard_event) Workaround for ifort90 bug (crash when compiling hepevt_common) 2006-01-27 Added process definition files for MSSM 2->2 processes Included beam recoil for EPA (T.Barklow) Updated STDHEP byte counts (for STDHEP 5.04.02) Fixed STDHEP compatibility (avoid linking of incomplete .so libs) Fixed issue with comphep requiring Xlibs on Opteron Fixed issue with ifort 8.x on Opteron (compiling 'signal' interface) Fixed color-flow code: was broken for omega with option 'c' and 'w' Workaround hacks for g95 compatibility 2005-11-07 O'Mega RELEASE: version 0.10 O'Mega, merged JRR's and WK's color hack for WHiZard O'Mega, EXPERIMENTAL: cache fusion tables (required for colors a la JRR/WK) O'Mega, make JRR's MSSM official ################################################################## 2005-10-25 RELEASE: version 1.43 Minor fixes in MSSM couplings (Higgs/3rd gen squarks). This should be final, since the MSSM results agree now completely with Madgraph and Sherpa User-defined lower and upper limits for split event file count Allow for counters (events, bytes) exceeding $2^{31}$ Revised checksum treatment and implementation (now MD5) Bug fix: missing process energy scale in raw event file ################################################################## 2005-09-30 RELEASE: version 1.42 Graphical display of integration history ('make history') Allow for switching off signals even if supported (configure option) 2005-09-29 Revised phase space generation code, in particular for flavor sums Negative cut and histogram codes use initial beams instead of initial parton momenta. This allows for computing, e.g., E_miss Support constant-width and zero-width options for O'Mega Width options now denoted by w:X (X=f,c,z). f option obsolescent Bug fix: colorized code: flipped indices could screw up result Bug fix: O'Mega with 'c' and 'w:f' option together (still some problem) Bug fix: dvips on systems where dvips defaults to lpr Bug fix: integer overflow if too many events are requested 2005-07-29 Allow for 2 -> 1 processes (if structure functions are on) 2005-07-26 Fixed and expanded the 'test' matrix element: Unit matrix element with option 'u' / default: normalized phase space ################################################################## 2005-07-15 RELEASE: version 1.41 Bug fix: no result for particle decay processes with width=0 Bug fix: line breaks in O'Mega files with color decomposition 2005-06-02 New self-tests (make test-QED / test-QCD / test-SM) check lists of 2->2 processes Bug fix: HELAS calling convention for wwwwxx and jwwwxx (4W-Vertex) 2005-05-25 Revised Makefile structure Eliminated obsolete references to ISAJET/SUSY (superseded by SLHA) 2005-05-19 Support for color in O'Mega (using color flow decomposition) New model QCD Parameter file changes that correspond to replaced SM module in O'Mega Bug fixes in MSSM (O'Mega) parameter file 2005-05-18 New event file formats, useful for LHC applications: ATHENA and Les Houches Accord (external fragmentation) Naive (i.e., leading 1/N) color factor now implemented both for incoming and outgoing partons 2005-01-26 include missing HELAS files for bundle pgf90 compatibility issues [note: still internal error in pgf90] ################################################################## 2004-12-13 RELEASE: version 1.40 compatibility fix: preprocessor marks in helas code now commented out minor bug fix: format string in madgraph source 2004-12-03 support for arbitray beam energies and directions allow for pT kick in structure functions bug fix: rounding error could result in zero cross section (compiler-dependent) 2004-10-07 simulate decay processes list fraction (of total width/cross section) instead of efficiency in process summary new cut/analysis parameters AA, AAD, CTA: absolute polar angle 2004-10-04 Replaced Madgraph I by Madgraph II. Main improvement: model no longer hardcoded introduced parameter reset_seed_each_process (useful for debugging) bug fix: color initialization for some processes was undefined 2004-09-21 don't compile unix_args module if it is not required ################################################################## 2004-09-20 RELEASE: version 1.30 g95 compatibility issues resolved some (irrelevant) memory leaks closed removed obsolete warning in circe1 manual update (essentially) finished 2004-08-03 O'Mega RELEASE: version 0.9 O'Mega, src/trie.mli, src/ make interface compatible with the O'Caml 3.08 library (remains compatible with older versions). Implementation of unused functions still incomplete. 2004-07-26 minor fixes and improvements in make process 2004-06-29 workarounds for new Intel compiler bugs ... no rebuild of madgraph/comphep executables after 'make clean' bug fix in phase space routine: wrong energy for massive initial particles bug fix in (new) model interface: name checks for antiparticles pre-run checks for comphep improved ww-strong model file extended Model files particle name fixes, chep SM vertices included 2004-06-22 O'Mega RELEASE: version 0.8 O'Mega MSSM: sign of W+/W-/A and W+/W-/Z couplings 2004-05-05 Fixed bug in PDFLIB interface: p+pbar was initialized as p+p (ThO) NAG compiler: set number of continuation lines to 200 as default Extended format for cross section summary; appears now in whizard.out Fixed 'bundle' feature 2004-04-28 Fixed compatibility with revised O'Mega SM_ac model Fixed problem with x=0 or x=1 when calling PDFLIB (ThO) Fixed bug in comphep module: Vtb was overlooked ################################################################## 2004-04-15 RELEASE: version 1.28 Fixed bug: Color factor was missing for O'Mega processes with four quarks and more Manual partially updated 2004-04-08 Support for grid files in binary format New default value show_histories=F (reduce output file size) Revised phase space switches: removed annihilation_lines, removed s_channel_resonance, changed meaning of extra_off_shell_lines, added show_deleted_channels Bug fixed which lead to omission of some phase space channels Color flow guessed only if requested by guess_color_flow 2004-03-10 New model interface: Only one model name specified in whizard.prc All model-dependent files reside in conf/models (modellib removed) 2004-03-03 Support for input/output in SUSY Les Houches Accord format Split event files if requested Support for overall time limit Support for CIRCE and CIRCE2 generator mode Support for reading beam events from file 2004-02-05 Fixed compiler problems with Intel Fortran 7.1 and 8.0 Support for catching signals ################################################################## 2003-08-06 RELEASE: version 1.27 User-defined PDF libraries as an alternative to the standard PDFLIB 2003-07-23 Revised phase space module: improved mappings for massless particles, equivalences of phase space channels are exploited Improved mapping for PDF (hadron colliders) Madgraph module: increased max number of color flows from 250 to 1000 ################################################################## 2003-06-23 RELEASE: version 1.26 CIRCE2 support Fixed problem with 'TC' integer kind [Intel compiler complained] 2003-05-28 Support for drawing histograms of grids Bug fixes for MSSM definitions ################################################################## 2003-05-22 RELEASE: version 1.25 Experimental MSSM support with ISAJET interface Improved capabilities of generating/analyzing weighted events Optional drawing phase space diagrams using FeynMF ################################################################## 2003-01-31 RELEASE: version 1.24 A few more fixes and workarounds (Intel and Lahey compiler) 2003-01-15 Fixes and workarounds needed for WHIZARD to run with Intel compiler Command-line option interface for the Lahey compiler Bug fix: problem with reading whizard.phs ################################################################## 2002-12-10 RELEASE: version 1.23 Command-line options (on some systems) Allow for initial particles in the event record, ordered: [beams, initials] - [remnants] - outgoing partons Support for PYTHIA 6.2: Les Houches external process interface String pythia_parameters can be up to 1000 characters long Select color flow states in (internal) analysis Bug fix in color flow content of raw event files Support for transversal polarization of fermion beams Cut codes: PHI now for absolute azimuthal angle, DPHI for distance 'Test' matrix elements optionally respect polarization User-defined code can be inserted for spectra, structure functions and fragmentation Time limits can be specified for adaptation and simulation User-defined file names and file directory Initial weights in input file no longer supported Bug fix in MadGraph (wave function counter could overflow) Bug fix: Gamelan (graphical analysis) was not built if noweb absent ################################################################## 2002-03-16 RELEASE: version 1.22 Allow for beam remnants in the event record 2002-03-01 Handling of aliases in whizard.prc fixed (aliases are whole tokens) 2002-02-28 Optimized phase space handling routines (total execution time reduced by 20-60%, depending on process) ################################################################## 2002-02-26 RELEASE: version 1.21 Fixed ISR formula (ISR was underestimated in previous versions). New version includes ISR in leading-log approximation up to third order. Parameter ISR_sqrts renamed to ISR_scale. ################################################################## 2002-02-19 RELEASE: version 1.20 New process-generating method 'test' (dummy matrix element) Compatibility with autoconf 2.50 and current O'Mega version 2002-02-05 Prevent integration channels from being dropped (optionally) New internal mapping for structure functions improves performance Old whizard.phx file deleted after recompiling (could cause trouble) 2002-01-24 Support for user-defined cuts and matrix element reweighting STDHEP output now written by write_events_format=20 (was 3) 2002-01-16 Improved structure function handling; small changes in user interface: new parameter structured_beams in &process_input parameter fixed_energy in &beam_input removed Support for multiple initial states Eta-phi (cone) cut possible (hadron collider applications) Fixed bug: Whizard library was not always recompiled when necessary Fixed bug: Default cuts were insufficient in some cases Fixed bug: Unusable phase space mappings generated in some cases 2001-12-06 Reorganized document source 2001-12-05 Preliminary CIRCE2 support (no functionality yet) 2001-11-27 Intel compiler support (does not yet work because of compiler bugs) New cut and analysis mode cos-theta* and related Fixed circular jetset_interface dependency warning Some broadcast routines removed (parallel support disabled anyway) Minor shifts in cleanup targets (Makefiles) Modified library search, check for pdflib8* 2001-08-06 Fixed bug: I/O unit number could be undefined when reading phase space Fixed bug: Unitialized variable could cause segfault when event generation was disabled Fixed bug: Undefined subroutine in CIRCE replacement module Enabled feature: TGCs in O'Mega (not yet CompHEP!) matrix elements (CompHEP model sm-GF #5, O'Mega model SM_ac) Fixed portability issue: Makefile did rely on PWD environment variable Fixed portability issue: PYTHIA library search ambiguity resolved 2001-08-01 Default whizard.prc and depend on activated modules Fixed bug: TEX=latex was not properly enabled when making plots 2001-07-20 Fixed output settings in PERL script calls Cache enabled in various configure checks 2001-07-13 Support for multiple processes in a single WHIZARD run. The integrations are kept separate, but the generated events are mixed The whizard.evx format has changed (incompatible), including now the color flow information for PYTHIA fragmentation Output files are now process-specific, except for the event file Phase space file whizard.phs (if present) is used only as input, program-generated phase space is now in whizard.phx 2001-07-10 Bug fix: Undefined parameters in parameters_SM_ac.f90 removed 2001-07-04 Bug fix: Compiler options for the case OMEGA is disabled Small inconsistencies in whizard.out format fixed 2001-07-01 Workaround for missing PDFLIB dummy routines in PYTHIA library ################################################################## 2001-06-30 RELEASE: version 1.13 Default path /cern/pro/lib in configure script 2001-06-20 New fragmentation option: Interface for PYTHIA with full color flow information, beam remnants etc. 2001-06-18 Severe bug fixed in madgraph interface: 3-gluon coupling was missing Enabled color flow information in madgraph 2001-06-11 VAMP interface module rewritten Revised output format: Multiple VAMP iterations count as one WHIZARD iteration in integration passes 1 and 3 Improved message and error handling Bug fix in VAMP: handle exceptional cases in rebinning_weights 2001-05-31 new parameters for grid adaptation: accuracy_goal and efficiency_goal ################################################################## 2001-05-29 RELEASE: version 1.12 bug fixes (compilation problems): deleted/modified unused functions 2001-05-16 diagram selection improved and documented 2001-05-06 allow for disabling packages during configuration 2001-05-03 slight changes in whizard.out format; manual extended ################################################################## 2001-04-20 RELEASE: version 1.11 fixed some configuration and compilation problems (PDFLIB etc.) 2001-04-18 linked PDFLIB: support for quark/gluon structure functions 2001-04-05 parameter interface written by PERL script SM_ac model file: fixed error in continuation line 2001-03-13 O'Mega, O'Caml 3.01: incompatible changes O'Mega, src/trie.mli: add covariance annotation to T.t This breaks O'Caml 3.00, but is required for O'Caml 3.01. O'Mega, many instances: replace `sig include Module.T end' by `Module.T', since the bug is fixed in O'Caml 3.01 2001-02-28 O'Mega, src/model.mli: new field Model.vertices required for model functors, will retire Model.fuse2, Model.fuse3, Model.fusen soon. ################################################################## 2001-03-27 RELEASE: version 1.10 reorganized the modules as libraries linked PYTHIA: support for parton fragmentation 2000-12-14 fixed some configuration problems (if noweb etc. are absent) ################################################################## 2000-12-01 RELEASE of first public version: version 1.00beta