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Opened 15 years ago

Closed 14 years ago

Last modified 8 years ago

#250 closed defect (worksforme)

Understand physics of doubly factorized decay processes

Reported by: dwiesler Owned by: dwiesler
Priority: P1 Milestone: v42-backlog
Component: core Version: 2.0.0rc3
Severity: normal Keywords: decay


Looking at e.g. zz.evt of the testfile decays.sin shows, that the momenta of the decayed particles are still given in the restframe of the mother particle. A simple boost back to the lab/cm frame should do the trick.

I hacked a workaround into particles.f90 for writing event files for my own analysis, but this should somehow be repaired more internally.

Attachments (12)

particles.f90 (42.8 KB) - added by dwiesler 15 years ago.
additional subroutine for boosting decay momenta
casc_dec.sin (1.0 KB) - added by dwiesler 15 years ago.
sample file for cascade decays which should show spin correlation effects
inv_mass_1.png (42.8 KB) - added by dwiesler 15 years ago.
missing spincorrelation example
inv_mass_2.png (43.3 KB) - added by dwiesler 15 years ago.
casc_res.sin (679 bytes) - added by dwiesler 15 years ago.
sample file w/ full matrixelement includign spin correlation effects…
casc_dec_mod.sin (2.4 KB) - added by kilian 15 years ago.
Modified script for observing spin correlations in squark decays
casc_dec.pdf (26.0 KB) - added by kilian 15 years ago.
Plots showing spin correlations in squark decay
casc_dec_top.sin (1.5 KB) - added by dwiesler 15 years ago.
sindarin file w/ strange top decay behaviour, see also the pdf
casct2_dec.pdf (28.1 KB) - added by dwiesler 15 years ago.
strange behaviour of angular distribution w/ two factorized decays
casct2p_dec.pdf (25.2 KB) - added by dwiesler 15 years ago.
2x2 body to 1x3body comparison, correctly reproducing R-paper results
casct2l_dec.pdf (28.7 KB) - added by dwiesler 15 years ago.
same as above, w/ comparison to full 6body ME result corresponding to Fig11b
topdec.pdf (26.9 KB) - added by dwiesler 14 years ago.
top decaying w/ no visible difference between one and two factorizations

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (37)

comment:1 Changed 15 years ago by Juergen Reuter

The problem is that the Lorentz transformation with the boost is not applied. This should obviously be done in decay_generate in decays.f90.

comment:2 Changed 15 years ago by dwiesler

Current status: I wrote a small subroutine (particle_boost_decay_momenta), which boosts the daughters of the resonant decay particle and is called in particle_set_init_interaction, after the rest of the momenta are set.

WK/JR: maybe you have a look in the attached particles.f90 and decide wether this solution is sufficient.

comment:3 Changed 15 years ago by Juergen Reuter

I just add a point which is related to the fact that information is not properly propagated through the decay chain here: As sub-process ID in the LHEF file there always appears the ID of the last decay process, which should be the one of the mother process, so for ID 1: e+ e- -> Z Z , ID 2 Z -> e+ e-, ID3 Z -> uubar from the decay.sin, process ID 3 appears in the LHEF file, while ID 1 should appear. Could be fixed on the same footing, probably.

comment:4 Changed 15 years ago by dwiesler

Summary: Decay module gives incorrect particle momentaDecay module not fully operational

I found several other issues and thus renamed the ticket. Here's a short list of the defects/shortcomings:

1) Momenta of decayed products need to be boosted (solved in the attached particles.f90)

2) Process ID in the LHEFiles gets messed up due to the fact, that it's given by process_store_index, which is incorrect in case of several active 1->2 decay processes (JR mentioned that)

3) Depending on the number of decays in an event, whizard seems to get lost in an endless loop just while writing events to the desired file (after the output '...corresponds to Lumi...'). I will try to give a concrete example i.e. a sindarin file asap.

4) Investigating a fermionic Leptoquarkino decay cascade I found, that the masses set in the upper part of the sindarin file are ignored and the default values from the .mdl files are used, when using the decay module. Removing the boost (my solution of 1) ) revealed a violation of energy conservation in the LHEFiles which led to this assumption.

comment:5 in reply to:  4 ; Changed 15 years ago by dwiesler

Replying to dwiesler:

4) Investigating a fermionic Leptoquarkino decay cascade I found, that the masses set in the upper part of the sindarin file are ignored and the default values from the .mdl files are used, when using the decay module. Removing the boost (my solution of 1) ) revealed a violation of energy conservation in the LHEFiles which led to this assumption.

Forgot: it only seems to effect the event generation, integration for the corresponding 2->2 process correctly uses the defined values.

Changed 15 years ago by dwiesler

Attachment: particles.f90 added

additional subroutine for boosting decay momenta

comment:6 in reply to:  5 Changed 15 years ago by dwiesler

Replying to dwiesler:

Replying to dwiesler:

4) Investigating a fermionic Leptoquarkino decay cascade I found, that the masses set in the upper part of the sindarin file are ignored and the default values from the .mdl files are used, when using the decay module. Removing the boost (my solution of 1) ) revealed a violation of energy conservation in the LHEFiles which led to this assumption.

Forgot: it only seems to effect the event generation, integration for the corresponding 2->2 process correctly uses the defined values.

Ok, found out that it DOES matter, where additional parameters are defined. Calling the integration of the decay process after the definition of the former is mandatory, solving point 4).

Nevertheless, another one:

5) When using the decay module together with an analysis (e.g. histogram), the content of the histogram is only filled, after a second run of whizard is started, where it reads events out of the raw file whizard.evx. In the first run, the histogram simply stays empty with no entries. This is probably linked with the endless loop of 3).

comment:7 Changed 15 years ago by dwiesler

And yet another one:

6) Spin correlation not working in the decay module: I tried setting the keep_correlations logical to .true. and also tried the several factorization modes for the helicities in the simulate call in commands.f90, but none of these seems to have an effect in reproducing effects of spin correlation as the full matrix element does. I assume this is not finished yet?

comment:8 Changed 15 years ago by kilian

Status: newassigned

The error that caused (1) was much more trivial, a flag that was not copied together with the process object. Fixed this in r2075. Have to check the other items ...

Changed 15 years ago by dwiesler

Attachment: casc_dec.sin added

sample file for cascade decays which should show spin correlation effects

Changed 15 years ago by dwiesler

Attachment: inv_mass_1.png added

missing spincorrelation example

Changed 15 years ago by dwiesler

Attachment: inv_mass_2.png added


Changed 15 years ago by dwiesler

Attachment: casc_res.sin added

sample file w/ full matrixelement includign spin correlation effects...

comment:9 Changed 15 years ago by kilian

Current status:

  1. Missing boost: fixed by r2075
  2. Process ID: In r2076, switched to index in process library. This is more transparent to the user, but beware:
    • There may be extra processes in the library from previous runs, unless -r is given
    • If there are several libraries, the index is not unique.
  3. Endless loop: could not reproduce this.
  4. Parameter settings: was invalid, see above.
  5. Event analysis: fixed in r2076.
  6. Spin correlations: Partially done in r2089. To catch correlations completely, I have to switch to non-diagonal density matrices in decays (I should have known better ;). Will do this next.

comment:10 Changed 15 years ago by Juergen Reuter

Priority: P2P1

WK took it as P1, but didn't rank it up.

comment:11 Changed 15 years ago by kilian

Update: spin correlations work now (not yet checked in), code needs some cleanup, then to be combined with new color computation via OMega.

comment:12 Changed 15 years ago by kilian

Priority: P1P3
Severity: criticalmajor

r2140 implements spin correlations. With the flags ?isotropic_decay and ?diagonal_decay the approximations of ignoring spin correlations and keeping only the diagonal entries in density matrices (classical correlations), respectively, are available for each unstable particle. Furthermore, color-flow coefficients are also computed based on spin-correlated matrix elements.

The algorithm uses rejection to select a decay cascade with unit weight, appropriate for unweighted events. Two related issues remain:

  1. Decay cascades for weighted events (no rejection)
  2. Meaningful normalization of matrix elements, so the decay-cascade event samples implement an approximation to the full, non-factorized process (cross section and distributions).

These remaining issues have lower priority.

comment:13 Changed 15 years ago by dwiesler

Not sure wether this is still to be solved (i.e. belongs to point 2 of the remaining issues), but the attached example file casc_dec.sin still doesnt show spin correlations in the invariant mass of lepton and quark.

comment:14 in reply to:  13 ; Changed 15 years ago by kilian

Replying to dwiesler:

Not sure wether this is still to be solved (i.e. belongs to point 2 of the remaining issues), but the attached example file casc_dec.sin still doesnt show spin correlations in the invariant mass of lepton and quark.

Have you checked the effect in the non-factorized process? I did this before the code was refurbished, and the effect was rather small. But I'll recheck now that spin correlations should be in the decay module.

comment:15 in reply to:  14 Changed 15 years ago by dwiesler

Replying to kilian:

Replying to dwiesler:

Not sure wether this is still to be solved (i.e. belongs to point 2 of the remaining issues), but the attached example file casc_dec.sin still doesnt show spin correlations in the invariant mass of lepton and quark.

Have you checked the effect in the non-factorized process? I did this before the code was refurbished, and the effect was rather small. But I'll recheck now that spin correlations should be in the decay module.

Yes I have, and this is what the second example file casc_res.sin is for. The difference is also visible in the added images.

I took this example from Peter Richardson paper on spin correlations: http://arxiv.org/abs/hep-ph/0110108

Changed 15 years ago by kilian

Attachment: casc_dec_mod.sin added

Modified script for observing spin correlations in squark decays

Changed 15 years ago by kilian

Attachment: casc_dec.pdf added

Plots showing spin correlations in squark decay

comment:16 Changed 15 years ago by kilian

I just attached my version of Daniel's example. It looks like everything is ok now.

It would be worthwhile to actually reproduce all results in the Richardson paper. This is quite useful.

comment:17 Changed 15 years ago by kilian

With r2152, I made sure that decay configurations are coordinated with each other. Furthermore, the 'unstable' and 'stable' commands now accept argument list. It is recommended to declare a set of particles as unstable/stable together, to avoid multiple rescans that keep consistency in the decay store.

comment:18 in reply to:  16 Changed 15 years ago by dwiesler

Replying to kilian:

I just attached my version of Daniel's example. It looks like everything is ok now.

It would be worthwhile to actually reproduce all results in the Richardson paper. This is quite useful.

My examples now also work, the algorithm shows good agreement with the full ME for this process.

I'll try to confirm the other examples from the R-paper...

comment:19 Changed 15 years ago by dwiesler

I found some strange behaviour for the SM ttbar production example, demonstrated in the attached new sindarin file:

In the process e+e- -> ttbar -> b e+ nu_e tbar I first compared the factorized 3body decay (t -> b e+ nu_e) to the full ME as in the R-paper and afterwards tried an additional step and also factorized the intermediate Wplus decay (t -> b Wp -> b e+ nu_e).

Observing the distribution of the angle of the top and the outgoing positron (as in Fig.10 in R-paper) these two approaches differ by a fair amount. While the 3body decay-factorized process nicely approximates the full ME, an additional intermediate factorization of the Wplus decay gives a stronger tail and lower maximum.

The question now is wether this is a physical contribution due to some (offshell/polarization ?) effects unknown to me or the spin correlation still has problems when multiple factorizations w/ vectorlike intermediate states are present (the squark decay example from above work's fine though). I'll have a look at some papers governing top quark spin correlations in decays.

Other than that, the (unpolarized) MSSM test seem to be fine so far.

Changed 15 years ago by dwiesler

Attachment: casc_dec_top.sin added

sindarin file w/ strange top decay behaviour, see also the pdf

Changed 15 years ago by dwiesler

Attachment: casct2_dec.pdf added

strange behaviour of angular distribution w/ two factorized decays

comment:20 Changed 15 years ago by Juergen Reuter

Milestone: v2.0-rc4v2.0.0final

In my opinion, the only open issue is the understanding of the doubly-factorized SM process ee -> t (t -> (W -> ev) b). Otherwise, the technical issues are resolved. Shouldn't we add this to "VALIDATION" and close this one?

comment:21 Changed 15 years ago by Juergen Reuter

Milestone: v2.0.0finalgolden-classics
Summary: Decay module not fully operationalUnderstand physics of doubly factorized decay processes

The only open issue is the physics case of the doubly factorized top decay.

comment:22 Changed 15 years ago by dwiesler

Revisiting this problem, I found that the angles I compared in the first top decay example were not precisely the same ones as in the R-paper. Now, using the correct angles together w/ inital state polarizations, the difference between the 2x2 body and 1x3 body factorized decay processes looks negligible, visible in the attached Plots (compare to Figs 10b and 11b in R-paper).

The discrepancy in the above case for the first given example remains strange nonetheless. As the default casc_dec.sin susy case also is a doubly factorized process, which also correctly reproduces the full ME, the culprit obviously is this special (single) top decay.

Changed 15 years ago by dwiesler

Attachment: casct2p_dec.pdf added

2x2 body to 1x3body comparison, correctly reproducing R-paper results

Changed 15 years ago by dwiesler

Attachment: casct2l_dec.pdf added

same as above, w/ comparison to full 6body ME result corresponding to Fig11b

comment:23 Changed 14 years ago by Juergen Reuter

Owner: changed from kilian to dwiesler
Priority: P3P1
Severity: majornormal
Status: assignednew

When the Scottish smoke clears and our paper is finished DW will rerun the code and check whether there is still a discrepancy left, presumably not. If not, we will close it.

Changed 14 years ago by dwiesler

Attachment: topdec.pdf added

top decaying w/ no visible difference between one and two factorizations

comment:24 Changed 14 years ago by dwiesler

Resolution: worksforme
Status: newclosed

There's still lots of smoke, but I found some time to have another look at the problem and reran everything from scratch with the result, that everything's fine now! I'll attach a pdf as proof and close the ticket for good!

comment:25 Changed 8 years ago by Juergen Reuter

Milestone: golden-classicsv42-backlog

Milestone renamed

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