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Opened 11 years ago

Closed 11 years ago

#595 closed defect (fixed)

Fix the examples

Reported by: Juergen Reuter Owned by: Juergen Reuter
Priority: P4 Milestone: v2.2.0
Component: core Version: 2.1.1
Severity: normal Keywords:


Most of the examples stumble over something.

Change History (7)

comment:1 Changed 11 years ago by Juergen Reuter

[ eeww_polarized.sin beam polarization is not working (#559); ?polarized_events flag; FATAL ERROR: Evaluating density matrix: undefined index and when commenting the histograms back in: WHIZARD BUG: histogram: name expression not implemented (yet) ... separate ticket: #604. After rewriting of the histogram expressions in r5346, this is working now. Actually, there was a missing ?rebuild_events = true . This was necessary as event files have to be rebuilt (using the same name) when changing the initial state polarization. Corrected in r5543. ]

dipole_subtraction.sin HUGE CONSTRUCTION AREA

[ casc_desc.sin shows NaNs? in efficiency! FATAL ERROR: Simulate: reading integration grids from file 'full.vg' failed (!!!) --> separate ticket #603. This was solved now, but now it is new bug, #608. Furthermore, should be switched to pdf_builtin. After r5348, this is working. The (possible) fineprints are left to #608. ]

[ Zprime.sin should be transferred to pdf_builtin; suffers from missing s-channel mapping, also: WHIZARD BUG: Event: write raw: particle set is undefined (!!!) In r5325, added the "gw" options to the first pass, and switched to pdf_builtin. With s-channel mapping, convergence is excellent now. Still suffers from bug #602. ... This is working now, but still, 2.2 is slower as 2.1, 55s for 2.2 event generation, 16s for 2.1. ]

[ Z-lineshape.sin works in principle; but the generated analysis files are not bounded within the [88,95] GeV interval, but instead between 0 and 100 GeV and the "Data within bounds" is missing. (!). As of r5233 working. ]

[ W-endpoint.sin suffers from huge inefficiencies (cf. below, separate entry), cf. also #521. After changing the grid adaptation in the way is intended to be done by the user in r5309, this one works. (of course, the profilig issue still remains) ]

[ LEP_higgs.sin after #605 (and #603 ?) are fixed, this one is working. Updated the comments in order to explain a would-be 115 GeV Higgs in LEP searches and the much higher lumi value. ]

[ HERA_DIS.sin not yet working, syntax for beams has changed. Also, show_beams not completely/partially wrongly implemented. As of r5452, beam momenta are correctly set, but at the moment it does not work to set a PDF for only one beam (#500). As of r5535, the script runs through, the results are also the same as with 2.1, but: 2.2 is a lot slower, and the graphical analysis gives a histogram, not a plot... The missing plot options were added in r5542. It's fully working now, giving same resuls as 2.1. ]

EEMatching(|[1-5]|P).sin to be tested

EEMatching(|[1-5]|W).sin to be tested

DrellYanMatching(P/W).sin,DrellYanNoMatching.sin to be tested

[ EENoMatchingP.sin is working. ]

Version 19, edited 11 years ago by Juergen Reuter (previous) (next) (diff)

comment:2 Changed 11 years ago by Juergen Reuter

The W-endpoint run in WHIZARD 2.1.1 and 2.2.0 gives huge differences in efficiency:


| Generating phase space configuration ...
| ... done.
| ... found 10 phase space channels, collected in 6 groves.
| Phase space: found 10 equivalences between channels.
| Wrote phase-space configuration file 'enj.phs'.
| iterations = 5:20000
| Applying user-defined cuts.
| Creating VAMP integration grids:
| Using phase-space channel equivalences.
| 20000 calls, 10 channels, 7 dimensions, 20 bins, stratified = T
| Integrating process 'enj':
| It      Calls  Integral[fb]  Error[fb]   Err[%]    Acc  Eff[%]   Chi2 N[It] |
   1      20000  6.7342279E+06  1.07E+06   15.83   22.39*   0.17
   2      20000  5.0126064E+06  2.46E+05    4.91    6.95*   0.59
   3      20000  5.3004160E+06  1.15E+05    2.18    3.08*   1.80
   4      20000  5.3099195E+06  6.19E+04    1.17    1.65*   3.25
   5      20000  5.3941205E+06  4.24E+04    0.79    1.11*   6.10
   5     100000  5.3565506E+06  3.32E+04    0.62    1.96    6.10    1.30   5
   5     100000  5.3565506E+06  3.32E+04    0.62    1.96    6.10    1.30   5
| Process 'enj':
|    time estimate for generating 10000 unweighted events: 10s


| Phase space: generating configuration ...
| Phase space: ... success.
| Phase space: writing configuration file 'enj_i1.phs'
| Phase space: 10 channels, 5 dimensions
| Phase space: found 10 channels, collected in 6 groves.
| Phase space: Using 10 equivalences between channels.
| Phase space: wood
| Beam structure: pdf_builtin, none => none, pdf_builtin
| Beam structure: 1 channels, 2 dimensions
| Applying user-defined cuts.
| Starting integration for process 'enj'
| Integrator: 6 chains, 10 channels, 7 dimensions
| Integrator: Using VAMP channel equivalences
| Integrator: 20000 initial calls, 20 bins, stratified = T
| Integrator: VAMP
| It      Calls  Integral[fb]  Error[fb]   Err[%]    Acc  Eff[%]   Chi2 N[It] |
   1      20000  3.6444711E+06  6.00E+05   16.47   23.29*   0.18
   2      20000  5.0795295E+06  8.15E+05   16.04   22.69*   0.14
   3      20000  8.5813686E+06  1.74E+06   20.23   28.60    0.10
   4      20000  6.1348021E+06  1.34E+06   21.82   30.86    0.07
   5      20000  4.4206819E+06  1.03E+06   23.40   33.10    0.05
   5     100000  4.6131885E+06  4.05E+05    8.77   27.74    0.05    2.37   5
| Time estimate for generating 10000 events: 0d:02h:53m:54s

(could maybe be due to #57 or #375 ??, note the huge difference!)

comment:3 Changed 11 years ago by Juergen Reuter

It is the s-channel mapping when you look at the differences in the phase space:

<    tree  3 12
<    map   3 s_channel      24 ! W+
>    tree  3 12   map   3 s_channel      24 ! W+
<    tree  3 19
<    map   3 s_channel      24 ! W+
>    tree  3 19   map   3 s_channel      24 ! W+
<    tree  3 12
<    map  12 t_channel       1 ! d
>    tree  3 12   map  12 t_channel       1 ! d
<    tree  3 19
<    map  19 t_channel       1 ! d
>    tree  3 19   map  19 t_channel       1 ! d
<    tree  3 11
<    map   3 s_channel      24 ! W+
>    tree  3 11   map   3 s_channel      24 ! W+
<    tree  3 20
<    map   3 s_channel      24 ! W+
>    tree  3 20   map   3 s_channel      24 ! W+
<    tree  3 11
<    map  11 t_channel       2 ! u
>    tree  3 11   map  11 t_channel       2 ! u
<    tree  3 20
<    map  20 t_channel       2 ! u
>    tree  3 20   map  20 t_channel       2 ! u
<    tree  3 7
<    map   3 s_channel      24 ! W+
>    tree  3 7   map   3 s_channel      24 ! W+

comment:4 Changed 11 years ago by Juergen Reuter

Memo to myself (JRR): update the Wiki page once 2.2.0 is officially released.

comment:5 Changed 11 years ago by Juergen Reuter

BTW, the examples are wrong on the Wiki page, e.g. the W endpoint PDF added by TO has 2,000 events in, but the SINDARIN file in the trunk and the Wiki page only has 1,000 events !!!

comment:6 Changed 11 years ago by Juergen Reuter

Owner: changed from kilian to Juergen Reuter
Status: newassigned

comment:7 Changed 11 years ago by Juergen Reuter

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

All examples (the official ones) are working now. The Jenkins weekly examples test should be switched one again.

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