whizard is hosted by Hepforge, IPPP Durham

Opened 10 years ago

Closed 10 years ago

#607 closed defect (fixed)

Decay bug still present (!!!!)

Reported by: Juergen Reuter Owned by: kilian
Priority: P0 Milestone: v2.2.0
Component: core Version: 2.1.1
Severity: blocker Keywords:


The example casc_dec.sin now fails with a decay-like bug:

| Events: writing to raw file 'casc_dec.evx'
| Generating 10000 unweighted, unpolarized events ...
| First interaction:
 Interaction: 63
 Particle 1
 E =   7.000000000000E+03
 P =   0.000000000000E+00  0.000000000000E+00  7.000000000000E+03
 mask [fch] = [TTT]
 internal links: X => 5 3
 source: (60)1
 Particle 2
 E =   7.000000000000E+03
 P =   0.000000000000E+00  0.000000000000E+00 -7.000000000000E+03
 mask [fch] = [TTT]
 internal links: X => 6 4
 source: (60)2
 Particle 3
 E =   1.156212574632E+03
 P =   0.000000000000E+00  0.000000000000E+00  1.156212574632E+03
 mask [fch] = [TTT]
 internal links: 1 => X => 7 8
 source: (60)4
 Particle 4
 E =   1.213524044499E+03
 P =   0.000000000000E+00  0.000000000000E+00 -1.213524044499E+03
 mask [fch] = [TTT]
 internal links: 2 => X => 7 8
 source: (60)6
 Particle 5
 E =   5.843787425368E+03
 P =   0.000000000000E+00  0.000000000000E+00  5.843787425368E+03
 mask [fch] = [TTT]
 internal links: 1 => X
 source: (60)3
 Particle 6
 E =   5.786475955501E+03
 P =   0.000000000000E+00  0.000000000000E+00 -5.786475955501E+03
 mask [fch] = [TTT]
 internal links: 2 => X
 source: (60)5
 Particle 7
 E =   1.183126268036E+03
 P =  -6.216148684911E+02 -8.322545092916E+02  4.337486581621E+01
 mask [fch] = [TTT]
 internal links: 3 4 => X
 source: (62)3
 Particle 8
 E =   1.186610351095E+03
 P =   6.216148684911E+02  8.322545092916E+02 -1.006863356830E+02
 mask [fch] = [TTT]
 internal links: 3 4 => X
 source: (62)4
 State matrix:  norm =  1.000000000000E+00
               [] => ME(1) = ( 2.334146577549E-01,-3.774746542003E-19)
| Second interaction:
 Interaction: 72
 Particle 1
  [momentum undefined]
 mask [fch] = [FTT]
 internal links: X => 2 3
 source: (71)1
 Particle 2
  [momentum undefined]
 mask [fch] = [TTT]
 internal links: 1 => X
 source: (71)2
 Particle 3
  [momentum undefined]
 mask [fch] = [TTT]
 internal links: 1 => X
 source: (71)3
 State matrix:  norm =  1.000000000000E+00
     [] => ME(1) = ( 0.000000000000E+00, 0.000000000000E+00)
*** FATAL ERROR: Evaluator product: no connections found between factors
| There were no errors and    4 warning(s).

Change History (2)

comment:1 Changed 10 years ago by kilian

Status: newassigned

Will take a look.

comment:2 Changed 10 years ago by kilian

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

That was not related to the structure function being present.

Tedious debugging, but in the end only two statements were misordered. Fixed in r5330.

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