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Opened 15 years ago

Closed 15 years ago

#324 closed enhancement (fixed)

Make the x and y error bars in plots accessible in the record command / function

Reported by: Christian Speckner Owned by: kilian
Priority: P3 Milestone: v2.0.3
Component: core Version: 2.0.2
Severity: normal Keywords:


All said in description.

Change History (1)

comment:1 Changed 15 years ago by kilian

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

r2633 has this, plus many improvements/changes to the analysis and plotting facilities. The idea is to make the commands more self-explaining, while merging in cnspeckn's additions.

At user level:

  • The 'plot' command takes no arguments (bounds) anymore. Bounds can be set in the options by x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max. If these are unknown, GAMELAN will take care of the bounds.
  • The previous 'write_analysis' command is now called 'compile_analysis'. The filename is no longer $analysis_filename but $out_file. $out_file should contain the extension (e.g. $out_file = "foo.dat"). The value of $out_file is also used by open, close, and print/printf.
  • The previous 'write_analysis_data' command is now called 'write_analysis'. There is no suffix (which was default/csv/custom), but an option ?out_custom. The 'histogram_writer' and 'plot_writer' macros are honored if ?out_custom=true.
  • The 'record' command and function can take up to four arguments. Their use depends on the analysis object. For observables and histograms, one argument. For plots, the arguments are x, y, yerr, xerr. The latter two are optional.
  • There are many more options to histograms and plots, and a new analysis object type 'graph' which allows to combine several histograms/plots in one graph.

Part of this is already documented in the updated manual. The new graphics options are not yet documented, to be done asap.

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