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Opened 15 years ago

Closed 15 years ago

Last modified 14 years ago

#247 closed defect (worksforme)

O'Mega writes to stderr

Reported by: sschmidt Owned by: ohl
Priority: P4 Milestone:
Component: omega Version: 2.0.0rc3
Severity: minor Keywords:


When processing the output WHIZARD prints to the screen e.g.

../bin/whizard test.sin | tee test.out

the output from O'Mega, e.g.

[1/6] e- e+ -> u/1/ ubar//3 b/2/ bbar//2 d/3/ dbar//1 ... allowed. [time: 26.82 secs, total: 2:41 mins, remaining: 2:14 mins]
[2/6] e- e+ -> u/1/ ubar//2 b/2/ bbar//3 d/3/ dbar//1 ... allowed. [time: 25.81 secs, total: 2:38 mins, remaining: 1:45 mins]
[3/6] e- e+ -> u/1/ ubar//2 b/2/ bbar//1 d/3/ dbar//3 ... allowed. [time: 26.56 secs, total: 2:38 mins, remaining: 1:19 mins]
[4/6] e- e+ -> u/1/ ubar//3 b/2/ bbar//1 d/3/ dbar//2 ... allowed. [time: 26.56 secs, total: 2:39 mins, remaining: 52.87 secs]
[5/6] e- e+ -> u/1/ ubar//1 b/2/ bbar//3 d/3/ dbar//2 ... allowed. [time: 26.59 secs, total: 2:39 mins, remaining: 26.47 secs]
[6/6] e- e+ -> u/1/ ubar//1 b/2/ bbar//2 d/3/ dbar//3 ... allowed. [time: 26.92 secs, total: 2:39 mins, remaining: 0.00 secs]
all processes done. [total time: 2:39 mins]
SUMMARY: 175 fusions, 38 propagators, 537 diagrams
SUMMARY: 79 fusions, 23 propagators, 88 diagrams
SUMMARY: 110 fusions, 29 propagators, 202 diagrams
SUMMARY: 79 fusions, 23 propagators, 88 diagrams
SUMMARY: 110 fusions, 29 propagators, 202 diagrams
SUMMARY: 244 fusions, 48 propagators, 1139 diagrams

is missing in the output file. I hope it shouldn't be too hard to fix this...

Change History (4)

comment:1 Changed 15 years ago by ohl

Milestone: v2.0-rc4v2.0.0final
Priority: P3P4
Severity: trivialminor
Status: newassigned
Summary: O'Mega doesn't write to stdout(?)O'Mega writes to stderr

Traditionally, O'Mega has written the amplitude to stdout and other messages (including the progress reports) to stderr. The latter could also go to the terminal, but I was worried about portability.

I'm not sure, whether I should/would change this behaviour.

comment:2 Changed 15 years ago by sschmidt

Okay, redirecting stderr

../bin/whizard test.sin 2>&1 | tee test.out

works, but it should be mentioned somewhere. What is confusing is that if you have a sin file that was already executed and you execute it again using the "| tee test.out" command (with or without the "2>&1"), the screen and the file will stay empty for some time (~1min) in contrast to the behaviour without "| tee ...". This was really confusing for me.

comment:3 Changed 15 years ago by ohl

Resolution: worksforme
Status: assignedclosed

Appears to be a misunderstanding.

comment:4 Changed 14 years ago by Juergen Reuter

Milestone: v2.0.0final

Milestone v2.0.0final deleted

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