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Opened 15 years ago

Closed 15 years ago

Last modified 15 years ago

#197 closed defect (invalid)

integration error rises when including PDFs

Reported by: sschmidt Owned by: kilian
Priority: P1 Milestone:
Component: core Version: 2.0.0rc2
Severity: critical Keywords:


When replacing

sqrts = 500 GeV
beams = U,u

from test/jets.sin by

sqrts = 2000 GeV
beams = p,p -> lhapdf

and integrating the processes given in jets.sin, the integration error is about a factor of 10 higher.

E.g. the jj cross section if for U,u beams:

| It      Calls  Integral[fb]  Error[fb]   Err[%]    Acc  Eff[%]   Chi2 N[It] |
   1      20000  1.4024531E+06  9.18E+03    0.65    0.93*   5.12
   2      20000  1.4163212E+06  9.16E+03    0.65    0.91*   5.20
   3      20000  1.3745491E+06  9.59E+03    0.70    0.99    5.04
   3      60000  1.3984734E+06  5.37E+03    0.38    0.94    5.04    5.10   3

and for the p,p-beams

| It      Calls  Integral[fb]  Error[fb]   Err[%]    Acc  Eff[%]   Chi2 N[It] |
   1      20000  8.1056636E+04  5.40E+03    6.66    9.42*   0.37
   2      20000  8.5659810E+04  5.59E+03    6.52    9.23*   0.41
   3      20000  8.5594942E+04  5.14E+03    6.01    8.50*   0.44
   3      60000  8.4118602E+04  3.10E+03    3.68    9.02    0.44    0.24   3

Thanks to Daniel for reporting this.

Can the inclusion of PDFs enlarge the integration errors by a factor of 10?

Change History (7)

comment:1 Changed 15 years ago by kilian

That's unavoidable. Having sqrts non-constant makes a lot of a difference. Ideas for improvement welcome, of course. (Usually, spending extra iterations helps, but you will never reach the same level of accuracy)

You should compare W1/W2, if W1 is much better here, there is a point, and you should reopen the ticket.

comment:2 Changed 15 years ago by kilian

Resolution: wontfix
Status: newclosed

comment:3 Changed 15 years ago by sschmidt

Resolution: wontfix
Status: closedreopened

Here is Daniel's comment:

Das is der W1 output:

 ! WHIZARD run for process jetstest:
 ! It      Calls  Integral[fb]  Error[fb]   Err[%]    Acc  Eff[%] Chi2 N[It]
 ! Reading cut configuration data from file whizard.cut1
 ! Replacing default cuts by user-defined cuts.
 cut pT of    1      within  1.00000E+02  1.00000E+04
 cut pT of    2      within  1.00000E+02  1.00000E+04
 cut pT of    4      within  1.00000E+02  1.00000E+04
 cut delta-r of    1    2 within  1.00000E+00  1.00000E+01
 cut delta-r of    1    4 within  1.00000E+00  1.00000E+01
 cut delta-r of    2    4 within  1.00000E+00  1.00000E+01
 ! Preparing (fixed weights):   1 sample of      10000 calls ...
    1      10000  6.8893107E+00  2.80E+00   40.61   40.61*  0.15
 0.00   1
 ! Adapting (variable wgts.):   5 samples of      10000 calls ...
    2      10000  4.6720992E+00  1.38E+00   29.49   29.49*  0.18
    3      10000  7.4050624E+00  9.71E-01   13.12   13.12*  0.32
    4      10000  8.2889482E+00  4.18E-01    5.04    5.04*  0.89
    5      10000  8.0754186E+00  2.83E-01    3.50    3.50*  1.84
    6      10000  7.3433128E+00  2.11E-01    2.88    2.88*  2.57
 ! Integrating (fixed wgts.):   3 samples of      10000 calls ...
    7      30000  7.6536289E+00  1.51E-01    1.97    3.42   0.97
 0.19   3
 ! Time estimate for generating 10000 unweighted events:    0h 00m 42s
 ! Summary (all processes):
 ! Process ID     Integral[fb]  Error[fb]   Err[%]        Frac[%]
   jetstest       7.6536289E+00  1.51E-01    1.97         100.00
   sum            7.6536289E+00  1.51E-01    1.97         100.00

und das der vergleichbare W2:

| Creating grids
| 20000 calls, 25 channels, 7 dimensions, 20 bins, stratified = T
| It      Calls  Integral[fb]  Error[fb]   Err[%]    Acc  Eff[%]
| Chi2 N[It] |
   1      20000  7.9530373E+00  2.32E+00   29.14   41.22*   0.18
   2      20000  1.3998675E+01  4.39E+00   31.34   44.32    0.12
   3      20000  5.3754824E+00  1.14E+00   21.18   29.95*   0.13
   4      20000  4.9941640E+00  1.12E+00   22.39   31.66    0.11
   5      20000  7.1907576E+00  2.00E+00   27.82   39.34    0.09
   6      20000  7.8801646E+00  1.54E+00   19.58   27.69*   0.10
   7      20000  8.5053854E+00  1.75E+00   20.55   29.07    0.12
   8      20000  5.0550115E+00  1.00E+00   19.87   28.11*   0.10
   9      20000  6.9491414E+00  1.31E+00   18.82   26.61*   0.10
  10      20000  6.4434584E+00  1.35E+00   20.98   29.66    0.09
  10     200000  6.2559147E+00  4.50E-01    7.20   32.20    0.09
| 1.14  10

beides mal fuer u,U -> d,D,g mit lhapdf aktiviert. Da is definitiv
noch wat faul bezgl des Phasenraums mit aktivierten Strukturfunktionen
fuer W2!

hier der Inhalt des sindarin files:

alias j = u:d:s:U:D:S:g

process jets = u, U -> d, D, g


cuts = all Pt > 100 GeV [j]
	all Dist > 1 [j,j]

sqrts = 2000
iterations = 10:20000

beams = p, p -> lhapdf
integrate (jets)
n_events = 1000

$file_lhef = "jets.lhef"

simulate (jets)

comment:4 Changed 15 years ago by kilian

Thanks, this is more useful.

comment:5 Changed 15 years ago by kilian

Priority: P3P1
Severity: normalcritical

I'll do this next, it's essential for LHC...

comment:6 Changed 15 years ago by kilian

Resolution: invalid
Status: reopenedclosed

... arrggh!!

It took me several hours to find out that in the sample run, the grids are not adapted at all. The problem is here:

iterations = 1:10000

If there is only one pass, the grids are kept fixed. There is NO problem with the structure functions.

If I set (as in the W1 run above)

iterations = 6:10000, 3:10000

the output is

| It      Calls  Integral[fb]  Error[fb]   Err[%]    Acc  Eff[%]   Chi2 N[It] |
   1      10000  9.6935749E+00  3.02E+00   31.16   31.16*   0.39
   2      10000  6.7269146E+00  5.97E-01    8.88    8.88*   0.26
   3      10000  6.9282520E+00  3.66E-01    5.28    5.28*   1.73
   4      10000  7.0721804E+00  4.28E-01    6.06    6.06    1.30
   5      10000  7.4295492E+00  3.32E-01    4.47    4.47*   1.67
   6      10000  7.5572470E+00  3.21E-01    4.24    4.24*   1.75
   6      60000  7.2511865E+00  1.70E-01    2.34    5.74    1.75    0.72   6
   7      10000  8.1755060E+00  3.61E-01    4.42    4.42    1.58
   8      10000  7.9508841E+00  4.25E-01    5.34    5.34    1.54
   9      10000  7.9376105E+00  3.45E-01    4.35    4.35*   1.75
   9      30000  8.0253353E+00  2.15E-01    2.68    4.64    1.75    0.13   3

which is ok.

I close this ticket and open another one on the confusing behavior of integration passes.

comment:7 Changed 15 years ago by Juergen Reuter

Milestone: v2.0-rc3

Milestone v2.0-rc3 deleted

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