whizard is hosted by Hepforge, IPPP Durham

Opened 14 years ago

Closed 14 years ago

#389 closed defect (fixed)

Phase space efficiency, precision and speed ticket

Reported by: Juergen Reuter Owned by: kilian
Priority: P1 Milestone: v2.0.5
Component: core Version: 2.0.4
Severity: critical Keywords: wrong integration

Description (last modified by Juergen Reuter)

The setup for VBF does not integrate with the same result as in WHIZARD 1, Helac or Sherpa. The process is e1, E1 => e1, E1, u, U, d, D, the result from WHIZARD 1 is 0.6521(55) fb. The WHIZARD 2 result however is 0.866(35) fb where the integration is stuck and does not improve at all:

| Initializating integration for process xxxxx:
| Phase space file 'xxxxx.phs' not found.
| Generating phase space configuration ...
| ... done.
| ... found 795 phase space channels, collected in 55 groves.
| Phase space: found 1051 equivalences between channels.
| Wrote phase-space configuration file 'xxxxx.phs'.
| iterations = 5:100000, 25:200000
| Applying user-defined cuts.
| Creating VAMP integration grids:
| Using phase-space channel equivalences.
| 100000 calls, 795 channels, 14 dimensions, 12 bins, stratified = T
| Integrating process 'arsch':
| It      Calls  Integral[fb]  Error[fb]   Err[%]    Acc  Eff[%]   Chi2 N[It] |
   1     100000  5.7038854E-01  9.58E-02   16.80   53.13*   1.21
   2     100000  5.4088309E-01  5.46E-02   10.09   31.90*   0.78
   3     100000  6.9953138E-01  6.56E-02    9.38   29.66*   0.24
   4     100000  9.0424999E-01  1.75E-01   19.33   61.12    0.17
^[[1;5C   5     100000  8.3137084E-01  1.26E-01   15.17   47.97*   0.05
   5     500000  6.3176528E-01  3.60E-02    5.69   40.26    0.05    2.30   5
   6     200000  8.3751280E-01  1.54E-01   18.34   82.00    0.02
   7     200000  8.7231558E-01  1.45E-01   16.60   74.25*   0.02
   8     200000  8.2172036E-01  4.00E-02    4.87   21.78*   0.01
   9     200000  8.4897070E-01  3.68E-02    4.33   19.36*   0.01
  10     200000  8.6302096E-01  3.54E-02    4.10   18.32*   0.01
  11     200000  8.6603706E-01  3.53E-02    4.08   18.23*   0.02
  12     200000  8.6603852E-01  3.53E-02    4.08   18.23*   0.03
  13     200000  8.6604215E-01  3.53E-02    4.08   18.23*   0.02
  14     200000  8.6608253E-01  3.53E-02    4.08   18.23*   0.00
  15     200000  8.6612555E-01  3.53E-02    4.08   18.23*   0.01
  16     200000  8.6612643E-01  3.53E-02    4.08   18.23*   0.04
  17     200000  8.6612643E-01  3.53E-02    4.08   18.23*   0.02
  18     200000  8.6612645E-01  3.53E-02    4.08   18.23*    NaN
  19     200000  8.6612647E-01  3.53E-02    4.08   18.23*    NaN

I attach the corresponding SINDARIN input file as well as the WHIZARD 1 input and output files.

Attachments (17)

whizard.eeeeuudd.out (27.3 KB) - added by Juergen Reuter 14 years ago.
W1 output
whizard.prc (703 bytes) - added by Juergen Reuter 14 years ago.
Process definition
whizard.cut1 (782 bytes) - added by Juergen Reuter 14 years ago.
WHIZARD 1 cut file
whizard.in (472 bytes) - added by Juergen Reuter 14 years ago.
WHIZARD 1 input file
sm_ext.sin (1.5 KB) - added by Juergen Reuter 14 years ago.
run01.long.log.gz (192.9 KB) - added by Juergen Reuter 14 years ago.
complete output file
run10.long.log.gz (487 bytes) - added by Juergen Reuter 14 years ago.
complete output file run 10
run10.long.log (9.0 KB) - added by Juergen Reuter 14 years ago.
Run 10
run09.long.log (9.0 KB) - added by Juergen Reuter 14 years ago.
Run 09
run08.long.log (9.0 KB) - added by Juergen Reuter 14 years ago.
Run 08
run07.long.log (9.0 KB) - added by Juergen Reuter 14 years ago.
Run 07
run06.long.log (9.0 KB) - added by Juergen Reuter 14 years ago.
Run 06
run05.long.log (8.9 KB) - added by Juergen Reuter 14 years ago.
Run 05
run04.long.log (9.0 KB) - added by Juergen Reuter 14 years ago.
Run 04
run03.long.log (9.0 KB) - added by Juergen Reuter 14 years ago.
Run 03
run02.long.log (9.0 KB) - added by Juergen Reuter 14 years ago.
Run 02
run01.long.log (8.9 KB) - added by Juergen Reuter 14 years ago.
Run 01

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (32)

Changed 14 years ago by Juergen Reuter

Attachment: whizard.eeeeuudd.out added

W1 output

Changed 14 years ago by Juergen Reuter

Attachment: whizard.prc added

Process definition

Changed 14 years ago by Juergen Reuter

Attachment: whizard.cut1 added

WHIZARD 1 cut file

Changed 14 years ago by Juergen Reuter

Attachment: whizard.in added

WHIZARD 1 input file

Changed 14 years ago by Juergen Reuter

Attachment: sm_ext.sin added


comment:1 Changed 14 years ago by Juergen Reuter

It looks like that this is indeed a wrong cut set-up, I did an angle cut between jet-jet which should not be there, and forgot the angle cut between lepton-lepton. Now it looks much better.

comment:2 Changed 14 years ago by Juergen Reuter

There are loads of numbers completely off. Either the phase space setup of WHIZARD 2 is BY FAR too sensitive to small fluctuations from different channels or there are some problems with the cuts not properly transported from one process to the other or there are still some problems lingering around with collinear singularities. It seems that problems are inherent always then if there are electrons in the final state for electron-positron initial state. I'm stymied.

comment:3 Changed 14 years ago by Juergen Reuter

The very problem seems to be the population of channels. It seems that according whether WHIZARD hits or misses a channel the outcome of the result is more or less arbitrary. So in principle for a 2->6 process we should always at least demand 15 iterations or even more (???).

comment:4 Changed 14 years ago by Juergen Reuter

Started test runs for the same process ten times. It really looks like the result is more or less arbitrary. Waiting for the final results.

comment:5 Changed 14 years ago by Juergen Reuter

Description: modified (diff)

comment:6 Changed 14 years ago by Juergen Reuter

Description: modified (diff)

comment:7 Changed 14 years ago by Juergen Reuter

I ran the process e1, E1 => e1, E1, u, U, d, D on 10 different cores. Here, I do post the results, the SINDARIN input file and the corresponding output file with the vamp history. (I do post one complete file in order for you to get all the info.)

Changed 14 years ago by Juergen Reuter

Attachment: run01.long.log.gz added

complete output file

comment:8 Changed 14 years ago by Juergen Reuter

I also attach the complete log file for run 10 as this run is deviating a lot.

Changed 14 years ago by Juergen Reuter

Attachment: run10.long.log.gz added

complete output file run 10

Changed 14 years ago by Juergen Reuter

Attachment: run10.long.log added

Run 10

Changed 14 years ago by Juergen Reuter

Attachment: run09.long.log added

Run 09

Changed 14 years ago by Juergen Reuter

Attachment: run08.long.log added

Run 08

Changed 14 years ago by Juergen Reuter

Attachment: run07.long.log added

Run 07

Changed 14 years ago by Juergen Reuter

Attachment: run06.long.log added

Run 06

Changed 14 years ago by Juergen Reuter

Attachment: run05.long.log added

Run 05

Changed 14 years ago by Juergen Reuter

Attachment: run04.long.log added

Run 04

Changed 14 years ago by Juergen Reuter

Attachment: run03.long.log added

Run 03

Changed 14 years ago by Juergen Reuter

Attachment: run02.long.log added

Run 02

Changed 14 years ago by Juergen Reuter

Attachment: run01.long.log added

Run 01

comment:9 Changed 14 years ago by Juergen Reuter

When you look into the run files, then the dominating channels/groves are the following: 38, 51, sometimes 54 (multi-peripheral with two t-channel props.), 21 with one t-channel electron or neutrino prop., sometimes 16 (Higgsstrahlung with H -> WW -> jjjj). Very rarely the groves 46,47 (VBF -> Higgs -> WW -> jjjj and VBF -> Higgs -> ZZ -> jjjj) are populated. Would a larger weight on this channel yield the Sherpa/Helac? results? Will test when switching off the Higgs exchange.

comment:10 Changed 14 years ago by Juergen Reuter

Summary: WHIZARD 2 fails to integrate VBF channels correctlyPhase space efficiency, precision and speed ticket

As a prime example to test the speed issue for the generation of the phase space as well as the generation of the adaption and phase space integration, take the following process:

model = NMSSM_Hgg  
alias tau_b = e3:E3:b:B 
alias proton = u:d:s:c:U:D:S:C:g  
alias fjet = proton:tau_b

# 4 taus + XX
# process uu_2x_4t_nmssm  = u:U,u:U => fjet, fjet, e3, E3, e3, E3
# process dd_2x_4t_nmssm  = d:D,d:D => fjet, fjet, e3, E3, e3, E3
# process cc_2x_4t_nmssm  = c:C,c:C => fjet, fjet, e3, E3, e3, E3
# process ss_2x_4t_nmssm  = s:S,s:S => fjet, fjet, e3, E3, e3, E3
# process gg_2x_4t_nmssm  = g,g => fjet, fjet, e3, E3, e3, E3
process pp_4t = proton, proton => fjet, fjet, e3, E3, e3, E3
process pp_4b = proton, proton => fjet, fjet, b, B, b, B
process pp_2t2b = proton, proton => fjet, fjet, e3, E3, b, B


?slha_read_decays = true

cuts = all Pt >= 10 GeV [fjet]
       and all -5 <= Eta <= 5 [fjet]
       and all Dist > 0.4 [fjet,fjet]

sqrts = 14 TeV 
beams = p,p => lhapdf 

# integrate (uu_2x_4t_nmssm,dd_2x_4t_nmssm,cc_2x_4t_nmssm,ss_2x_4t_nmssm,gg_2x_4t_nmssm) { iterations = 5:352080,5:600000 }
integrate (pp_4t,pp_4b,pp_2t2b) { iterations = 5:50000,15:100000 }

# simulate (uu_2x_4t_nmssm,dd_2x_4t_nmssm,cc_2x_4t_nmssm,ss_2x_4t_nmssm,gg_2x_4t_nmssm) { luminosity = 100 }
simulate (pp_4t,pp_4b,pp_2t2b) { luminosity = 100 }

Code generation takes 1-2 hours, compilation is negligible, while the generation of the phase space files takes oder 12 hours, and integration is really horribly slow.

comment:11 Changed 14 years ago by kilian

Status: newassigned

Investigating this, finally.

Something's definitely fishy. Look at the first channel in the generate phs file. It looks like

 ! Channel #            1
   tree     3   12   15   48   63
   map   3 s_channel      23 ! Z
   map  12 s_channel      23 ! Z
   map  15 s_channel      25 ! H
   map  48 s_channel      23 ! Z
   map  63 s_channel      23 ! Z

This is kinematically impossible, they can't all be resonant simultaneously. I'll check this first.

comment:12 Changed 14 years ago by kilian

The problem with the first process ee -> ee udUD is solved.

With a tiny modification in the phase-space code that eliminates the impossible resonances, and with the following parameters

   phs_off_shell = 2
   phs_t_channel = 3

I get a stable and reliable result (15x100k + 5x100k):

  20     500000  6.8627427E-01  4.42E-03    0.64    4.55    1.07    0.02   5

The efficiency is above 1%, which is quite good. Stability and efficiency are better than with W1. BTW, the central value 0.6863(44) is also slightly higher and thus in line with PHEGAS and SHERPA.

comment:13 Changed 14 years ago by Juergen Reuter

An NMSSM process I tried ended with a core dump, possibly because of too much memory. Here is the corresponding SINDARIN file:

model = NMSSM_Hgg
alias tau_b = e3:E3:b:B
alias proton = u:d:s:c:U:D:S:C:g
alias fjet = proton:tau_b
process pp_4t = proton, proton => fjet, fjet, e3, E3, e3, E3
process pp_4b = proton, proton => fjet, fjet, b, B, b, B
process pp_2t2b = proton, proton => fjet, fjet, e3, E3, b, B
?slha_read_decays = true
cuts = all Pt >= 10 GeV [fjet]
       and all -5 <= Eta <= 5 [fjet]
       and all Dist > 0.4 [fjet,fjet]
sqrts = 14 TeV
beams = p,p => lhapdf
{ iterations = 5:352080,5:600000 }
integrate (pp_4t,pp_4b,pp_2t2b) { iterations = 5:50000,15:100000 }

This should be monitored.

comment:14 Changed 14 years ago by kilian

Some more comments about the process ee -> ee udUD (all with the modified phs code as mentioned above):

First, important subprocesses are Higgs-strahlung, ZZ->H, Ae -> WWe, and AA -> WW.

After several test runs, there is a systematic pattern:

  • If I leave phs_off_shell as default (=1), I get a typical result 0.653(2).
  • If I set phs_off_shell=2, I get typically 0.677(3) or more (see above: 0.686(4)).
  • Modifying phase space manually, i.e., adding important offshell=2 channels, I can get intermediate results.

I consistently use t-channel=3 now, because of the AA -> WW subprocess.

The lower result appears to be wrong (compare HELAC, Sherpa) but is stable. The error estimate apparently doesn't recognize the missing channels and corresponding contributions.

The obvious solution is to have off=2 by default, at least for processes like this. Disadvantage is: More channels require more statistics to begin with, so low-statistic runs (which make sense for more favorable processes) may be less stable.

I have still to find some heuristics to determine when off=2 is useful and when not. Maybe for 2->6 and more as default?

comment:15 Changed 14 years ago by kilian

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

Finally decided to set the defaults to phs_off_shell=2 (see above) and threshold_calls=10 (no channels are dropped during adaptation) in r3220. This appears to cover the most complicated cases, at the expense of some efficiency loss for simple cases.

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