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Opened 15 years ago

Closed 14 years ago

#336 closed enhancement (fixed)

Add conserved quantum numbers to all models

Reported by: ohl Owned by: ohl
Priority: P2 Milestone: v2.0.3
Component: omega Version: 2.0.2
Severity: major Keywords:


The Standard Model has them since r2640 and it really cuts down the number of failed attempts. Since r2640, the stack overflow in Process.expand_* is gone too.

Now we need volunteers for the MSSM etc.

Change History (8)

comment:1 Changed 15 years ago by Christian Speckner

I'll do the three site flavors :)

comment:2 Changed 15 years ago by Christian Speckner

Done in the Tree-Site Model in r2646. The speed improvement is impressive.

comment:3 Changed 15 years ago by Juergen Reuter

OK, I'll do the rest. BTW, right now only charge conservation is tested, no generation number, es verdad?

| command: /Users/reuter/local/bin/omega_SM.opt -o qm_test.f90 -target:whizard -target:parameter_module parameters_SM -target:module qm_test -target:md5sum 6EBCF1ADD857328126EA8A336FAD7849 -fusion:progress -scatter 'gl gl -> u:d:c:s:ubar:dbar:cbar:sbar u:d:c:s:ubar:dbar:cbar:sbar'
[1/8] gl gl -> dbar s ... forbidden. [time: 0.00 secs, total: 0.01 secs, remaining: 0.01 secs]
[2/8] gl gl -> dbar d ... allowed. [time: 0.00 secs, total: 0.01 secs, remaining: 0.01 secs]
[3/8] gl gl -> sbar s ... allowed. [time: 0.00 secs, total: 0.01 secs, remaining: 0.01 secs]
[4/8] gl gl -> sbar d ... forbidden. [time: 0.00 secs, total: 0.01 secs, remaining: 0.01 secs]
[5/8] gl gl -> ubar c ... forbidden. [time: 0.00 secs, total: 0.01 secs, remaining: 0.00 secs]
[6/8] gl gl -> ubar u ... allowed. [time: 0.00 secs, total: 0.01 secs, remaining: 0.00 secs]
[7/8] gl gl -> cbar c ... allowed. [time: 0.00 secs, total: 0.01 secs, remaining: 0.00 secs]
[8/8] gl gl -> cbar u ... forbidden. [time: 0.00 secs, total: 0.01 secs, remaining: 0.00 secs]
all processes done. [total time: 0.01 secs]
SUMMARY: 6 fusions, 2 propagators, 2 diagrams
SUMMARY: 6 fusions, 2 propagators, 2 diagrams
SUMMARY: 6 fusions, 2 propagat...

Is this not yet implemented, or just not switched on. The W+4j (full flavours) now needs instead of 13 hours 13 minutes for the code generation. :P But there is still space for improvements when we include the generation information for models with trivial CKM matrix.

comment:4 Changed 15 years ago by Christian Speckner

JR is correct, from what I have seen, the Standard Model is only using charge, baryon and lepton number at the moment. However, adding conditional generation number conservation to the SM is next-to-trivial, I already did so for the Three-Site Model.

comment:5 in reply to:  4 Changed 15 years ago by ohl

Replying to cnspeckn:

adding conditional generation number conservation to the SM is next-to-trivial

It's indeed trivial. I had forgotten to add it to the most recent merge, but it will be in the next merge (only if Flags.ckm_present is false, of course).

    let generation' = function
      |  1 -> [ 1//1;  0//1;  0//1]
      |  2 -> [ 0//1;  1//1;  0//1]
      |  3 -> [ 0//1;  0//1;  1//1]
      | -1 -> [-1//1;  0//1;  0//1]
      | -2 -> [ 0//1; -1//1;  0//1]
      | -3 -> [ 0//1;  0//1; -1//1]
      |  n -> invalid_arg ("SM.generation': " ^ string_of_int n)

    let generation f =
      if Flags.ckm_present then
        match f with
        | M (L n | N n | U n | D n) -> generation' n
        | G _ | O _ -> [0//1; 0//1; 0//1]

    let charges f = 
      [ charge f; lepton f; baryon f] @ generation f

comment:6 Changed 15 years ago by Juergen Reuter

I'll do the rest, after ThO's next merge with the generation charges.

comment:7 Changed 14 years ago by Juergen Reuter

I will do this AFTER ThOhl? has done the merge!!!

comment:8 Changed 14 years ago by Juergen Reuter

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Finally done in all facets in r2705. Closing.

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