Model definition:
model = SM
Neutrino and quark containers:
alias n = n1:n2:n3 alias N = N1:N2:N3 alias q = u:d:s:c alias Q = U:D:S:C
The Higgsstrahlung process
process zh = e1, E1 => Z, h
The missing-energy channel
process nnbb = e1, E1 => n, N, b, B
Other channels (for the 4-jet channels we combine EW and QCD contributions)
process qqbb = e1, E1 => q, Q, b, B process bbbb = e1, E1 => b, B, b, B process eebb = e1, E1 => e1, E1, b, B process qqtt = e1, E1 => q, Q, e3, E3 process bbtt = e1, E1 => b, B, e3, E3
Compilation (optional)
The final LEP energy:
sqrts = 209 GeV
Set the input parameters
mH = 115 GeV wH = 3.228 MeV # Running b mass mb = 2.9 GeV me = 0 ms = 0 mc = 0
Soft-collinear cuts for the jets
cuts = all M >= 10 GeV [q,Q]
Integrate the processes:
integrate (zh) { iterations = 5:5000} integrate(nnbb,qqbb,bbbb,eebb, qqtt,bbtt) { iterations = 12:20000 }
Define title etc. as global variables, that will be used by PLOT
$description = "A WHIZARD 2.0 Example. Using weighted events to speed things up." $ylabel = "$N_{\textrm{events}}$"
Allocate plots
$title = "Invisible mass distribution in $e^+e^- \to \nu\bar\nu b \bar b$" $xlabel = "$M_{\nu\nu}$/GeV" histogram m_invisible (70 GeV, 130 GeV, 0.5 GeV) $title = "$bb$ invariant mass distribution in $e^+e^- \to \nu\bar\nu b \bar b$" $xlabel = "$M_{b\bar b}$/GeV" histogram m_bb (70 GeV, 130 GeV, 0.5 GeV)
Define the analysis set-up:
analysis = record m_invisible (eval M [n,N]); record m_bb (eval M [b,B])
Luminosity and simulation:
luminosity = 10 simulate (nnbb)
Some more plots and simulations:
$title = "Dijet invariant mass distribution in $e^+e^- \to q \bar q b \bar b$" $xlabel = "$M_{q\bar q}$/GeV" histogram m_jj (70 GeV, 130 GeV, 0.5 GeV) simulate (qqbb) { analysis = record m_jj (eval M / 1 GeV [combine [q,Q]]) }
Perform the analysis:
compile_analysis { $out_file = "lep_higgs.dat" }
Last modified 15 years ago
Last modified on Sep 1, 2010, 8:34:13 PM
Attachments (4)
- lep_higgs.pdf (31.4 KB) - added by 15 years ago.
- lep_higgs.dat (30.0 KB) - added by 15 years ago.
- whizard.log (20.6 KB) - added by 15 years ago.
- LEP_higgs.sin (2.8 KB) - added by 14 years ago.
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