4.1 Setting up the process list
WHIZARD is able to cope with arbitrary scattering processes allowed
by the selected physical model. The program is not a library of
processes, but the user can compile a list of processes he is
interested in, write a file whizard.prc and put it in the
subdirectory conf. If no file is provided by the user, the
file whizard.prc.default (Fig. 4.1)
will be used. Note that as per default CompHEP and MadGraph are
disabled all processes by these generators will be skipped. Only
O’Mega and trivial test matrix elements will be produced.
The user may take this file as a template, insert or
delete processes as desired, and save the new version as
# WHIZARD configuration file
# The selected model
model SM
# Processes
# Methods: chep=CompHEP, mad=MadGraph, omega=O'Mega, test=trivial)
# Options: s selected diagrams (CompHEP/MadGraph)
# r restricted intermediate state (O'Mega)
# c apply exact color algebra (O'Mega)
# n:XXX coupling order (MadGraph)
# w:XXX width scheme (O'Mega)
# p transfer polarization (test)
# u unit matrix element (test)
# Tag In Out Method Option
ee_c e1,E1 e1,E1 chep
ee_m e1,E1 e1,E1 mad
ee_o e1,E1 e1,E1 omega
ww_c e1,E1 W+,W- chep
ww_m e1,E1 W+,W- mad
ww_o e1,E1 W+,W- omega
zh_c e1,E1 Z,H chep
zh_m e1,E1 Z,H mad
zh_o e1,E1 Z,H omega
nnh_c e1,E1 n1,N1,H chep
nnh_m e1,E1 n1,N1,H mad
nnh_o e1,E1 n1,N1,H omega
nnbb_m e1,E1 n1,N1,b,B mad
nnbb_o e1,E1 n1,N1,b,B omega
Figure 4.1: Default process configuration file. Only O’Mega processes
will be generated per default, the others will be skipped. |
4.1.1 Model selection
WHIZARD is not restricted to the Standard Model. The physics model
is selected in the header of whizard.prc, respectively. For each model, all particles, parameters, and the vertices which go
into the phase space setup are defined in a single file with extension
.mdl . The vertex definitions include the complete
specification of Feynman rules for MadGraph and CompHEP, while the
O’Mega vertices are currently hard-coded in the corresponding
executable. The model files can be found in the conf/models
subdirectory. Along with the master files SM.mdl ,
MSSM.mdl , etc., for each model XXX there is also a file
parameters.XXX.omega.f90 which contains the translation to the
parameter definitions used internally by O’Mega. The distribution contains the following models (see
Tab. 4.2):
QED: QED with three lepton generations.
- QCD: QCD with three quark generations.
- SM: The Standard Model with e, sinθW and
MZ as independent parameters in the electroweak sector. Some
remarks are in order2:
The u and d masses are zero, all other masses are non-zero
by default and user-definable.
- All fermions, except for the top quark, have zero width.
- By default, the CKM matrix is the unit matrix, but for each
model where it matters, a variant with nontrivial CKM matrix is
available. Keep in mind that keeping the full CKM matrix may result
in less efficient calculations.
- The Higgs boson is coupled to all massive fermions, with one
exception: O’Mega has no Higgs couplings to the strange quark.
- SM_ac: The Standard Model with anomalous couplings.
This is usually considered in the context of dynamical electroweak
symmetry breaking, hence, by default, the Higgs mass is set to a
large value. O’Mega supports anomalous trilinear and
quartic gauge couplings3.
- SM_km: This model has been included in version
1.90. It is intended for LHC or CLIC physics of Higgsless models or
models without unitarizing UV completion. A K-matrix unitarization
guarantees a physically sane description for LHC and CLIC energies.
More details can be found in [13].
- MSSM: The Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model
(MSSM)4. The input data may
be provided in the SUSY Les Houches Accord format (see
Sec. 4.4.7). Typically, such a file is generated by
automatic SUSY spectrum and decay packages.
For convenience, there are two MSSM input files provided in the
conf directory: sps1a.in implements the mass spectrum of
the standard SUSY point SPS1a [14] with zero
particle widths; this file has been used for generating
the comparison results of Ref. [12]. The file
sps1ap.in corresponds to the reference point SPS1a’ as it has
been defined for the SPA convention [15];
this file includes width values for all particles that are computed,
in some cases, with higher-order corrections and running couplings
incorporated. Be aware that, for a consistent tree-level calculation,
it may be necessary to compute widths in a different convention. This
caveat is discussed further in Ref. [12].
- MSSM_Grav: This variant of the MSSM has been included
in version 1.93. It contains the MSSM with an additional gravitino
and is intended for the studies of GMSB models.
- NMSSM: This is the Next-to-Minimal Supersymmetric SM,
which has been contributed to WHIZARD by Felix Braam
- PSSSM: A non-minimal MSSM version motivated by an
E6 → Pati-Salam GUT group. This is a very extended model which
has been implemented by Daniel Wiesler.
Model type | with CKM matrix | trivial CKM |
QED with e,µ,τ,γ | – | QED |
QCD with d,u,s,c,b,t,g | – | QCD |
Standard Model | SM_CKM | SM |
SM with anomalous couplings | – | SM_ac |
SM with K matrix | – | SM_km |
MSSM with gravitino | – | MSSM_Grav |
E6 SSM | – | PSSSM |
Littlest Higgs model | – | Littlest |
Littlest Higgs model (ungauged U(1)) | – | Littlest_Eta |
Simplest Little Higgs model | – | Simplest |
Simplest Little Higgs (universal coupl.) | – | Simplest_univ |
UED | – | UED |
SM with Z′ | – | Zprime |
SM with graviton resonance | – | Xdim |
SUSY toy model with gravitino | – | GravTest |
SM as template | – | Template |
[SM, all unitary gauge, CompHEP model | – | SM_ug ] |
Figure 4.2: Summary of models currently supported by WHIZARD. |
There are more BSM models, whose inclusion into WHIZARD started from
version 1.51 on:
Littlest: The Littlest Higgs model, which contains in
addition to the SM a B′ (or γ′), a W′/Z′ triplet, a complex
isospin-2 scalar multiplet ψ, and a t′.
- Littlest_Eta: The variant of the Littlest Higgs model
which contains a pseudoscalar η instead of the B′ vector
- Simplest: A different Little Higgs model which has
recurrences of all SM fermions and new isodoublet gauge bosons.
- Simplest_univ: A variant of the previous model with
universal, but not anomaly-free, fermion assignments.
- Xdim: The SM augmented by a spin-2 graviton as a toy
- GravTest: The SM augmented by a photino and a
gravitino as a toy model.
- UED: Universal Extra Dimensions.
- Zprime: The SM with a completely generic Z′ resonance.
- Template: This is just a copy of the SM. It might
serve as a template if the user wants to implement his/her own
The user might wonder whether this list can be extended. Actually, it
is trivial to set up, e.g., a SM version with a different input
parameter scheme or different particle naming conventions, etc.: Copy
SM.mdl to, e.g., SM_new.mdl , make the changes in that
file, and provide copies of the corresponding files for use of the
matrix element generators5. There is a model
Template as described above, which is just the SM and might
serve as a template to implement the user’s own model. However, for
this task one needs to modify the module Template in
omega-src/bundle/src/models5.ml (which requires programming
in O’Caml) and then the corresponding files
Template.mdl and parameters.Template.omega.f90
in conf/models. This is a rather cumbersome task. There is
fortunately an easier way: using the interface of WHIZARD to the
program FeynRules [17]. Here, one can
write down a Mathematica file containing a Lagrangian in a very
intuitive language, and then FeynRules derives the mass
eigenstates, mixing and Feynman rules and imports the model into
WHIZARD. Although this has been developped already for WHIZARD
version 1 and is fully supported and functional for that version, we
refer to the manual of version 2 for more information, or
alternatively the WHIZARD Wiki page
http://projects.hepforge.org/whizard/trac/wiki. 4.1.2 Process list
WHIZARD is capable of computing 2→ n scattering processes and
1→ n decay processes. In the former case, the overall result (the
integral) displayed by the program will be the total cross section in
fb. In the latter case, it will be the partical decay width in GeV. For scattering processes, n=1 (single-particle production) is
allowed67. Obviously, this requires at least one beam to be
structured, such that a energy spectrum is available for the initial
state. Each process is defined by a single line in whizard.prc, for
h_production e1,E1 n1,N1,H omega
z_decay Z e1,E1 omega
z_production e1,E1 Z omega
(see Fig. 4.1). The meaning of the entries
within a line is as follows: The first entry is a unique alphanumeric tag which will be
used to identify the process. It can be arbitrarily chosen, but
should be a valid Fortran 95 token, lower case only. In particular,
one may use lower-case characters and digits as well as the
underscore, where the first character is not a digit. The second entry defines the (partonic) initial state. It
consists of two particle names, separated by a comma, with no space in
between. The particle names are those given in the model file
mentioned above, where typically for each particle several possible
names are listed. As an example, in Fig. 4.3, the
Standard Model particles are displayed as they appear in
SM.mdl . This file also contains alternative names, quantum
number assignments, and the physical parameters of the model.
Particle | Name | Antiparticle | Mass | Width |
d-quark | d | D | | |
u-quark | u | U | | |
s-quark | s | S | ms | |
c-quark | c | C | mc | |
b-quark | b | B | mb | |
t-quark | t | T | mtop | wtop |
electron | e1 | E1 | me | |
muon | e2 | E2 | mmu | |
tau-lepton | e3 | E3 | mtau | |
e-neutrino | n1 | N1 | | |
µ-neutrino | n2 | N2 | | |
τ-neutrino | n3 | N3 | | |
gluon | G | | | |
photon | A | | | |
Z-boson | Z | | mZ | wZ |
W-boson | W+ | W- | mW | wW |
Higgs | H | | mH | wH |
Figure 4.3: Particle names (CompHEP naming scheme) and parameters for the
Standard Model. |
The third entry defines the final state. It consists of
one, two or more particle names, separated by commas, with no space in
between. Flavor sums8 are defined by
particle names separated by colons. For instance, the line
eeqq e1,E1 u:d:s,U:D:S omega
will create a sum of all processes e−e+→ qq, with q being
any of the light quarks. Similarly,
qqmm u:d:s,U:D:S e2,E2 omega
creates a sum of all processes qq→ µ−µ+. This is
especially suitable for hadronic collisions. One should note that the
mirror process qq→ µ−µ+ is not automatically
included. To get the correct results for a hadron collider, one can
either double cross section values and symmetrize final-state
distributions9 (for a symmetric initial state,
e.g. pp) or define the process as10
qqmm u:d:s:U:D:S,u:d:s:U:D:S e2,E2 omega
Note that in the diagnostics messages at runtime, only a single flavor
assignment will be shown, which is used as a template for generating
phase space parameterizations. For the matrix element evaluation and
event generation, however, all valid flavor assignments are used. To make this more readable, there is the possibility to specify
aliases: The above definition is equivalent to
alias q u:d:s:U:D:S
qqmm q,q e2,E2 omega
Alias definitions can be arbitrarily mixed with process definitions.
They are applied consecutively to all in- and out-state specifications
below their definition. The particles to be summed over must have identical spin, mass and
color representation; otherwise the summation will not work. This
feature is therefore useful mainly for summing over fermions with
identical quantum numbers (quarks or leptons). The order of particles in the final state can matter if
PYTHIA/JETSET is used for fragmenting events. If no information on
color connections is available in simulated events (for O’Mega matrix
elements if the ’c’ option is not set 11), the (dominant) color configuration has to be inferred
from the particle ordering, if at all possible 12. To
transfer the color connections to JETSET, particles that make up a
color-singlet string should be put together, beginning with the quark,
possibly intermediate gluons, and ending with the antiquark. This
suffices for well-defined flavor states. If flavor sums are used
and more than one quark pair is present, all possible orders
of particles will show up in the final state. The fourth entry selects the method for the generation of the
matrix element, while the fifth entry is either absent or
consists of a string of code letters separated by commas (blanks in
between are allowed). Some code letters are followed by a colon ’:’
that indicates a value. As a default there are two options for matrix
elements, either the method omega using the intrinsic
generator O’Mega or the method test which produces dummy
matrix elements for certain consistency tests described below. For cross checks and debugging there are also (when enabled during the
configuration of WHIZARD) the methods chep and mad
for using matrix elements generated by CompHEP or MadGraph,
respectively. These features have become obsolete for the user at
latest with version 1.50 or 1.90, when O’Mega become the main or
default generator WHIZARD. For completeness reasons the details and
options for these two generators will be described at the end of this
subsection. O’Mega can generate matrix elements with an arbitrary number of
final-state particles, limited only by the host resources (WHIZARD
has extensively been tested only for processes up to 2→ 6, some
very special cases of 2→ 7 or 2→ 8 have been studied). For
multiparticle processes, code generated by O’Mega is expected to be
the fastest, since more redundancies are eliminated from the matrix
element evaluation. There are several options (entries in the fifth column) for the
O’Mega matrix element generator: - r: The letter r indicates restrictions on
intermediate states for the amplitude. Effectively, this also selects
classes of Feynman diagrams. Example:
nnh e1,E1 n1,N1,H omega
nnh_zh e1,E1 n1,N1,H omega r: 3+4~Z
For more details, see Sec. 5.2. - w: The letter w modifies the width treatment for
unstable particles. The default behavior is the expected one: the
width is inserted only for s-channel propagators. This may lead to
gauge-invariance issues. The option w:fudged (or
abbreviated w:f) applies the ’fudge-factor’ prescription
for unstable particles where all terms are collected over the
respective propagator denominators (in contrast to the usual
fixed-width prescription). This prescription is useful if the
process includes the exchange of photons and W bosons in the
t-channel, for instance:
enw e1,E1 n1,E1,W- omega w:fudged
A fixed-width option can be enforced by specifying
w:constant (or w:c). Finally, all widths can be
forced to zero both in the s- and t-channel by the option
w:zero (or w:z).
- O’Mega comes in two versions: By default, only the
leading-1/Nc color factor is generated, and no color-flow
information is available. If the option flag c is given,
WHIZARD uses the tensor-product feature for process definitions
of O’Mega originally intended for flavor summation to treat
color exactly and to generate color-flow information. Example:
uudd_leading u,U d,D omega
uudd_full u,U d,D omega c
The modified version also eliminates some redundancies in summing
over flavor. In the current implementation, the default (leading-color) version
can be more efficient (unless many flavor states need to be summed
over), so it is still useful if color is not an issue. This is the
reason why we decided to keep the leading-color version as the
default. Note that the O’Mega generator within WHIZARD 2 takes care
of the color-flow information completely by itself and delivers
matrix elements that contain the full color correlations as a
The test method generates a constant matrix element,
independent of the particles supplied for the process. There are two
choices for the normalization:
If the option ’u’ is given, the matrix element is unity.
With zero masses and no cuts, the integral should be exactly
where the volume of the massless n-particle phase space is
given by
Φn(s) = | | | ⎛
⎝ | | ⎞
⎠ | |
| | .
(2) |
For n≠2 the phase space volume is dimensionful, so the
units of the integral are fb×GeV2(n−2).
- Without option (default), the result of the integration is not a
cross section, but the phase space volume, normalized by the
massless phase space volume (2). Thus, if all final-state
particles are massless and no cuts are specified, the
integral is unity regardless of the number of particles.
Cuts and nonvanishing masses will affect the result accordingly. If
events are generated, the final-state particles are distributed
uniformly in phase space. Note that the phase-space integration for the test matrix
element is organized in the same way as it would be for the real 2→
n process. Since such a phase space parameterization is not
optimized for the constant matrix element that is supplied instead,
good convergence is not guaranteed. (Setting stratified = F
may be helpful here.) The possibility to call a dummy matrix element in this way allows to
histogram spectra or structure functions: Choose a trivial process
such as uu→ dd, select the test method, switch on
structure functions for one (or both) beams, and generate events. The
distribution of the final-state mass squared reflects the x
dependence of the selected structure function. For the test method there are two more options:
For historical and completeness reasons we mention here the technical
details and available options when using CompHEP or MadGraph
matrix elements. The CompHEP version included in WHIZARD can only generate matrix
elements for up to four particles in the final state. No polarization
or flavor summation is possible (in contrast to the official CompHEP
version), and color-flow information is not explicitly generated in
the version used by WHIZARD. However, arbitrary models can be
defined and the predefined models can be modified to include anomalous
couplings etc. CompHEP matrix elements, evaluated by the trace
method, are most efficient for simple 2→ 2 or 2→ 3 processes,
while for 2→ 4 processes the other two packages typically generate
faster code. The MadGraph version inside WHIZARD has the Standard Model
implemented with the exception of the trilinear or quartic Higgs
couplings. The user may choose the maximal order of the strong (QCD),
electromagnetic (QED), or weak (QFD) coupling for the matrix element
evaluation. The implementation included in WHIZARD can generate
matrix elements with up to six final-state particles. No flavor
summation is possible. There are several options in the fifth entry of the input file for the
two generators: The letter s indicates that only a selection
of particular Feynman diagrams is taken. Example:
nnh e1,E1 n1,N1,H chep
nnh_zh e1,E1 n1,N1,H chep s
The setup of the necessary diagram selection file is described in
Sec. 5.1. For MadGraphonly it is possible to define the maximal order in each
of the coupling constants: ‘QCD’ counts powers of gs (gluon
couplings), ‘QED’ counts powers of e (photon couplings), and ‘QFD’
counts powers of the remaining electroweak couplings. As an
example, the following specifications generate the QCD and the
electroweak contribution to uū→ dd separately:
uudd_qcd u,U d,D mad n:QED<=0, n:QFD<=0
uudd_ew u,U d,D mad n:QCD<=0
There is only an upper bound on the number of couplings of a given
species supported, so <= is the only available relation. MadGraph always uses a fixed-width prescription, both in the s-
and the t-channel, so there is no option. The “fudged” width
option mentioned above can be activated for CompHEP by setting
the flag gwidth . However, this is a runtime flag that enters
the input file whizard.in in the block parameter_input . 4.2 Compilation, installation, and bundles
After the processes have been selected, the matrix elements and
executable code are compiled and linked by the simple command
make prg
This will generate an executable named whizard in the
bin subdirectory. An alternative is
make bundle-src
make bundle
which will create a restricted bundle containing the Fortran 95
source code of the selected matrix elements and the libraries which
have not been explicitly disabled.13 This bundle will be put as a gzipped tar file in the main
directory under the name whizard-bundle-yymmdd-hhmm.tgz , where
yymmdd-hhmm specifies the current date and time. The bundle
can be unpacked on a different platform. There, it can be configured,
compiled and run without the need for a working O’Mega
(i.e. O’Caml) installation. Important: In the bundle,
you have to use the commands make prg_bundle install_bundle
instead of make prg install, otherwise it won’t work. (The
necessary O’Mega library will be contained in the bundle, of course.)
The configuration and input files (whizard.prc ,
whizard.in , etc.) will be copied from the conf directory
of the distribution (not from the results directory). The
site-specific configuration config.site will not be
copied (precisely because it is site-specific). The restricted bundle
has all capabilities of the WHIZARD system except for the
possibility to re-generate the matrix elements. If only the source code for the process list should be generated, say
make proc-src
The files can be found in the subdirectory processes-src.
If desired, the source code can be modified before a further
make call compiles and links them together. A run of the Monte Carlo generator requires, apart from the
executable, the following input and configuration files. In their
initial form they are found in the conf subdirectory:
whizard.in containing all input data and parameters.
- whizard.mdl containing vertex definitions used in phase
space setup. If an appropriate phase space configuration file
whizard.phs exists, the model file is not necessary.
- whizard.cut1 containing a-priori cut definitions. This
file may be empty.
- whizard.cut5 containing cut and histogram definitions
for the data analysis step (the 5th pass of the program). This file
may be empty.
When the command
make install
is issued, all necessary configuration files, together with the
whizard executable, are copied into the results
subdirectory. If no user-defined files are found, default ones will
be used. The contents of the results directory may be copied
anywhere without affecting the functionality of the whizard
executable within, leaving room for the simultaneous use of multiple
WHIZARD copies with different process content. (’make
install ’ implies ’make prg ’, so the latter is in
fact redundant.) Alternatively, one can omit the install step and copy the
WHIZARD executable to any place in the system, or just leave it in
the bin subdirectory. For a successful run of WHIZARD, one
needs, of course, copies of the input files in the working directory. Dealing with compilation problems
Although the authors have tried to make the program compile and run in
various environments, it may happen that something goes wrong. The
following problems are, at least, known:
The O’Caml compiler is missing on the host computer. This is
not a fatal problem since the compiler is part of most Linux
distributions and available via MAC OS X port. Furthermore,
it is easily available via
Note that the
O'Caml programming language can be installed on
virtually any UNIX and MAC OS X system, and that it is perfectly
possible to do this on a user account without superuser access.
- One of the PERL scripts which organize matrix element generation
fails. This may be due to inconsistent shell return codes on some
systems (IRIX, for instance). Since the OS world seems to converge
towards Linux, this problem rarely occurs in reality. (Please notify
the author if you really need a fix for a different OS. However, for
WHIZARD 1 we basically consider Linux, MAC OS X and ALPHA as supported
- A matrix element generator (O’Mega, CompHEP, MadGraph) fails. The
reason is probably an attempt to generate a process that is not
supported or which is physically impossible. 14 If this happens, there could be some trace in
the temporary directory that has been created (in
/tmp if
TMPDIR has not been set). Note that you should remove this directory
by hand if the program terminates abnormally during process creation.
- The Fortran 95 compiler fails. You may have found an actual WHIZARD
bug, or you may have discovered a bug in the Fortran 95 compiler (this
has happened more than once during the development of WHIZARD!).
Make sure that you have the most recent compiler version and complain
to the compiler vendor, if nothing else helps. Note however, that
WHIZARD 1 explores no Fortran 03 features and most Fortran 95 are very
mature nowadays).
- The linker fails due to incompatible object file formats. The reason
could be that the WHIZARD configuration has chosen a Fortran 77
compiler different from the one used in generating the precompiled
Fortran 77 libraries (PYTHIA, for instance). Set the correct
compiler using the environment variable
F77 , reconfigure and
- The program crashes with a runtime error. This can be due to an
incorrect input syntax, e.g., in a
NAMELIST block. A frequent
error is the specification of parameters that are misspelled or
unknown to the current model. Another source of runtime errors can be
incompatible external library formats (PYTHIA etc.). Otherwise, in
particular if there is no reasonable error message, it may be a
WHIZARD bug. Please report this to one of the email addresses
- Floating underflow messages after successful program execution are
usually harmless.
CompHEP cannot be compiled, so the executable x_comphep is
missing when WHIZARD tries to generate matrix elements. This is
likely due to missing C libraries needed by CompHEP. In
particular, although WHIZARD will call CompHEP in command-line
mode, the CompHEP executable needs the X libraries and include files
installed on the host system. Note that CompHEP is just for
self-testing purposes and is considered to be no longer maintained by
In any case, whether you could not solve a configuration or
compilation problem or you found a workaround, please contact the
so that the issue can be dealt with in a future release. (Please make
sure that you are running the most recent version of WHIZARD, or at
least look in the current CHANGES file whether a bug has been fixed in
the meantime.) 4.3 Process selection
For running WHIZARD, the user can freely choose among the processes
he has defined in the configuration file and compiled in the
executable. The parameter process_id in the main input file
(see below) is a string which contains the list of process tags, e.g.
process_id = "zh, zz, zw"
If there is more than one process, integration of the cross sections
will be performed in sequence. If a subsequent simulation step is
requested, the events will be mixed according to their relative total
cross sections. If fragmentation is enabled, one can even mix
WHIZARD processes with processes generated by PYTHIA (see
Sec. 4.8). Since the integration grids are written to separate files, they can be
reused later if events are to be simulated for the same or a different
collection of processes, provided the input parameters and cuts are
identical. This may save a lot of adaptation and integration time. If the parameter process_id is left empty, WHIZARD will just
print the list of processes, write a logfile containing the complete
parameter list (including user settings), and exit. 4.4 Input data
When the whizard executable is started, it will use the
parameters from the copy of the file whizard.in in the
working directory. In this file, the physical input parameters and
runtime switches are set. There are very many parameters, and all of
them are optional. WHIZARD will try to insert sensible default
values if the user has not specified a value. Of course, if no
process tag is given, WHIZARD can do nothing, so it will just
display the list of processes and exit. The file whizard.in is written using the Fortran 95 NAMELIST
conventions. It consists of several blocks marked by a keyword
beginning with the & character and closed by a slash
/. Each block contains a list of assignments of the form
variable = value. Variables left out are assigned their
default value. The assignments are separated by commas or newlines.
Whitespace can be inserted anywhere. Comments can be inserted in this
file; they begin with ! and extend up to the end of the line. An example for the input file is shown in Fig. 4.4.
In many cases, it suffices to fill the process_input block
and leave all others empty. If polarization, beamstrahlung etc. are
intended, the beam_input blocks must also be considered. As an alternative to the NAMELIST format, WHIZARD supports the SUSY
Les Houches Accord format for its input file. See Sec. 4.4.7
for details.
process_id = "nnh"
sqrts = 500
luminosity = 100
calls =
1 10000
5 10000
2 20000
write_events = T
&diagnostics_input /
Me = 0
Ms = 0
Mc = 0
MH = 115
wH = 0.3228E-02
Figure 4.4: Sample input file. |
The process_input block allows to specify a generic
filename . This can be used to organize WHIZARD run data
by giving specific filenames. For instance, to indicate the process
energy in the filename for all output files, one may write
process_id = "nnh"
sqrts = 800
filename = "whizard_800"
Then, the output files will be whizard_800.out and
whizard.800.nnh.out , etc. You do not need to write a separate
file whizard_800.in , however: if a specific file is not found,
the program will always look for the default one, in this case
whizard.in . Similarly, the working directory can be specified by the
directory parameter. Of course, the first input file to be
read must reside in the initial directory, otherwise it cannot be found
(unless you define it on the command line, see
Sec. 5.6). The filename setting is overridden by specific filenames such
as input_file , or e.g. in the block
integration_input the variables read_phase_space_file
or write_phase_space_file (cf. below). Such filenames will
be interpreted relative to the chosen directory (if set),
unless they begin with a slash, e.g. for read_model_file within
the integration_input block 15,
read_model_file = "/home/whizard/standard_model/whizard"
or with “./ ”, e.g.,
read_model_file = "./whizard"
The latter form refers to the initial working directory. Note
that in all cases the filename extension (here, .mdl ) will be
appended to the filename you specify. It is possible to specify an additional input_file name in the
process_input block. This input file will be read after the
current one. New settings of parameters override old ones. In
principle, any number of input files can be read consecutively and
merged in this way. Reading input is finished when an input file does
not exist, or neither directory nor input_file is
changed in the last reading. Obviously, one should avoid loops in
file reading. All external file names used by WHIZARD can be similarly redefined.
As a special rule, the filename for reading something (cuts, grids,
events etc.) will automatically be set equal to the corresponding
filename for writing, unless it is specified explicitly. The reason
is that those files will be rewritten if the corresponding input file
is not found, which could lead to accidentally overwriting files
which is not intended. 4.4.2 The process_input block
These parameters should always be inspected.
Parameter | Value | Default | Description |
process_id | string | empty | Process tag(s) as defined in
whizard.prc. It should contain the list of processes to activate,
separated by commas or blanks, enclosed in quotes. |
cm_frame | T/F | T | If true, the c.m. frame is the lab frame,
the beams are in ± z directions, and the total c.m. energy is
given by sqrts . If false, the beam energies and
directions must be specified below in the blocks beam_input . |
sqrts | number | 0 | If this number is
greater than the sum of the incoming particle masses, it specifies
the c.m. energy of the initial state in GeV. Applies only if
cm_frame is true, and is ignored for decay processes. |
luminosity | number | 0 | Integrated luminosity in fb−1. A nonzero value will activate event
generation. (Alternatively, the number of events can be specified
below in the block simulation_input .) The
luminosity value is ignored for decay processes. |
polarized_beams | T/F | F | If true, the helicity content of
the beams must be specified below in the blocks beam_input . |
structured_beams | T/F | F | If true, the nature of the
incoming beams must be specified below in the blocks
beam_input . |
beam_recoil | T/F | F | If true, and if structure functions
(e.g., ISR) are selected, the recoil of the partons
against the beam remnant (e.g., the emitted photons)
is taken into account. The pT distribution is computed within the
approximation valid for the emission, hence it will be
accurate at low pT. |
recoil_conserve_momentum | T/F | F | Applies only if
beam_recoil is set: if true, keep momentum balance between
parton and recoil momenta at the expense of energy balance. If false, keep
energy balance at the expense of momentum balance. |
filename | string | empty | Base filename (w/o extension) to be used for all input/output files
instead of the string "whizard" . |
directory | string | empty | Working directory for all further reading/writing of files. |
input_file | string | empty | If nonempty, read the specified input file after the current one. The
extension .in will be appended to the filename. |
input_slha_format | T/F | F | If true, assume that the next
input file is in SUSY Les Houches Accord format (see
Sec. 4.4.7). If false, determine the
format from the first line. |
4.4.3 The integration_input block
These parameters will not affect the cross section value (with the
possible exception of the default cut parameters) but can improve or
disprove the running time, the stability and accuracy of the result,
and the efficiency of event generation.
Parameter | Value | Default | Description |
calls | 6 numbers | (yes) | Array describing the number of iterations
and number of calls per integration pass. Default values depend on
the selected process. See below in
subsection 4.6 for details. |
seed | integer | undefined | Random number generator seed (integer). When omitted, the time counter
will be used, resulting in a different value each run. |
reset_seed_each_process | T/F | F | Reset the random number generator seed to seed not just once,
but each time a process is integrated. This is
useful for comparing matrix elements which should be identical, but,
e.g., have been generated by different programs. |
accuracy_goal | number | 0 | Goal for the accuracy estimate (6th column in the output). When this goal is
reached and the efficiency goal is either also reached or unset,
further grid adaptation iterations will be skipped (Sec. 4.9). |
efficiency_goal | percentage | 100 | Goal for the reweighting efficiency estimate (7th column in the
output). When this goal is reached and the accuracy goal is either
also reached or unset, further grid adaptation iterations will be
skipped (Sec. 4.9). |
time_limit_adaptation | integer | 0 | If nonzero, grid adaptation for the current process will be stopped
after the specified number
of minutes, and the final integration pass started (Sec. 4.9). |
stratified | T/F | T | Use stratified (T) / importance (F) sampling. |
use_efficiency | T/F | F | Use efficiency (T) / accuracy (F) as the
criterion for adapting the channel weights. |
weights_power | number | 0.25 | Power used for adapting the channel weights.
Lower value means slower adaptation (to suppress fluctuations). |
min_bins | integer | 3 | Minimal number of bins per integration dimension. |
max_bins | integer | 20 | Maximal number of bins per integration dimension. This number will be
used as long as there are enough sampling points, otherwise the number
of bins will be decreased. |
min_calls_per_bin | integer | 10 | Minimal number of points per bin, integration dimension, and
integration channel. If this limit cannot be satisfied, the total
number of points will be increased. |
min_calls_per_channel | integer | 0 | All integration channel will get at least (approximately) this
number of points. Prevents channels from being dropped during
adaptation. |
write_grids | T/F | T | Write grids to files whizard.grb (best grid) and
whizard.grc (current grid), to be reused later. |
write_grids_raw | T/F | F | Use binary format for writing grids. Saves memory at the expense of
portability. |
write_grids_file | string | empty | If nonempty, use the specified filename for writing grids instead of
the default. The file extensions are appended to string. |
write_all_grids | T/F | F | Write, in addition, after each iteration the current grid to file
whizard.grXXX, where XXX is the iteration number. |
write_all_grids_file | string | empty | If nonempty, use the specified filename for writing the extra grids instead of
the default. The file extensions are appended to string. |
read_grids | T/F | F | Read existing grids whizard.grb and whizard.grc if
they have been written by a previous run. This avoids the
time-consuming adaptation step. Makes sense only if no physical
parameters have been changed. |
read_grids_raw | T/F | F | If true, search first for binary grid files, then for ASCII grids. If
false, do search first for ASCII.. |
read_grids_force | T/F | F | Set this to T if you want to read the grids from file even if
some parameters have changed. Use with care! This may result in a program
crash if the grid structures are incompatible. |
read_grids_file | string | empty | If nonempty, use the specified filename for reading grids instead of
the default. The file extensions are appended to string. |
generate_phase_space | T/F | T | Generate a phase space configuration appropriate for the current
process and write it to whizard.phx. |
read_model_file | string | empty | If nonempty, read vertex definitions for phase space setup from
string.mdl instead of the default whizard.mdl . |
write_phase_space_file | string | empty | Write phase space configuration to string.phx
instead of the default. |
read_phase_space | T/F | T | Read phase space configuration from whizard.phs or a
previously generated file whizard.phx if
possible. |
read_phase_space_file | string | empty | Read phase space configuration from string.phs or
string.phx instead of the default. |
phase_space_only | T/F | F | Stop the program after phase space generation. |
use_equivalences | T/F | T | If true, use permutation symmetry when updating grids to improve the
quality of the results. |
azimuthal_dependence | T/F | F | If false, it is assumed that the scattering does not depend on the
overall azimuthal angle. This will be automatically T if general
beam polarization is switched on, therefore the user need only access
this parameter in the case of azimuthal-dependent cuts. |
write_phase_space_channels_file | string | empty | Show phase space channels in string.ps
instead of the default file whizard-channels.ps . Note
that you need to call CHANNELS= string make -e channels
in order to generate string.ps |
The following parameters affect the details of the algorithm by which
WHIZARD generates the phase space setup. Under normal
circumstances, there should be no need to change them.
Parameter | Value | Default | Description |
off_shell_lines | integer | 1 | Maximum number of off-shell-lines allowed for Feynman graphs which are
initially taken into account for the phase space configuration. Log-enhanced
(massless) propagators are not counted as off-shell. |
extra_off_shell_lines | integer | 1 | Use configurations with more off-shell lines, if they happen to be
maximally resonant. |
splitting_depth | integer | 1 | Up to this number of branchings, a (massless) propagator will be considered
as log-enhanced and mapped like a photon propagator. |
exchange_lines | integer | 3 | Up to this number of t-channel propagators, a multiperipheral graph
will be taken into account. |
show_deleted_channels | T/F | F | With extra_off_shell_lines , extra channels will be generated
which are deleted if they do not contain enough resonances. With this
flag, they are just commented out, so they could be manually
activated. |
single_off_shell_decays | T/F | T | Whether single-off-shell decays are relevant for the phase space
configuration. |
double_off_shell_decays | T/F | F | Whether double-off-shell decays are relevant for the phase space
configuration. |
single_off_shell_branchings | T/F | T | Whether single-off-shell branchings are relevant for the phase space
configuration. |
double_off_shell_branchings | T/F | T | Whether double-off-shell branchings are relevant for the phase space
configuration. |
massive_fsr | T/F | T | Whether the radiation of a massive particle in the final state is
relevant for the phase space
configuration. |
threshold_mass | number | 50 | A particle with a mass up to this value will be considered as massless
for the purpose of phase-space setup. (But the true mass is taken
into account when the particle appears as a resonant intermediate state.) |
threshold_mass_t | number | 200 | A particle with a mass up to this value will be considered as massless
for the purpose of phase-space setup, when it appears as a t-channel
propagator. |
initial_decays_fatal | T/F | T | As the phase space maps cannot describe on-shell decays of beam particles
properly, WHIZARD normally gives a fatal error when such configurations
are encountered. This option changes this to a warning at the price of
a potentially screwed phase space setup. |
The following parameters affect the setup of kinematical cuts. Note
that the default cuts are taken into account only if there is no
appropriate entry in the user cut file whizard.cut1 . However,
even if such an entry exists, the cut parameters below affect the
phase-space mappings, so adjusting them to order-of-magnitude may
improve the convergence of the result.
Parameter | Value | Default | Description |
default_jet_cut | number | 10 | The default invariant mass cut in GeV applied to pairs of massless
colored particles. |
default_mass_cut | number | 10 | The default invariant mass cut in GeV applied to pair production of
massless colorless charged particles and to photon emission. |
default_energy_cut | number | 10 | The default energy cut in GeV applied to photon and gluon emission. |
default_q_cut | number | 10 | The default Q cut in GeV applied to photon and gluon exchange. |
write_default_cuts_file | string | file | If nonempty, write the list of default cuts to this file (augmented by
the file extension) instead of the default. Note that the settings in
this file are overwritten by a user-defined cut configuration, if
present. |
read_cuts_file | string | empty | Look for user-defined cut configurations in string.cut1
instead of whizard.cut1 . |
user_cut_mode | integer | 0 | Set this nonzero to activate a user-defined cut function
(Sec. 5.4). |
user_weight_mode | integer | 0 | Set this nonzero to activate a user-defined weight function
(Sec. 5.5). |
4.4.4 The simulation_input block
These parameters control event generation, hadronization and output.
If the luminosity (above) is left undefined or zero, one may still
generate a fixed number of events by setting n_events nonzero.
By default, the events are written to file in raw format and can be
reused in that way. Writing events in another format (which uses up
more disk space) must be requested explicitly. However, if this has
not been done, one may use WHIZARD afterwards as a translator to any
file format by reading pre-generated events and immediately writing
them in another format:
&integration_input read_grids = T /
&simulation_input read_events = T write_events = T /
WHIZARD also contains an experimental version of a kT-ordered
parton shower, written by Sebastian Schmidt. In the version it is
implemented here, it is highly experimental and does work only for
LHEF event formats (cf. below, this is the only one which allows for a
varying number of particles in the event). A much more advanced
version can be found in WHIZARD 2. For more details about the shower
confer the WHIZARD 2 manual. The shower can be switched on with
the shower flag.
Parameter | Value | Default | Description |
n_events | integer | 0 | Number of (unweighted) events to generate at least, irrespective of the
luminosity setting. |
n_calls | integer | 0 | Number of matrix-element calls (weighted events) to execute at least,
irrespective of the luminosity setting. |
n_events_warmup | integer | 0 | Number of extra warmup events (see below, Sec. 4.7). |
unweighted | T/F | T | Reweight events to generate an unweighted event sample. |
normalize_weight | T/F | T | If true, normalize the event weight to unity. If false, normalize to
the total cross section. |
write_weights | T/F | F | If unweighted=F , write weight distribution data to
whizard.wgt . |
write_weights_file | string | empty | Write weight distribution to string.wgt instead. |
safety_factor | number | 1 | Multiply the estimate for the highest weight by this factor before
starting event generation. |
write_events | T/F | F | Write generated events to file whizard.evt to
be used by an external analysis package. |
write_events_format | integer | 1 | The format to be used for writing events, where the file extension
depends on the format (.evt for format = 1, see
Sec. 4.7). |
write_events_file | string | empty | If nonempty, use string as filename for writing events, where
the file extension will be appended. |
events_per_file | integer | 0 | If positive, begin a new event file once the number of entries exceeds
this number. The event file counter is appended to each event file
name, separated with a dot (before the file extension). This feature
applies only to non-binary event formats. |
bytes_per_file | integer | 0 | If positive, begin a new event file once the number of bytes in the
file exceeds
this number. The event file counter is appended to each event file
name, separated with a dot (before the file extension). This feature
applies only to non-binary event formats. See
Sec. 4.7.1. |
min_file_count | integer | 1 | If event files are split, use this index for the first event file.
Increase the counter by one for each successive event file. |
max_file_count | integer | 999 | Limit for the event file counter; if this limit is exceeded, event
generation is terminated. (For weighted events only, this is an error
condition since the event sample must be complete for being usable.) |
write_events_raw | T/F | T | Write events to whizard.evx in condensed binary format, so they
can be internally reused in another run. |
write_events_raw_file | string | empty | Write raw events to string.evx instead. |
read_events | T/F | F | Read events from file whizard.evx (raw format) instead of
generating them. This is equivalent to read_events_raw . |
read_events_force | T/F | T | This was intended to force WHIZARD to read in events from file even
if some parameters have changed. However, the MD5 checksum
implemented to check for parameter changes has some deficiencies.
Hence, we always enforce to read in events, because this feature could
otherwise not be used at all. Use with great care! (Note that this
problem has been solved in WHIZARD 2.) |
read_events_raw_file | string | empty | Read raw events from string.evx instead. |
keep_beam_remnants | T/F | F | Keep the beam remnants in the event record when applying structure
functions. See Sec. 4.4.8. |
keep_initials | T/F | F | Keep the beam particles and the partons which initiate the hard
scattering in the event record. See Sec. 4.4.8. |
guess_color_flow | T/F | F | Infer the color flow for hadronization from the particle ordering, if
it is nontrivial and not available directly. |
recalculate | T/F | F | Recalculate the matrix element value for each event of a previously
generated sample. Setting this flag automatically turns on reading
grids and events from file. |
fragment | T/F | F | Fragment the events depending on the value of
fragmentation_method (see Sec. 4.8). |
fragmentation_method | integer | 1 | Method used for fragmentation if fragment is true:
0=no fragmentation; 1=JETSET; 2=PYTHIA; 3=user. |
user_fragmentation_mode | integer | 0 | When user-defined fragmentation routines are called, this parameter
may select different modes. |
pythia_parameters | string | empty | String to be given to PYTHIA’s pygive call before starting
event generation. This allows to modify PYTHIA/JETSET
properties, set particle masses, etc. The string is also available within
user-defined fragmentation routines and can there be abused for
different purposes. |
pythia_processes | string | empty | PYTHIA background processes to be simulated in addition to the
WHIZARD processes: A list of integers separated by
blanks, enclosed in quotation marks. Refer to the PYTHIA manual for
the list of processes. |
shower | T/F | F | Switches the internal shower on or off. As a default it is off. Note
that the shower only works with LHEF event format (foramt type
6). This shower is highly experimental. Mainly intended for testing
purposes. |
shower_nf | integer | 5 | Number of light flavors in the shower. |
shower_running_alpha_s | T/F | F | Whether to use a running strong coupling αs or not in the
shower. As a default it is fixed. |
shower_alpha_s | number | 0.2 | The value of the strong coupling constant αs as used by the
internal shower. The default is 0.2. |
shower_lambda | number | 0.29 | The value of the QCD scale ΛQCD as used by the
internal shower. The default is 0.29 GeV. |
shower_t_min | number | 1.0 | The infrared cutoff for the evolution parameter tmin as
used by the internal shower. The default is 1 GeV. |
shower_md | number | 0.330 | The constituent d quark mass md as
used by the internal shower. The default is 0.330 GeV. |
shower_mu | number | 0.330 | The constituent u quark mass mu as
used by the internal shower. The default is 0.330 GeV. |
shower_ms | number | 0.500 | The constituent s quark mass ms as
used by the internal shower. The default is 0.5 GeV. |
shower_mc | number | 1.5 | The constituent c quark mass mc as
used by the internal shower. The default is 1.5 GeV. |
shower_mb | number | 4.8 | The constituent b quark mass mb as
used by the internal shower. The default is 4.8 GeV. |
4.4.5 The diagnostics_input block
These parameters do not affect the result, but the information
displayed on screen and stored in files.
Parameter | Value | Default | Description |
chattiness | integer | 4 | How much information to show on screen: (0) only fatal errors, (1) and
non-fatal errors, (2) and warnings, (3) and messages, (4) and results,
(5) and debugging messages (if any). |
catch_signals | T/F | T | If the compiler supports it, try to catch external signals such as
SIGINT and SIGXCPU and exit gracefully, closing files first. |
time_limit | integer | 0 | If nonzero, exit gracefully after the given number of minutes has
passed. This is useful to prevent an external kill within a batch
environment. |
warn_empty_channel | T/F | F | Issue a warning whenever the integral within a phase space channel is
zero. |
screen_events | T/F | F | Whether to show generated events on screen. |
screen_histograms | T/F | F | Whether to show histograms on screen. |
screen_diagnostics | T/F | F | Whether to repeat the input parameters on screen. |
show_pythia_banner | T/F | T | Whether to display the PYTHIA banner page if fragmentation is
enabled. |
show_pythia_initialization | T/F | T | Whether to display the PYTHIA initialization messages if fragmentation is
enabled. |
show_pythia_statistics | T/F | T | Whether to display the PYTHIA statistics summary after event
generation is completed. |
write_logfile | T/F | T | Whether to write the (process-specific) output file(s)
whizard.XXX.out. |
write_logfile_file | string | empty | Use this as the filename for the logfile. |
show_input | T/F | T | Whether to repeat the input parameters in the logfile. |
show_results | T/F | T | Whether to show the integration results in namelist format in the logfile. |
show_phase_space | T/F | F | Whether to show the phase space configuration in the logfile. |
show_cuts | T/F | T | Whether to show the cut configuration in the logfile. |
show_histories | T/F | F | Whether to show the individual VAMP channel histories in the logfile. |
show_history | T/F | T | Whether to show the overall VAMP history in the logfile. |
show_weights | T/F | T | Whether to show the weight adaptation in the logfile. |
show_event | T/F | F | Whether to show the last event in the logfile. |
show_histograms | T/F | F | Whether to show histograms in the logfile. |
show_overflow | T/F | F | Whether to show events beyond the first or last bin in histogram
listings. |
show_excess | T/F | T | Whether to show a summary of events with weight exceeding one. |
read_analysis_file | string | empty | Use this (string.cut5) as the filename for the analysis setup
instead of whizard.cut5 |
plot_width | number | 130 | The width in mm of the plots if online analysis is enabled. |
plot_height | number | 90 | The height in mm of the plots if online analysis is enabled. |
plot_excess | T/F | T | In the plots, display excess events in red. |
plot_history | T/F | T | If this is enabled, write a graphics driver file for displaying the
integration history, i.e., the integral with error bars for each
iteration. Use make history to generate the graphics
file whizard-history.ps . |
plot_grids_channels | string | empty | The string is a list of phase-space channels (integers) for which the
bin distribution will be histogrammed. Use make grids
to generate the graphics file whizard-grids.ps . |
plot_grids_logscale | number | 10 | Use logarithmic scale for the grid plots if the bin width varies over
more than this ratio. |
slha_rewrite_input | T/F | T | If SUSY Les Houches Accord data have been used, whether to repeat this
input in the process-specific logfiles (including comments) or to
rewrite it there using the data which have actually been used. |
slha_ignore_errors | T/F | F | If this is false, an error signaled in the SLHA input file (in the
SPINFO or DCINFO block) will cause WHIZARD to stop before
calculating anything. If true, such errors will be displayed, but the
run continues. |
4.4.6 The parameter_input block
These are the physical constants used in evaluating the matrix
elements. If this block is left empty, default values (see below) will
be inserted. Which constants are actually present, and which ones are dependent or
derived, depends on the physical model. Consult the model files in
conf/models for the corresponding parameters. For example,
the constants relevant for the Standard Model SM_CKM are shown
below together with their default values:
Parameter | Value | Default | Description |
GF | number | 1.16639× 10−5 | Fermi constant |
mZ | number | 91.1882 | Z-boson mass |
mW | number | 80.419 | W-boson mass |
mH | number | 200 | Higgs mass |
alphas | number | 0.1178 | Strong coupling constant αs(MZ) |
me | number | 0.000511 | electron mass |
mmu | number | 0.1057 | muon mass |
mtau | number | 1.777 | τ-lepton mass |
ms | number | 0.12 | s-quark mass |
mc | number | 1.25 | c-quark mass |
mb | number | 4.2 | b-quark mass |
mtop | number | 174 | t-quark mass |
wtop | number | 1.523 | t-quark width |
wZ | number | 2.443 | Z-boson width |
wW | number | 2.049 | W-boson width |
wH | number | 1.419 | Higgs width |
vckm11 | number | 0.97383 | Vud |
vckm12 | number | 0.2272 | Vus |
vckm13 | number | 0.00396 | Vub |
vckm21 | number | -0.2271 | Vcd |
vckm22 | number | 0.97296 | Vcs |
vckm23 | number | 0.04221 | Vcb |
vckm31 | number | 0.00814 | Vtd |
vckm32 | number | -0.04161 | Vts |
vckm33 | number | 0.99910 | Vtb |
khgaz | number | 1.000 | anomaly Higgs coupling K factors |
khgaga | number | 1.000 | anomaly Higgs coupling K factors |
khgg | number | 1.000 | anomaly Higgs coupling K factors |
The dependent parameters (such as e, sinθW, Vcb etc.)
will be shown in the output file whizard.out, but one should
not try to reset them in the input file. The dependencies take into
account the tree approximation only, such that gauge invariance is
automatically respected. This may lead to unwanted side-effects in
particular cases, e.g., the Higgs coupling to b quarks is
proportional to the b mass, so setting mb=0 removes all H→
bb subprocesses. Setting fermion masses to zero will considerably speed up the matrix
element evaluation since certain helicity combinations vanish
identically (with O’Mega and MadGraph). In that case, cuts may be
needed for a finite answer. However, if necessary, finite masses can
be kept for all particles except the light quarks u and d. Concerning quark masses in particular, they depend in fact on the
chosen scale. The default values for the parameters include the
strong coupling constant defined at the scale µ=MZ, but the quark
masses evaluated at the low scale µ=2 GeV. These
default values are taken from the PDG 2000 compilation 16. For a
consistent scheme, running quark masses should be inserted instead
wherever this is of importance. For instance, the b mass is only
about 2.9 GeV at µ=MZ, thus affecting the Higgs
coupling to b quarks. Although they can be calculated from the other parameters in
principle, the particle widths are retained as independent input
parameters. Thus, the branching ratio of a particular resonance decay
can be tuned by modifying the resonance width. When the Higgs mass is
changed, the Higgs width has to be changed accordingly if Higgs decays
are considered. The default values for the particle widths are given
by the sum of the tree-level 1→ 2 decay channels, using the
default masses and couplings as input. This choice is questionable as
well. Since O’Mega(MadGraph and CompHEP, too) can only calculate cross
sections at tree level, this is at least consistent; however, for each
particular problem one should re-investigate the underlying assumption
that 2-particle decays are dominant, and recalculate the widths
accordingly. This cannot be done automatically by WHIZARD 1. Finally, even if a parameter is defined and appears in the output,
this does not necessarily mean that its value is used by all three
programs CompHEP, MadGraph and O’Mega. For instance, the CKM
matrix is not taken into account by the MadGraph version
of the Standard Model. For using CompHEP, there are two switches within the
parameter_input block:
Parameter | Value | Default | Description |
gwidth | T/F | F | Use the gauge-invariant width prescription
for unstable particles in CompHEP matrix elements. This is the
so-called overall factor scheme. For O’Mega, the corresponding ’f’
option has to be specified in the process configuration file already. |
rwidth | T/F | F | Use a running-width prescription for
unstable particles in CompHEP matrix elements. |
4.4.7 Input in SUSY Les Houches Accord format
The SUSY Les Houches Accord
(SLHA) [10, 11] describes a format to pass
MSSM/NMSSM physics data between computer programs. WHIZARD accepts
its input file in SLHA format. This requires that either
It is possible to
read SLHA input after the usual input file: In the
process_input block of the standard input file, set
input_file to the name of the SLHA file (without the extension
.in which each input file must have).
- embed standard WHIZARD input within the SLHA file: Enclose it
in a block
WHIZARD_INPUT . The text of this block is read by
WHIZARD only and copied verbatim into an internal file which
is read after the SLHA data. Note that, according to the SLHA
standard, the first character of each line within this block has to be
In this way, several input files in both formats may be read
consecutively, which could be useful to set defaults and override
some parameters computed by a SUSY spectrum calculator. However, the
recommended procedure is to supply a standard whizard.in file
where the process selection, collider information, and WHIZARD
switches and runtime parameters are set, while containing all physical
data in a separate file written in SLHA format which is read
afterwards. The latter may be produced by an automatic spectrum and
decay calculator. In the output, if SLHA data have been used, the data will be repeated.
WHIZARD reorders the blocks, where the blocks that actually have
been used (which may include MODSEL , SMINPUTS ,
MINPAR , MASS , and mixing data) come first. The
parameter slha_rewrite_input in the diagnostics_input
block controls whether the input data are just copied into the output
(preserving all comments, but not necessarily the ordering of blocks)
or rewritten by WHIZARD. In the latter case, the relevant parameters
in the output are made consistent between the standard WHIZARD
format and the SLHA format, where applicable. Furthermore, for each
process a block PROCESS will be appended which contains the
integration results in a format which follows the SLHA conventions.
The block CSINFO (cross section calculator information) is
added, analogous to the SPINFO and DCINFO blocks
described in the standard (see Fig. 4.5).
! Begin SLHA data
# SUSY Les Houches Accord Version 1.0
Block MODSEL # Select model
1 1 # mSugra
Block SMINPUTS # Standard Model inputs
1 1.279340000e+02 # alpha_em^(-1)(MZ)
2 1.166370000e-05 # G_Fermi
3 1.172000000e-01 # alpha_s(MZ)MSbar
4 9.118760000e+01 # MZ(pole)
5 4.250000000e+00 # Mb(mb)
6 1.743000000e+02 # Mtop(pole)
7 1.777000000e+00 # Mtau(pole)
⋮ # WHIZARD: The following blocks have not been used:
Block EXTPAR # non-universal SUSY breaking parameters
⋮ # WHIZARD: The following blocks have been added:
BLOCK PROCESS # Result of cross section calculation
1 2 # Number of incoming particles
2 11 # Incoming particle: e
2 -11 # Incoming particle: a-e
11 2 # Number of outgoing particles
12 1000024 # Outgoing particle: ch1+
12 -1000024 # Outgoing particle: a-ch1+
21 1.62815594E+02 # Cross section in fb
22 8.00542154E-02 # Cross section error in fb
23 1.56582525E+00 # Chi-squared value
BLOCK CSINFO # Cross section calculator information
1 WHIZARD # Calculator name
2 1.97 # Calculator version
! End SLHA data
Figure 4.5: Sample output in SLHA format |
WHIZARD will use the MASS and DECAY information in the
SLHA file to set the physical masses and widths of the particles it
recognizes. Branching ratio information is not used. Note that the
masses of some SM particles (Z, t, b, and τ) are defined in
SMINPUTS. For completeness, they may also be set in the MASS
block (where the W mass is located). If the values disagree, the
MASS information takes precedence for WHIZARD’s needs. The
widths of Z, W, and t may be set using the DECAY format.
In all cases, default values (which may have been set in a previous
input file) will be taken without warning where data are missing. While the SLHA is intended for the MSSM and its extensions, it is
possible to use this format to pass physical parameters for a SM
calculation, too. If the SM is chosen when configuring WHIZARD, only the
information will be used. By convention, we define the model
parameter (in the MODSEL block) to be negative for a non-SUSY
model. 4.4.8 The beam_input blocksThe input file is finished by two blocks which describe the properties
of the first and second incoming particle beam, respectively. It
depends on the master flags in the process_input block above
whether particular information within these blocks is actually used:
cm_frame is false, the beam_input blocks specify
information on the beam energies and directions. If cm_frame
is true (default), this information is discarded, the beam energies
are given by the sqrts value, and the beam directions are
assumed along the positive and negative z axis, respectively.
- If
polarized_beams is true, the beam_input blocks
specify information on the beam polarization. If
polarized_beams is false (default), this information is
discarded and the beams are assumed to be unpolarized.
- If
structured_beams is true, the beam_input blocks
specify information on the beam particle types, beam energy spectra
and/or structure functions. If structured_beams is false
(default), the beam particles are assumed to be the incoming
particles of the hard process, and the partonic energies are set
equal to the beam energies.
If all of the master flags are kept at their default values, the
content of the beam_input blocks is completely discarded, so
they may be left empty. For decay processes, there are some obvious restrictions: There is
only one “beam”, so the second block is ignored. While
cm_frame and polarized_beams retain their meaning (i.e.,
one can simulate the decay of a moving and/or polarized particle),
structured_beams is ignored, and no structure functions can be
selected. Energy and direction
If the master flag cm_frame is false, the beam energies and
directions are set by
Parameter | Value | Default | Description |
energy | number | 0 | If greater than the beam particle
mass, this specifies the beam energy in the lab frame. Otherwise, the
beam energy is set equal to the particle mass (fixed target). |
angle | number | 0 | If direction is not set,
this specifies a rotation of the beam axis in the lab frame around the
positive y axis. (By default, the beam directions are along the
positive/negative z axis, so a rotation by the angle π/2 turns
them into the positive/negative x axis.) If direction is
set, this parameter is ignored. |
direction | three numbers | 0 0 0 | If any component is
nonzero, this vector explicitly specifies the direction of the given
beam in the lab frame. |
If the master flag polarized_beams is true, the polarization is
set for each beam by
Parameter | Value | Default | Description |
vector_polarization | T/F | F | If false (default), use the standard
helicity basis (left-/right-handed). Set this flag if you need
another basis, in particular transversal polarization. |
polarization | two (three) numbers | 0 0 0 | Fraction of
left/right polarization (fermions, photons, gluons), resp.
left/longitudinal/right polarization (massive vector bosons). If the
vector polarization model is selected, the three numbers denote the
polarization vector. |
For fermions, the default (helicity basis) polarization model
describes longitudinally polarized beams with the specified fraction
of left- and right-handed particles. In the case of massless vector
bosons, this corresponds to left and right circular polarization along
the beam axis. Massive vector bosons have three entries, where the
middle entry specifies the fraction of longitudinal polarization. If
the numbers sum up to less than 1, the remainder is filled with
unpolarized particles. For instance, .5 0 and .75 .25 both
stand for 50 % left-handed polarized electrons. The quantization axis of a polarized particle is the momentum vector
in the lab frame. For particles at rest, the quantization axis is the
positive z axis. The vector polarization model currently applies to fermions only. The
three numbers denote the components of a three-vector P→ with
length less or equal to 1. The helicity density matrix for fermions
is given by
where the polarization vector has components (Px,Py,Pz). For
antifermions this is replaced by
so the y component changes sign. While the z component of P→ describes longitudinal
polarization, the x and y components correspond to transversal
polarization. Longitudinally polarized states can therefore be
specified in both polarization models, while transversal polarization
requires the vector model. Spectra and structure functionsIf the master flag structured_beams is true, WHIZARD will
check if any of the structure functions defined below is applicable
for this beam. For each beam, the beam particle is defined by either
one of
Parameter | Value | Default | Description |
particle_code | integer | 0 | PDG code of the incoming
beam particle. |
particle_name | string | "UNKNOWN" | Name of the
incoming beam particle. |
If both entries are specified, the given PDG code takes precedence. The further parameters specify which structure functions are used for
each beam and fix structure function parameters where necessary.
Structure functions are applied consecutively (Tab. 4.1),
choosing a sensible chain of beam particle splittings: For instance,
if the beam particle is an electron and the process is initiated by a
quark, switching on both EPA and PDF will take the quark content of a
photon which is emitted (in the Weizsäcker-Williams approximation)
by the incoming electron. WHIZARD will not check whether the
selected combination makes physically sense.
If it is desired to have the beam remnants in the event record, one
should set the parameter keep_beam_remnants in the
block. The beam remnants will be photons (beamstrahlung, ISR),
charged particles (EPA) or undefined hadron remnants (LHAPDF,PDF). A
beam remnant is always massless, regardless which mass the
particle has been assigned somewhere else, and it will have no
transverse momentum. There will be exactly one beam remnant per
structure function even though the number of photons radiated in
beamstrahlung and ISR is not well-defined in reality. Beam remnants
cannot be used for the built-in analysis since they are assigned no
binary codes. Their main virtue is to make possible a reconstruction
of individual splittings in the initial state in an external analysis. Furthermore, one can set keep_initials . In that case, the beam
particles and the partons which initiate the hard scattering are kept
in the beam record. Together with the beam remnants, this allows for
full mother-daughter relationships to be displayed. For fixed-energy
beams, there are no beam remnants, and the initial partons are
identical with the beam particles.
Structure function | in-particle | out-particle | user beam pol. |
File events | any | = in | keep |
User spectrum (Sec. 5.3) | any | any | keep/ignore |
CIRCE (beamstrahlung) | e± | e± | keep |
| e± | γ | ignore |
CIRCE2 (beamstr.,γ spectra) | e±/γ | e±/γ | ignore |
ISR (photon radiation) | charged particle | unchanged | keep |
EPA (effective photon approximation) | charged particle | γ | ignore |
EWA (effective W approximation) | weak doublet | weak doublet | ignore |
LHAPDF (parton distribution functions) | p,p or γ | q
or g | ignore |
PDF (parton distribution functions) | p,p or γ | q
or g | ignore |
User structure function (Sec. 5.3) | any | any | keep/ignore |
Table 4.1: Available structure functions. Each transforms an in-particle
into a collinear out particle with a certain momentum fraction. They
may be concatenated in the order given in the table. In the present
implementation, the user-specified beam polarization is either kept
unchanged for all events, or is overwritten. |
Events from fileWHIZARD is able to read a sample of events from file and use it for
integration and event generation. If both beams are read from file in
this way and the filename is identical for both beams, the program
expects a pair of real numbers in each line of the file. (Otherwise,
it expects separate files with a single real number per line.) Each
number corresponds to the energy carried by the beam particle. Empty
lines and comment lines (marked by # or ! ) are skipped. When the end of the beam event file is reached, a warning is issued
and the file is reread from the beginning. Note that reusing the
event sample in this way leads to systematic errors in the
calculation. For instance, the fluctuations of the computed cross
section between subsequent iterations can exceed the error estimate by
orders of magnitude. In the final integration step, this could be
visible as a χ2 value which is anomalously large. To avoid this
problem, it is recommended to use an event sample which is
statistically distributed and contains a sufficient number of events
so that no rewinding is necessary.
Parameter | Value | Default | Description |
FILE_events_on | T/F | F | Whether to read the beam events from
file. |
FILE_events_file | string | empty | File name.
The directory prefix (as specified by directory above, if any)
will be prepended and the
extension .bev will be appended to this string. If this file
does not exist, the default file whizard.bev is searched
instead. |
FILE_events_energies | T/F | T | Whether the numbers in the
file should be interpreted as absolute energies (T) or as energy
fractions with respect to the nominal beam energy, i.e., √s/2 in
the c.m. frame (F). |
Parton distribution functionsThere are two possibilities two access parton distribution functions
inside hadrons: either via the LHAPDF library or via the PDFLIB inside
the CERNLIB. Meanwhile we consider LHAPDF to be the default option,
while we mention the PDFLIB setup just for backwards compatiblity
and completeness. Distribution functions exist for all quarks and for
the gluon. For LHAPDF, the parameters LHAPDF_on ,
PDF_scale (if PDF_running_scale is false) and
LHAPDF_file for the PDF set are mandatory. For an overview
over available sets and parameters confer the LHAPDF manual.
Parameter | Value | Default | Description |
LHAPDF_on | T/F | F | Whether to use PDFs from LHAPDF. |
LHAPDF_file | string | empty | File name for PDF set, e.g. cteq6ll.LHpdf |
LHAPDF_set | integer | 0 | Number of the structure
function set within the given file. Usually, 0 is the central value,
if values other than zero are available they correspond to error
sets. |
PDF_running_scale | T/F | F | Whether to use a running scale
(the total partonic invariant mass) for the structure function
evaluation. |
PDF_scale | number | 0 | If PDF_running_scale is
false, this parameter must be set to a fixed energy scale for the
structure function evaluation. |
For PDFLIB inside the CERNLIB setup, the parameters are listed
below (for a more detailed description, refer to
the PDFLIB manual). For the numerical parameters, a zero value will
cause the PDFLIB default value to be taken, so only PDF_on
and PDF_scale (if PDF_running_scale is false) are
Parameter | Value | Default | Description |
PDF_on | T/F | F | Whether to use PDFs. |
PDF_ngroup | integer | 0 | Number of author group. If
left 0, the PDFLIB default value (MRS) will be
used. |
PDF_nset | integer | 0 | Number of the structure
function set by the given group. If left 0, the PDFLIB default
value will be used. |
PDF_nfl | integer | 0 | Number of active flavors. |
PDF_lo | integer | 0 | Order of αs
calculation. |
PDF_running_scale | T/F | F | Whether to use a running scale
(the total partonic invariant mass) for the structure function
evaluation. |
PDF_scale | number | 0 | If PDF_running_scale is
false, this parameter must be set to a fixed energy scale for the
structure function evaluation. |
PDF_QCDL4 | number | 0 | QCD scale in GeV for four
active flavors. |
Beamstrahlung (CIRCE1)For beamstrahlung, the accelerator type should always be defined, and
it is not recommended to use an energy different from the values for
which valid CIRCE [6] parameterizations exist. There is
the option to either use the generator mode of CIRCE, or to accept
the distributions calculated by CIRCE as analytical spectra. For
efficiency reasons, the generator mode is typically preferred. An
example input file whizard.in.circe_isr for the default
process ee_o can be found the conf directory.
Parameter | Value | Default | Description |
CIRCE_on | T/F | F | Whether to apply beamstrahlung (electron,
positron or photon beam). |
CIRCE_generate | T/F | T | Whether to use the CIRCE event
generator or the analytical beamstrahlung spectra. |
CIRCE_map | T/F | T | Whether to apply a mapping to improve
convergence (relevant for analytical spectra only). |
CIRCE_sqrts | number | √s | The reference energy. Note that
CIRCE spectra are defined only for the
discrete energy values (cf. the CIRCE write-up for more info) . |
CIRCE_ver | integer | 0 | The CIRCE version number
required. |
CIRCE_rev | integer | 0 | The CIRCE revision number
required. |
CIRCE_acc | integer | 0 | The accelerator type as needed by
CIRCE_chat | integer | 0 | The level of CIRCE
diagnostics. |
In general, more information can be found in the CIRCE manual on the
HepForge page:
Photon spectra (CIRCE2)CIRCE2 is intended as a replacement for CIRCE1. While the previous
implementation provided smooth spectra, the new version, which has to
be used for photon collider spectra where no CIRCE1 version is
available, provides histogrammed spectra which are read from a data
file. These data files are partially contained in the WHIZARD
distribution, in the subdirectory circe2-src/data.
For more information on the CIRCE2 generator and possible updates on
the spectra confer the manual/documented source code available from
the HepForge page:
There is the option to either use the generator mode of CIRCE2, or to
accept the distributions calculated by CIRCE2 as (histogrammed)
spectra. For efficiency reasons, the generator mode is typically
preferred. The following parameters can be defined (identical for both beams):
Parameter | Value | Default | Description |
CIRCE2_on | T/F | F | Whether to use CIRCE2 for simulating
spectra. |
CIRCE2_generate | T/F | T | Whether to use the CIRCE2
generator or the (histogrammed) spectra. |
CIRCE2_verbose | T/F | T | Whether to print CIRCE2 messages on
screen. |
CIRCE2_file | string | empty | The data file to
read by CIRCE2. |
CIRCE2_design | string | "∗" | The accelerator
design for CIRCE2. |
CIRCE2_polarized | T/F | T | Use a polarized (T) or
polarization-averaged (F) spectrum in the datafile. |
CIRCE2_map | -1/0/1 | -1 | Apply a power mapping for a
singularity at x=0 or x=1, or no mapping (-1). Relevant only for
histogrammed spectra, irrelevant for the CIRCE2 generator mode. |
CIRCE2_power | number | 2 | Parameter for the mapping,
if any. |
If CIRCE2 is switched on, the CIRCE2_file parameter must always
be given. The filename will be interpreted relative to the current
working directory. The accelerator design should be specified if the
data file contains more than one dataset. (The default matches the
last dataset within the data file.) It is important to note that polarization treatment is different from
the standard WHIZARD conventions when CIRCE2 is used. The CIRCE2
data files introduce fixed polarization distributions of the beams
which originate from realistic simulations. Therefore, the
polarized_beams switch and the polarization settings
should not be used together with CIRCE2 under normal circumstances.
Instead, the appropriate data file with polarization should be taken
and CIRCE2_polarized switched on. This will generate the
appropriate polarized spectra, properly normalized. On the other hand, if a polarization-averaged dataset is specified,
CIRCE2_polarized should also be switched off. Despite the fact that the polarization distributions are a fixed
property of any given dataset, one can reweight the polarization
contributions by hand. To this effect one can set the parameters
polarized_beams and polarization . For instance, by
switching on only one helicity combination, the properties of the
corresponding cross section component can be studied. This feature
should be used with care, since the results may be unphysical. In the spectra mode (CIRCE2_generate =false), if no mapping is
specified by the user, the program inserts a mapping at x=0 (power =
3) for photons, and a mapping at x=1 (power = 12) for electrons.
This assumes that all particles originate from an incident e− beam,
where for electrons there is a strong singularity (in fact, a
smeared-out delta function) at x=1. For a different setup, e.g., a
positron beam, the mapping parameters have to be adjusted by hand.
Note that without the x=1 mapping, the delta-function singularity
for electrons will almost certainly be missed by the adaptive
integration, and the result may stabilize for a wrong cross section. A sample input file, whizard.in.photoncollider, for the
assumed hard process γγ → e− e+ can be found in the
conf subdirectory. ISR spectrumThe ISR spectrum for charged particles accounts for the
leading-logarithmic effect of multiple photon emission. In the
leading-logarithmic approximation, universal terms of order
єn with є=α/πlns/m2 can be
absorbed in a structure function. The leading singularity at x=1
can be calculated exactly, while the other terms of the structure
function are known only to finite order. The implementation in WHIZARD takes into account the LLA structure
function ([7]), including terms up to order єn, where
n=0,1,2,3, depending on the value of ISR_LLA_order . The
default value is n=3. The scale which enters the ISR spectrum is
given by ISR_Q_max ; the default is to take the collider
c.m. energy. Since αQED is usually calculated from GF as far as
the hard scattering is concerned, it makes sense to reset it to
1/137 here. The incoming particle mass (e.g, me) must be
defined here only if it has been set to zero in the parameter input
block (e.g., to speed up the calculation).
Parameter | Value | Default | Description |
ISR_on | T/F | F | Whether to apply ISR (electron or positron
beam). |
ISR_alpha | number | e2/4π | The value of
αQED to be used for the spectrum. |
ISR_m_in | number | m | The mass of the incoming
particle. |
ISR_Q_max | number | √s | The hard scale which
cuts off photon radiation. |
ISR_LLA_order | 0/1/2/3 | 3 | The order of the
leading-logarithmic approximation. |
ISR_map | T/F | T | Whether to use a mapping of the singularity
at x=1 when evaluating the structure function (recommended; note
that switching this off might even lead to an uncaught arithmetic
exception). |
You can find an example, whizard.in.circe_isr for the sample
process ee_o in the conf subdirectory. EPA spectrumThe EPA spectrum is the Weizsäcker-Williams approximation for a real
photon radiated off the incoming beam. Here, Qmax and mX
must be supplied, the other parameters are optional. (If the produced
system is massive, mX should be set equal or less to the mass sum
of all produced particles.)
Parameter | Value | Default | Description |
EPA_on | T/F | F | Whether to use the EPA spectrum (photon
beam). |
EPA_map | T/F | T | Whether to apply a mapping to improve
convergence. |
EPA_alpha | number | e2/4π | The value of
αQED to be used for the spectrum. |
EPA_m_in | number | m | The mass of the incoming
beam particle. |
EPA_mX | number | 0 | The lower cutoff for the produced
invariant mass. |
EPA_Q_max | number | 0 | The upper cutoff on the
virtuality of the photon (Qmax>0). |
EPA_x0 | number | 0 | The lower cutoff on the energy
fraction of the incoming photon |
EPA_x1 | number | 1 | The upper cutoff on the energy
fraction of the incoming photon |
Again, an example, whizard.in.epa for the sample
process γγ → e− e+ named aaee can be found in
the conf subdirectory. EWA spectrumThe EWA spectrum is equivalent of the Weizsäcker-Williams
approximation for massive W and Z bosons radiated off the incoming
beam. For details about the EWA and its implementation into WHIZARD
confer [13].
Parameter | Value | Default | Description |
EWA_on | T/F | F | Whether to use the EWA spectrum (W/Z
beam). |
EWA_map | T/F | T | Whether to apply a mapping to improve
convergence. |
EWA_pT_max | number | 0 | The upper cutoff on the
pT of the W/Z (pT,max>0). |
EWA_x0 | number | 0 | The lower cutoff on the energy
fraction of the incoming W/Z |
EWA_x1 | number | 1 | The upper cutoff on the energy
fraction of the incoming W/Z |
Again, an example, whizard.in.ewa for the sample
process W+W− → ZZ named wwzz in the leptonic setup of a
3 TeV CLIC collider can be found in the conf subdirectory.
WHIZARD allows for cuts in some standard kinematical variables.
Cuts may be necessary in case the matrix element is infinite without
them (which happens if massless particles are either exchanged or
produced). In this case, WHIZARD will apply default cuts on the
invariant mass of colored or charged particle pairs, on the energy of
emitted photons or gluons, and on the momentum transfer to exchanged
photons or gluons. The values of those cuts are controlled by
parameters in the input file (see above).
! e- e+ -> e- e+ gamma
! 16 8 1 2 4
process eeg
cut Q of 10 within -99999 -1
cut Q of 17 within -99999 -1
cut M of 3 within 10 99999
cut E of 4 within 5 99999
cut PT of 4 within 19 99999
cut THETA(DEG) of 4 1 within 5 180
cut THETA(DEG) of 4 2 within 5 180
Figure 4.6: Cut configuration file |
Alternatively, the user may specify his own set of cuts by supplying
an entry in the file whizard.cut1. If such an entry exists,
the program will ignore the default cuts, and the user is responsible
for setting up his cuts in such a way that the cross section is still
finite. The format of such an entry for the process e−e+→ e−
e+ γ is shown in Fig. 4.6. The contents of
whizard.cut0, where the default cuts are logged by
WHIZARD (if any), may be used as a template. The entry is begun by the keyword process followed by the
process tag (eeg in this case). If the same set of cuts
should be applied to several processes, one may specify more than one
tag per entry, e.g.
process uudd uuss uucc
cut ...
The cut configuration file may contain any number of process entries.
Comments are marked by the letter ! or # .
Code | Alternative code(s) | # Args | Description |
- | | 0−2 | No cut |
M | Q | 1 | (Signed) invariant mass M=sgn(p2)√|p2| |
LM | LQ | 1 | log10 |M| |
MSQ | QSQ S T U | 1 | Squared invariant mass M2 = p2 |
E | | 1 | Energy in the lab frame |
LE | | 1 | log10E |
PT | | 1 | Transverse momentum p⊥ |
LPT | | 1 | log10 p⊥ |
PL | | 1 | Longitudinal momentum pL |
P | | 1 | Absolute value of momentum |p→| |
Y | RAP RAPIDITY | 1 | Rapidity y |
ETA | | 1 | Pseudorapidity η |
DETA | DELTA-ETA | 2 | Pseudorapidity distance Δη |
PH | PHI | 1 | Azimuthal angle φ (lab frame) in radians |
PHD | PHID PHI(DEG) | 1 | Azimuthal angle φ (lab frame) in degrees |
DPH | DPHI DELTA-PHI | 2 | Azimuthal distance Δφ (lab
frame) in radians |
DPHD | DPHID DELTA-PHI(DEG) | 2 | Azimuthal distance Δφ
(lab frame) in degrees |
AA | ANGLE-ABS TH-ABS THETA-ABS | 1 | Absolute polar angle
θabs (lab frame) in radians. Reference axis is the
z-axis. |
| TH-ABS(DEG) THETA-ABS(DEG) | 1 | Absolute polar angle
θabs (lab frame) in degrees |
CTA | COS(TH-ABS) COS(THETA-ABS) | 1 | cosθabs |
A | ANGLE TH THETA | 2 | Relative polar angle θ (lab frame)
in radians |
AD | ANGLE(DEG) | | |
| TH(DEG) THETA(DEG) | 2 | Relative polar angle θ (lab frame)
in degrees |
CT | COS(TH) COS(THETA) | 2 | cosθ |
A* | ANGLE* TH* THETA* | 2 | Relative polar angle θ* (rest frame of
part.#2) in radians |
AD* | ANGLE*(DEG) | | |
| TH*(DEG) THETA*(DEG) | 2 | Relative polar angle θ* (rest frame of
part.#2) in degrees |
CT* | COS(TH*) COS(THETA*) | 2 | cosθ* |
DR | DELTA-R CONE | 2 | Distance in η-φ space, i.e.
√Δη2 + Δφ2 |
LDR | LOG-DELTA-R LOG-CONE | 2 | log10√Δη2 + Δφ2 |
Table 4.2: Cut and histogram code letters. Masses, energies and momenta
are measured in GeV. |
For a given process, each cut is indicated by the keyword
cut, followed by a code letter, the keyword of, one
or two binary codes, and cut window specifications. The code letters
are listed in Table 4.2. The binary codes indicate the
combination of particle momenta to which the cut should be applied.
As the comment lines in Fig. 4.6 suggest, the outgoing
particles are given codes 1,2,4,…. Two additional codes are
assigned to the incoming particles, where the first incoming particle
has the highest number. Momentum sums (particle combinations) are
defined by adding binary codes, such that the code 5, for instance,
stands for the sum of momenta of particles 1 and 4. The initial
momenta are always counted negative, such that (in
Fig. 4.6) the number 17 stands for the
difference of the momenta of particle 1 (outgoing) and 16
(incoming). The same applies to angles: The polar angle between 1
and 16 is not A of 1 16 but A of 1 8 since the initial
particle 16 goes into the direction of −p(8). By default, the inserted momenta are those of the elementary partonic
process. Thus, one can assume momentum conservation. For instance,
in a 2→ 2 scattering process, the invariant mass of 1+2=3 (the
outgoing particles) is the same as the invariant mass of 4+8=12 (the
incoming particles). In some circumstances, one may need the incoming
beam momenta instead. To insert those in place of the incoming
parton momenta, use a negative number. In the previous example, the
invariant mass of −12 would be the invariant mass of the incoming
beams which is equal to the nominal c.m. energy. Of course, there is
no difference unless the process is a 2→ n scattering process with
structure functions enabled. Cut window specifications consist of the keyword within and
two real numbers, optionally followed by additional specifications
cut PT of 4 within 0 150
cut M of 3 within 80 100 or 180 200 or 500 99999
The absence of an upper bound should be marked by a number outside the
kinematical range. 4.6 Integration
4.6.1 Running WHIZARD
After the input parameters and cuts have been specified, the
integration can be started by
make run
or, if we are in the working directory (results),
After each iteration, the result will be displayed on screen and
logged in the file whizard.XXX.out, where XXX is the
process tag. An example is shown in Fig. 4.7. As it is
expected, the integration converges towards a stable result, and at
the same time the estimated reweighting efficiency increases (allowing
for some fluctuations).
! WHIZARD 1.97 (May 31 2011)
! Reading process data from file whizard.in
! Wrote whizard.out
! Process nnbb:
! e a-e -> nu_e a-nu_e b a-b
! 32 16 -> 1 2 4 8
! WHIZARD run for process nnbb:
! It Calls Integral[fb] Error[fb] Err[%] Acc Eff[%] Chi2 N[It]
! Reading cut configuration data from file whizard.cut1
! No cut data found for process nnbb
! Preparing (fixed weights): 2 samples of 10000 calls ...
1 20000 5.6761132E+01 1.07E+00 1.88 2.65* 1.45 1.52 2
! Adapting (variable wgts.): 10 samples of 20000 calls ...
2 20000 5.9620359E+01 8.15E-01 1.37 1.93* 6.58
3 20000 5.8344071E+01 4.62E-01 0.79 1.12* 8.99
4 20000 5.8023577E+01 4.17E-01 0.72 1.02* 9.04
5 20000 5.7938879E+01 3.83E-01 0.66 0.94* 11.95
6 20000 5.8152958E+01 3.73E-01 0.64 0.91* 11.85
7 20000 5.8132996E+01 3.66E-01 0.63 0.89* 12.02
8 20000 5.8252891E+01 3.50E-01 0.60 0.85* 13.61
9 20000 5.8296069E+01 3.42E-01 0.59 0.83* 12.74
10 20000 5.8391405E+01 3.32E-01 0.57 0.81* 15.93
11 20000 5.8168510E+01 3.19E-01 0.55 0.78* 16.66
! Integrating (fixed wgts.): 3 samples of 50000 calls ...
12 150000 5.8232347E+01 1.17E-01 0.20 0.78 10.11 0.49 3
Figure 4.7: Sample output of running WHIZARD. |
The number of iterations and the number of calls per iterations are as
given in the input file whizard.in (see
Fig. 4.4). Adaptation proceeds in three
passes which are separated by a horizontal line in the output: In the first integration pass, the grids are
adapted after each iteration, but the relative weight of the
integration channels is kept fixed. In the example of
Fig. 4.7, this pass consists of two iterations with 10,000
calls each. This pass is useful in particular for many-particle
processes, where it takes some time before VAMP has found the
physical region in each channel. In the second pass, the grids within each phase space channel and the
relative weights of the phase space channels are adapted after each
iteration. The example of Fig. 4.7 shows how the integral
converges, the error estimate improves, and the estimated reweighting
efficiency increases, until some saturation is reached. Here, the
sixth column is of main interest, which is given by the estimator for
the relative error multiplied by the square root of the number of
calls. One expects a number of the order of unity (or smaller) here
for a well-adapted grid, independent of the number of calls. Each
time this number improves, it is marked by an asterisk. The best grid
will be used later for the final integration and event generation
steps. In the third pass, the relative weights are fixed again, and the
remaining iterations are averaged for the final cross-section result. 4.6.2 The phase space configuration
The critical point for the integration is the phase space
configuration. This is set up automatically by WHIZARD before
starting the integration. When integrating a given process for the
first time, a phase space configuration is generated and written to
the file whizard.phx . In subsequent runs for the same process,
this file is reused. If you would like to edit and modify this file
or if you want to set up your own configuration, the new configuration
should be stored in the file whizard.phs which takes precedence
over whizard.phx and will not get overwritten. The
automatically generated file whizard.phx will be deleted when
the process list changes or, in any case, by a make
clean command. For each process, WHIZARD phase space consists of a set of
channels which formally correspond to Feynman diagrams. In the
automatically generated phase space configuration file
whizard.phx , these channels are listed in order, using binary
codes for the internal lines. The channels that have been generated can
be drawn and viewed on screen or printed:
make channels
This generates a LATEX file whizard-channels.tex which uses the
FeynMF package for drawing Feynman graphs, and transforms it into a
PostScript file whizard-channels.ps . These files are located in
the results directory. Note that this is currently available
only for the automatically generated phase space, not for a phase
space setup supplied by the user. (Note further that the Feynman
diagrams drawn are only sample diagrams for the corresponding
phase space channels. Especially if the user edits phase space by
removing channels from the file whizard.phx by hand, still the
full matrix element is taken into account!) Similarly, the bin distributions of the grids as they have been adapted
during the WHIZARD run can be converted into histograms by
make grids
and viewed as the file whizard-grids.ps (note that this only
works if the user has set the variable plot_grids_channels in
the diagnostics_input block). Again, it should be kept in mind that the choice of phase space
channels does not influence the integration results (all
Feynman graphs are included in the cross section calculation and event
generation, but for the phase space setup only some of them are used
— and some are even used twice). However, the accuracy and the
speed of convergence depend on this choice. In many cases it will not
be necessary to modify anything, but if you are not satisfied with the
results of the default configuration, the following remarks may help. -
The channels are grouped in groves: Sets of channels that are
equivalent in some sense and therefore should get equal weight. All
channels within a grove are sampled with the same number of points per
iteration which may increase or decrease during the adaptation
procedure. To prevent channels from being dropped altogether, one may
min_calls_per_channel to a positive value, e.g. 100.
- When a Feynman graph is interpreted as a phase-space parameterization
channel, the internal lines are considered either as resonant,
log-enhanced, or off-shell. A resonant line either
corresponds to a resonance which is kinematically allowed to go
on-shell. A log-enhanced line is an (approximately) massless
propagator, either in the s-channel (e.g., a photon which splits
into massless quarks), or in the t channel (e.g., a Coulomb photon
which is exchanged between the initial particles).
- The first criterion for selecting a channel is the number of
off-shell lines. The default value is
off_shell_lines=1 .
Since in dominant graphs most internal lines are either resonant or
log-enhanced, this already covers many cases.
- By this criterion, some important graphs are missed, e.g., the Higgs
radiation off a top quark in e+e− annihiliation, which has two
off-shell lines. The rule is that additional channels are selected
extra_off_shell_lines (default 1). For those, the
log-enhanced lines count as off-shell. It turns out that this rule
is sufficient for essentially all physically relevant cases.
However, it may fail in more obscure cases (e.g., if non-resonant
regions of phase space are selected by cuts), so increasing these
parameters manually, which adds more Feynman diagram classes to the
phase-space setup, is a possible option for the user.
- At high energies, multiperipheral graphs with particle exchange
become important even though they may be subleading according to the
former rules. This fact is accounted for by setting a
threshold_mass_t value equal to 200 GeV, so W and Z
bosons in the t-channel are considered light, and W/Z exchange
graphs counted log-enhanced. For the s-channel, the
threshold_mass value is 50 GeV, so W and Z are
considered heavy. Of course, these values may be adjusted if the
kinematics is completely different.
- If no phase space channels are found which satisfy all criteria,
WHIZARD will give it another try with
- Five additional flags give finer control:
single_off_shell_branchings ,
double_off _shell_branchings , single_off_shell_decays ,
double_off_shell_decays , massive _fsr . With the
exception of the second flag, all are .true. by default, so
switching them off will remove phase space channels.
- In particularly complicated situations you might wish to have full
control and write your own configuration in
whizard.phs ,
taking the pre-generated configuration whizard.phx as the
starting point. To make this easier, for nonzero
extra_off_shell_lines you will find extra channels in the
output which are commented out. Instead of finding the binary
coding of Feynman graphs yourself, you may just remove the comment
characters for a inactive set of phase space channels.
The number of channels in the default configuration tends to be
somewhat too large. Many channels turn out to be irrelevant and will
be dropped during the self-adaptation procedure. If you can guess
which ones those are, you may use the available parameters and options
for manual intervention to optimize the channel selection. As an
example, the effective Zee coupling is almost zero because of
sin2θw∼ 1/4, so graphs with Z emission from electron
lines are suppressed. You could remove such graphs, either manually,
or by removing the Zee vertex from the whizard.mdl file
before starting the program. (You have to be careful not to drop
resonant Z→ ee decays, then.) However, in most cases, while this
may save some running time for the adaptation, it is not worth the
effort. On the other hand, it may happen that important channels are missed by
the default configuration. In this case, the restrictions should be
weakened. 4.6.3 What if it does not converge?
Although WHIZARD is able to produce stable results with the default
settings for a large variety of scattering processes, it is not
possible to guarantee fast convergence of the cross section estimate
in all circumstances. There is no simple rule for the achievable
accuracy and event generation efficiency for a given process; the
examples in Sec. 6 should provide some guideline.
In any case the screen output of the adaptation procedure should
be inspected, and questionable results should not be used for
simulation. Experience shows that in well-behaved 2→ 4 processes an accuracy
(Err/Exp in the output) below 1 and an estimated reweighting
efficiency above 10 % is reasonable. Due to the increased
dimensionality of phase space, for 2→ 6 processes the numbers are
typically worse by a factor 2 to 4. If convergence is apparently not reached, i.e., there are sizable
fluctuations in the result, this may be due to one of
the following causes:
The integral is actually infinite. One should check the cuts if
they are sufficient for a finite result. Note that a singularity with
a small coefficient is likely to produce an instability rather than an
obvious divergence, if the number of calls per iteration is finite.
A notorious example are processes where the final state contains
µ+e−νeνµ or µ+ūdνµ: For zero
muon mass, there is no problem, but if the muon mass is given
the physical value, this final state can result from µ+µ−
production and muon decay. The muon width is zero, which is
reasonable since the muon decay occurs outside the interaction
point, but with cuts on visible particles only, real muon decay
makes the integral divergent.
- The number of iterations is insufficient. For simple 2→ 3
processes, one reaches a stable result after 2−5 iterations, but
in complicated cases (many particles with photon emission with weak
cuts, etc.) 20−30 iterations may be needed. WHIZARD will make a
guess, but this may be not sufficient in some cases.
- The number of calls per iteration is insufficient. With
increasing dimension and complexity of the phase space, this number
should be increased as well.
- The phase space parameterization is inadequate (see above). One
may try to include or remove channels by modifying parameters such as
the number of off-shell lines allowed in generating parameterizations.
- The parameterization is adequate in principle, but some
subdominant (but still important) channels got dropped during the
adaptation procedure. This may be prevented by setting
min_calls_per_channel . The channel weight history can be
inspected in the process-specific output file.
- The matrix element is numerically unstable. This is probably not an
issue for O’Mega or MadGraph matrix elements with realistic
kinematics, but cannot be excluded. CompHEP matrix elements,
which result from squared amplitudes, are susceptible for numerical
instabilities which occur for extreme kinematics. Actually, if the
compiler supports it, one may switch to quadruple precision
(configure with
--enable-quadruple ) in order
to ameliorate this problem.
- One should be careful to avoid the effects of QED gauge invariance
violation, which can be large if unstable particles and photons are
around (e.g., single W production in e+e− collisions). With
CompHEP matrix elements, the gwidth switch should be set
in such cases, while O’Mega matrix elements should be generated
with the ‘f’ option. This enables the overall
factor scheme, where the resonant contributions to the matrix
element are evaluated for zero width of charged particles, and the
Breit-Wigner correction factor is applied to the complete matrix
element at the end. Another gauge-invariant prescription (the
complex-mass scheme) is foreseen to be implemented in a future
version of O’Mega within the context of WHIZARD 2.
4.6.4 Output files
All results are logged in a generic file whizard.out and in
process-specific files whizard.XXX.out, where XXX is
the process tag. The output files are rewritten after each iteration.
Depending on the settings of the diagnostics parameters, they will
contain additional information: The contents of the input file are
repeated, including also the default values which have been inserted
by the program. Furthermore, it shows the detailed history of the
individual integration channels and of their relative weights. After each iteration, the current VAMP grids are written to file as
well: whizard.XXX.grc for the current grid and
whizard.XXX.grb for the best grid. These may be reused in
another run. 4.7 Event generation
4.7.1 Unweighted events
Event generation is activated in the input file, either by specifying
a nonzero luminosity
luminosity = 100
or by a nonzero number of events
n_events = 10000
In the former case, the actual number of generated events depends on
the calculated cross section. If both numbers are given, the one
leading to the larger event sample will be used. It is also possible
to specify n_calls , which is the number of matrix element calls.
However, this is more useful for weighted event samples (see below). The simulation makes sense only if WHIZARD could find a stable
result for the cross section. This should be judged from inspecting
the results displayed on screen and in the log file
whizard.out. With event generation activated, WHIZARD will not stop after the
integration step, but start event generation. By default, WHIZARD
will generate unweighted events, which result from reweighting the
events produced by the VAMP sampling algorithm. In the event
generation step, importance sampling is used, such that the events are
random and have the proper distribution as required for a realistic
simulation. WHIZARD is able to write events to file in various formats (note
that the manual of WHIZARD 2,
does contain examples for all the different event formats presented
here, though the debug format does look different there):
The file whizard.evx contains the events in a binary
machine-dependent format. By setting
read_events=T they can be
re-read, bypassing the time-consuming event generation. Writing this
file is suppressed if write_events_raw=F .
- The file whizard.evt (or, alternatively,
whizard.pythia or whizard.stdhep , depending on the
format) is written if write_events=T . The event file format
is controlled by the parameter write_events_format . The
supported formats are:
0 Verbose format (ASCII), useful mainly for debugging.
- 1 HEPEVT format (ASCII). The format corresponds to the HEPEVT
standard, such as if the contents of a HEPEVT common block were
written in their natural order (Fig. 4.8, 4.9). As
an extension, the helicity (−1, 0, or 1) is written for each
particle in the same line after
JDAHEP . For unfragmented
events, the first line will contain further information: the number of
beam remnants and outgoing partons listed separately, and the event
- 2 SHORT format (ASCII). This is similar to HEPEVT, but unnecessary
entries are suppressed (Fig. 4.10).
- 3 LONG format (ASCII). The same as SHORT, but there is an
additional line per record which contains the value of the integrand
and the integrand ratio (Fig. 4.10). In a normal run
recalculate=F ), the ratio is unity (see
- 4 ATHENA format (ASCII). This is the input format used by the ATHENA
software (ATLAS). A slight variation of the HEPEVT format above.
(cf. Fig. 4.12)
- 5 Les Houches Accord format LHA (ASCII). This format implements
the Les Houches Accord as in the original MadGraph implementation
for transferring parton-level events to
hadronization packages. To use it, you must set
fragment=T ,
and you may set fragmentation_method=0 since any built-in
fragmentation is irrelevant for the output. (cf. Fig. 4.13)
- 6 Les Houches Accord format LHEF (ASCII). The new version
containing XML headers [18], cf. Fig. 4.14. For more
details cf. the WHIZARD 2 manual,
- 11/12/13 PYLIST formats 1,2,3 (ASCII). This is useful
in particular for fully fragmented events, but can be used as well if
fragmentation is turned off (see the PYTHIA
manual [1] for details).17
- 20 STDHEP format for writing the HEPEVT common block (binary,
- 21 STDHEP_UP format for writing the HEPRUP/HEPEUP common blocks
(binary, machine-independent)
Note that the formats that require external libraries (PYTHIA,
STDHEP) do not work if the corresponding libraries have not been
linked to the main program. Within each event, the particles will appear in the order determined
by the process definition /footnotefor O’Mega and MadGraph;
CompHEP may reorder them.. Hadronization packages such as
JETSET require a particular order of colored particles to properly
assign showers, be may necessary for the user to rearrange them before
feeding them into the hadronization step. In general, if color-flow
information is absent 18, one
may set guess_color_flow to tell the program that the particles
are to be combined as singlets in the order in which they appear in
the event record. Reweighting Monte-Carlo events requires the knowledge of the highest
weight. This can never be known with certainty in advance, so there
may be some fraction of events with weight greater than one. By
default, WHIZARD will sum up the excess weight of those events and
show the induced error in the total cross section, which should be
small compared to the statistical error of event generation. If
desired, the excess events can be further analyzed by WHIZARD’s own
analysis capabilities (see below), to make sure that they have no
significant impact on final results. By setting the
safety_factor in the simulation_input block to a number
greater than one, the amount and weight of excess events (if any) will
be reduced. However, the time needed for event generation will be
increased by the same factor. WHIZARD will use the adaptation step to determine the highest weight
beforehand. This requires sufficient statistics in the adaptation
procedure. If many events have to be generated, the default choice
for the number of calls per iteration may be too low, and too many
excess events are produced. As a rule of thumb, the number of calls
per adaptation iteration should be of the order of the number of
unweighted events divided by the estimated efficiency. Alternatively, a “test” run can be made by specifying a nonzero
value of n_events_warmup in the input file. For instance, one
may generate 200,000 (weighted) events to determine the highest
weight before generating the actual sample to be used for the
reweighting procedure:
n_events = 10000
n_events_warmup = 200000
Fortunately, this is not necessary in most cases since the
pre-determined highest weight is usually quite accurate.
integer, parameter :: nmxhep = 4000
integer :: nevhep, nhep
integer, dimension(nmxhep) :: isthep, idhep
integer, dimension(2, nmxhep) :: jmohep, jdahep
real(kind=double), dimension(5, nmxhep) :: phep
real(kind=double), dimension(4, nmxhep) :: vhep
common /HEPEVT/ nevhep, nhep, isthep, idhep, &
& jmohep, jdahep, phep, vhep
Figure 4.8: Definition of the HEPEVT common block in Fortran 95 format |
write(u, 11) nhep
do i=1, nhep
write (u,13) isthep(I), idhep(I), &
& (jmohep(j,i), j=1,2), (jdahep(j,i), j=1,2)
write (u,12) (phep(j,i), j=1,5)
write (u,12) (vhep(j,i), j=1,min(5,ubound(vhep,1)))
end do
11 format(10I5)
12 format(10F17.10)
13 format(I9,I9,5I5)
Figure 4.9: Output routine which would produce the event file
whizard.evt from the contents of a HEPEVT common block.
u is an output unit. |
write(u,15) evt%n_out + evt%n_beam_remnants, &
& evt%n_out, evt%n_beam_remnants, weight
do i=1, evt%n_out
p = array(particle_momentum(evt%prt(i)))
write (u,13) particle_code(evt%prt(i)), evt%hel_out(i)
write (u,12) p(1:3), p(0), particle_mass(evt%prt(i))
end do
12 format(10F17.10)
13 format(I9,I9,5I5)
15 format(3I5,1X,F17.10)
Figure 4.10: Output routine for the SHORT event file format. Note that
the number of beam remnants and the event weight are not part of the
HEPEVT standard. (We here and in the sequel do not include the code
for the beam remnants and/or initials.) |
write(u,15) evt%n_out + evt%n_beam_remnants, &
& evt%n_out, evt%n_beam_remnants, weight
do i=1, evt%n_out
p = array(particle_momentum(evt%prt(i)))
write(u,13) particle_code(evt%prt(i)), evt%hel_out(i)
write(u,12) p(1:3), p(0), particle_mass(evt%prt(i))
end do
write(u, 14) evt%mc_function_value, evt%mc_function_ratio
12 format(10F17.10)
13 format(I9,I9,5I5)
14 format(ES17.10,F17.10)
15 format(3I5,1X,F17.10)
Figure 4.11: Output routine for the LONG event file format. Note that
the number of beam remnants and the event weight are not part of the
HEPEVT standard. |
write(u,11) evt%count, event_n_entries (evt)
k = 0
do i=1, evt%n_out
k = k + 1
p = array(particle_momentum(evt%prt(i)))
write (u,13) k, 1, particle_code(evt%prt(i)), &
& evt%n_in+1, 2*evt%n_in, (0, j=1,2)
write (u,12) p(1:3), p(0), particle_mass(evt%prt(i))
write (u,12) (0._default, j=1,4)
end do
11 format(10I5)
12 format(10F17.10)
13 format(I9,I9,5I5)
Figure 4.12: Output routine for the ATHENA event file format. (If
the initial particles and/or the beam remnants are to be kept, these
are written before the outgoing particles.) |
write (u,16) nup, idprup, xwgtup, scalup, aqedup, aqcdup
write (u,17) idup(:nup)
write (u,17) mothup(1,:nup)
write (u,17) mothup(2,:nup)
write (u,17) icolup(1,:nup)
write (u,17) icolup(2,:nup)
write (u,17) istup(:nup)
write (u,17) ispinup(:nup)
do i=1, nup
write (u,18) i, pup((/4,1,2,3/),i)
end do
16 format(2(1x,I5),1x,F17.10,3(1x,F13.6))
17 format(500(1x,I5))
18 format(1x,I5,4(1x,F17.10))
Figure 4.13: Output routine for the (old) Les Houches Accord (LHA) event
file format. |
subroutine lhef_write_init (unit, process_id)
integer, intent(in) :: unit
integer :: i
character(*), dimension(:), intent(in) :: process_id
write (unit, "(A)") '<LesHouchesEvents version="1.0">'
write (unit, "(A)") '<header>'
write (unit, "(2x,A)") '<generator>'
write (unit, "(4x,A)") &
'<name version="<<Version>>" date="<<Date>>">' // &
do i = 1, size (process_id)
write (unit, "(4x,A)") &
'<process_id>' // trim (adjustl (process_id(i))) &
// '</process_id>'
end do
write (unit, "(2x,A)") '</generator>'
write (unit, "(A)") '</header>'
end subroutine lhef_write_init
subroutine lhef_write_heprup (unit, process_id)
character(*), dimension(:), intent(in) :: process_id
integer, intent(in) :: unit
integer :: i
write (unit, "(A)") '<init>'
write (unit, "(2(2x,I10),2(2x,G22.15E3),8x,6(2x,I10))") &
idbmup(1:2), ebmup(1:2), &
pdfgup(1:2), pdfsup(1:2), &
idwtup, nprup
do i = 1, size (process_id)
write (unit, "(3(2x,G22.15E3),8x,1(2x,I10))") &
xsecup(i), xerrup(i), xmaxup(i), lprup(i)
end do
write (unit, "(A)") '</init>'
end subroutine lhef_write_heprup
subroutine lhef_write_hepeup (unit, pro_id)
integer, intent(in) :: unit, pro_id
integer :: i
idprup = pro_id
write (unit, "(A)") '<event>'
write (unit, "(2(2x,I10),2(2x,G22.15E3),8x,2(2x,G22.15E3))") &
nup, idprup, xwgtup, scalup, aqedup, aqcdup
do i = 1, nup
write (unit, "(6(2x,I10),8x,3(2x,G22.15E3),8x,2(2x,G22.15E3),32x,2(2x,G22.15E3))") &
idup(i), istup(i), &
mothup(1:2,i), icolup(1:2,i), &
pup(1:5,i), vtimup(i), spinup(i)
end do
write (unit, "(A)") '</event>'
end subroutine lhef_write_hepeup
subroutine lhef_write_final (unit)
integer, intent(in) :: unit
write (unit, "(A)") '</LesHouchesEvents>'
end subroutine lhef_write_final
Figure 4.14: Output routine for the (new) Les Houches Accord (LHEF) event
file format. |
4.7.2 Weighted events
The default setup will generate unweighted events, which is the proper
way of simulating actual physics runs. The cross section error of the
simulation run is equal to the square root of the number of events, as
it should be. This requires an unweighting step where, depending on the ratio of the
current event’s weight and the maximum weight, a large fraction of the
generated event sample is thrown away. Clearly, information is lost
in this step. To keep all available information, one can use weighted
events instead:
unweighted = F
The number of weighted events is calculated such that (approximately)
the same unweighted event sample would result from unweighting them
afterwards, as it would from directly generating unweighting events.
If luminosity or n_events do not require a higher number, the
total number of weighted events generated is approximately equal to
n_calls . If there is more than one process, the luminosity is distributed among
them proportional to the individual cross sections. In contrast to
unweighted generation, the events are ordered, such that all events
belonging to the first process are generated first, then the next one,
and so on. The exact number of weighted events for a given process
depends on both the cross section and the efficiency. For a process
with low efficiency, a larger number of weighted events is needed for
the same cross section than for a high-efficiency process. (In
unweighted event samples, the individual event numbers depend only on
the cross sections.) These events can also be written to file and analyzed by an external
program. For each event, the event weight is a number between zero
and one (if no excess events are present), and it is printed as the
last number in the first line of the output. Hence, in this
definition the weight is the probability with which the event would
have been kept in the sample if an unweighting step had taken place.
As a result, differential (binned) distributions should be identical
for weighted and unweighted event samples, apart from fluctuations. Unfortunately, the HEPEVT standard does not allow for event
weights. Therefore, the PYLIST and STDHEP output formats which read
out the HEPEVT common block cannot be used for weighted events. By
contrast, event weights can be transferred using the HEPEUP common
block, so the STDHEP_UP format does work for weighted events. Keep in
mind that weighted events are ordered, so files containing those must
not be truncated or extended. 4.7.3 Built-in analysis
WHIZARD has capabilities to analyze the events without reference to
external packages. To this end, a configuration file
whizard.cut5 should be set up which has a similar format as
whizard.cut1. For instance, in Fig. 4.15 a
configuration file is shown which tells WHIZARD to analyze the
generated event sample in three different ways: to calculate the cross
section within a window 80<M(e+e−)<100 GeV, then within
180<M(e+e−)<200 GeV with an additional cut on p⊥(γ),
and finally to generate a histogram of p⊥(e−) with a cut on
the photon energy.
! e- e+ -> e- e+ gamma
! 16 8 1 2 4
process eeg
cut M of 3 within 80 100
cut M of 3 within 180 200
cut PT of 4 within 100 99999
cut E of 4 within 0 100
histogram PT of 1 within 0 500
Figure 4.15: Analysis configuration file. |
The histogram specification may take either one of the form
histogram PT of 1 within 0 500
histogram PT of 1 within 0 500 nbin 50
histogram PT of 1 within 0 500 step 10
Instead of the number of bins (20 by default), the bin width can be
specified by the keyword step. The cross section results are displayed on screen. In addition, they
are written together with the histogram data to the file
whizard-plots.dat. If show_excess=T has been set in the
input file, the summary and the histograms will contain also
information about any events with weight greater than one, such that
their properties can be examined. Clearly, for a quick analysis it is not necessary to simulate proper
unweighted events. Therefore, one may set unweighted=F in
order to analyze a sample of weighted events, which saves a lot of
execution time. The contents of whizard-plots.dat can be visualized directly
by means of the gamelan graphical analysis package which is
contained in the distribution. This requires the existence of the
MetaPost program, which is part of standard LATEX
distributions. Plots can then be made by typing
make plots
This will result in a Postscript file whizard-plots.ps which
can be viewed and printed. Note that this works only if you have
generated events, otherwise WHIZARD might fail with the message
No rule to make target plots.
The event sample can further be analyzed in terms of color flow,
helicity and flavor content. Example
! e- e+ -> q qbar b bbar
! 16 8 1 2 4 8
process qqbb
cut M of 3 within 85 95
color 0 0 4 0 6 0
helicity 1 -1 -1 1
helicity -1 1 -1 1
flavor 2 -2 5 -5
histogram M of 12 within 0 500
This would plot a histogram of the invariant mass of the bb
pair with the additional requirement that the other quark pair must be
uū, that the b (anti)quarks must be left-
resp. right-handed, and that the uū and bb pairs are
each in a color-singlet state. Color flow is defined in a natural way: The particles are numbered
consecutively beginning from the initial ones (do not confuse this
with the binary codes used for specifying cuts and histograms). For
an incoming quark or gluon, the index of the particle its color flows
to is given, while for an outgoing quark or gluon it is the
index of the particle its color comes from. (This differs from
WHIZARD’s internal convention where incoming and outgoing particles
are equally treated, but it is easier to use.) For colorless
particles and for antiquarks, the entry is zero. So, in the above
example, the q color comes from the q, and the b color from
the b. Helicities and flavors are indicated as usual: Fermions and massless
vector bosons have helicity ± 1, massive vector bosons can come
with helicity 0 in addition, and for scalars the helicity is always
zero. Flavor is denoted by standard PDG codes. The order should be as in the above example: first cut specifications
(the event must pass all cuts), then color, helicity and flavor
specifications (the event must match any of the given helicity
combinations and any of the given flavor combinations), finally
histogram specifications. Any of these may be absent; an empty entry
will just display the total cross section again. More analysis
configurations can be added for the same process, they must be
separated by the keyword and . 4.8 Fragmentation
The Les Houches standard [9] for transferring events
together with weight and color information allows for a consistent
interface of partonic event generators and programs that account for
showering, fragmentation, and hadronization. In order to use such an
external program, WHIZARD has to write events to file in a format
that supports this information. Currently, there is the LHA format
(code: 5) that writes, for each event, the contents of the HEPEUP
block in ASCII format, and the STDHEP_UP format (code: 21) that writes
this information into a portable binary STDHEP file. The first record
of this file will contain the HEPRUP common block; then, for each
event, the HEPEUP common block is written. Alternatively, WHIZARD provides an internal interface to routines
for fragmentation, decays and hadronization. For each event,
WHIZARD calls the corresponding external program that fills the
HEPEVT common block and writes this to file. To activate this, the
parameter fragment in the simulation_input block must be
set to true. Of course, the corresponding library has to be properly
linked. Only unweighted events can be fragmented. (This is because
the HEPEVT standard does not allow for the event weight to be
transferred.) Once fragment is set, various options are available, depending on
the value of the parameter fragmentation_method :
No fragmentation within WHIZARD (for completeness).
- JETSET fragmentation. The final state is fragmented and
hadronized by a call to the
PYEXEC fragmentation routine inside
PYTHIA, i.e., by the former JETSET program. If available, color
flow information is used. Otherwise, i.e. for CompHEP
matrix elements and O’Mega without the ’c’ option, the
color connection properties of the final state are guessed by
JETSET from the particle ordering, which must therefore carefully
be chosen by the user when defining the process. Note that even
for processes like e+e− → jj where O’Mega without the option
’c’ gives the correct color factors, it only gives the correct
color flows for (JETSET) fragmentation when using the ’c’
- PYTHIA fragmentation. The final state is fragmented and
hadronized by making the process generated by WHIZARD an external
process within PYTHIA. If possible and depending on the PYTHIA
parameter settings, beam remnants are constructed, multiple
interactions and pile-up events are added, and more.
- This parameter value is intended to transfer control to
fragmentation routines written by the user and included in the
user module. Of course, such code can make use of the
HEPRUP and HEPEUP common block contents. For additional
flexibility, there is also a parameter user_fragmentation_mode
(integer) that allows for selecting different versions of user
Full color information is available when using the ’c’ option
for O’Mega matrix elements (or for MadGraph
matrix elements). However, in the other cases, for PYTHIA
fragmentation WHIZARD will provide missing color information if can
be uniquely determined. Otherwise, it tries to guess color connections
from the particle ordering in the event record (just as JETSET
does). If color connection information cannot be determined, colored
states cannot be fragmented in this way. If fragmentation is
nevertheless desired (even though the results may not be accurate),
one has to revert to JETSET fragmentation. No effort is done to streamline WHIZARD and PYTHIA parameters, so
changing a value in the WHIZARD input file will have no effect on
the fragmentation step. However, PYTHIA parameters can be
explicitly set by an interface to PYTHIA’s pygive routine.
For instance, the line
pythia_parameters = "MSTP(41)=0; MSTP(81)=0"
in the simulation_input block disables resonance decays and
multiple interactions within PYTHIA. Similarly, the Higgs mass may
be set by a call like
pythia_parameters = "PMAS(25,1)=115"
The detailed list of parameters available is described in the PYTHIA
manual [1]. The internal analysis routines described in Sec. 4.7.3
always refer to the event before fragmentation. To analyze the
fragmented event, the user must use an external package. Note that
WHIZARD 2 meanwhile allows for analyzing fragmented events with the
internal analysis tools, however. 4.8.1 Parton showers and matchingIn WHIZARD there is a version of a kT-ordered parton shower
included written by Sebastian Schmidt. This is, however, a highly
experimental version mainly intended for testing purposes. It is quite
similar to the PYTHIA parton shower [1], but does contain
only very basic tunes to LEP Run 2 jet observables. Furthermore, it
is only a shower for final state radiation (FSR); there is no
implementation of an initial state shower in WHIZARD 1. The internal
shower has been improved a lot and augmented by a different (so-called
analytical) parton shower within WHIZARD 2. For more details about
the shower algorithm confer the WHIZARD 2 manual
The internal parton shower can be switched on for event generation in
the simulation_input block. Note that the only event format
which supports showered events from the WHIZARD-internal parton
shower is the (new) Les Houches event format (LHEF, event format 6) as
this is the only format that allows for a variable number of
particles. There is, of course, also the possibility to use showering (and
hadronization) using the PYTHIA interface. In the default settings,
PYTHIA events are constructed with parton showers developing along
colored and charged partons. In WHIZARD, fixed-order matrix elements
are evaluated. The matching of both is nontrivial. For this reason,
PYTHIA parton showers are disabled in the current WHIZARD
version. In general, the availability of exact higher-order matrix
elements (albeit tree-level) within WHIZARD makes matching without
double-counting a delicate task. This problem of potential double
counting has been (partially) solved in the framework of so called
matching algorithms by either vetoing shower events entering hard
matrix elements regimes or reweighting with the corresponding Sudakov
factors according to the shower history. None of these algorithms have
been implemented within WHIZARD 1, but they are (at least partially)
available inside WHIZARD 2. There is also an experimental Herwig interface, but we do not
discuss the details here. 4.8.2 Mixing WHIZARD and PYTHIA eventsSince WHIZARD provides an external process to PYTHIA when PYTHIA
fragmentation is enabled, it is perfectly possible to mix PYTHIA and
WHIZARD events. To this end, one should specify PYTHIA processes
in the simulation_input block. For instance,
pythia_processes = "22, 24"
will simulate e+e−→ ZH and ZZ in addition to the
WHIZARD-generated processes. There are some caveats, however:
PYTHIA processes are generated only if PYTHIA fragmentation is
enabled. Consequently, the PYTHIA events are mixed with the
fully fragmented WHIZARD events and optionally written to
file. There is no way to use the built-in analysis for those events.
- Since parton showers (ISR and FSR) are disabled globally, this applies
to the PYTHIA processes as well. However, one could switch the
showering on by modifying the inputs.
- When the number of events to generate is derived from the
luminosity input parameter, it is assumed that no PYTHIA
events are present. To obtain the actual luminosity corresponding to an
event sample in the presence of PYTHIA events, this number has to be
multiplied by the fraction of WHIZARD events in this sample. The
parameter n_events always refers to the total number of events.
When show_pythia_statistics is true, a summary of the generated
channels and cross sections is printed.
- One should be careful not to double-count processes, except if this is
actually desired (e.g., for comparing WHIZARD and PYTHIA event
samples for related processes).
4.8.3 PYTHIA event displayWhen fragmentation is enabled, the conventions for writing events to
file are changed. The verbose format is then not available since some
information (used internally by WHIZARD) is lost after fragmentation.
The format codes 1 (HEPEVT), 2 (SHORT), 3 (LONG), and 20/21 (STDHEP) are
available. In addition, there are three new format codes (11, 12, 13)
which allow for displaying events using PYTHIA’s PYLIST call.
The respective argument given to PYLIST is 1, 2, or 3,
corresponding to three different verbosity levels. (For automatic
processing, the more condensed HEPEVT or STDHEP formats are better
suited.) Note again that these output formats might not work properly
if you use a CERN library compiled with a different compiler than the
WHIZARD core program, because in this case the output units of the
two compiler libraries are independent of each other. The PYTHIA
events then just appear in a file fort.<unit> , where
<unit> is the current output unit. 4.9 Controlling WHIZARD runs
For a new process, it is not easy to predict how long it will take to
reach a sufficiently precise result or to generate a sufficiently
large event sample. The achievable efficiency and accuracy and the
overall running time strongly depend on the complexity of the process,
the singularity structure of the matrix element and how well WHIZARD
is able to map it, the presence or absence of structure functions,
and, clearly, the evaluation time of the matrix element for a
single event. Ideally, computer time and space is abundant, one calcaulates cross
sections to the highest possible accuracy, and infinitely large event
samples are generated. In practice, one does not want to wait too
long for useable results, and one is limited by CPU time and space
restrictions. Priorities have to be defined. To meet these needs,
various switches and levers are available that control WHIZARD runs.
All of them are set in the main input file and are listed in the
tables of Sec. 4.4. 4.9.1 Grid adaptationParameters that control the grid adaptation and integration passes of
WHIZARD are collected in the integration_input block in the
input file, listed in Sec. 4.4.3 Obviously, the array calls is the principal place for improving
the accuracy and efficiency of the adaptation and integration runs.
In no case more iterations or calls than specified in calls
will be executed, where WHIZARD uses default values for entries left
empty by the user. Increasing the number of adaptation iterations normally improves
(decreases) the constant α in the error estimate for the total
cross section,
until a limit is reached which depends on the matrix element
singularity structure and on the choice of phase space integration
channels. The estimate for α is printed as the accuracy
in the screen output table. Increasing the number of points per
iteration tends to decrease the number of iterations needed to reach
this limit. In particular, this improves the precision in estimating
α and reduces inevitable fluctuations around the ideal grid
configuration. Simultaneously the reweighting efficiency
є increases, which is the ratio of the average to the maximum
event weight. Note that fluctuations in the є estimate are
significantly stronger than for α. If the program has been killed for any reason, it can be restarted
with read_grids set, so adaptation is resumed after the last
complete iteration. This mechanism can also be used to increase the
number of iterations afterwards for a job that has already been
completed. However, one wants to avoid a unnecessary large number of iterations
and calls. Adaptation iterations are skipped if any one of the
following parameters is set:
- If this number is greater than zero,
adaptation will stop when the accuracy estimate of the last iteration
is smaller.
- efficiency_goal:
- If this number is greater than zero,
adaptation will stop when the efficiency estimate of the last iteration
is higher. Note that the efficiency is measured in percent.
- time_limit_adaptation:
- If this number is greater
than zero, adaptation will stop when the real time after the last
iteration is later than the specified time limit, measured in minutes
from the program start.
In any case, the program will not stop but the third pass
(integration) will be executed after the adaptation pass, where the
number of integration steps and calls per iteration are taken from the
corresponding calls entry. 4.9.2 SimulationThe reweighting efficiency in the final event generation pass is
determined by the grid quality, measured by the efficiency є.
Since the precision in estimating є is not very high, it may
be appropriate to insert a safety_factor f>1 to avoid excess
events with weight >1. The time needed for generating a fixed
number of unweighted events is then proportional to 1/(fє).
As a rule, investing more time in grid adaptation results in a better
є value, and thus less time for event generation, up to a
certain limit. The number of unweighted events is specified by either setting
the parameter n_events in the simulation_input block, or
by a luminosity value in the process_input block. The
number that leads to a larger event sample will take priority. If the program is killed during event generation, the event sample is
incomplete. The switch catch_signals can be used to catch
terminate signals if the OS and compiler supports it, so it is
guaranteed the the event files are properly closed before the program
terminates. Then, WHIZARD can be restarted with read_events
set (which implies read_grids ). The events already generated
will be reread from the raw event file whizard.evx until the
end is reached, and further events will be appended to this file.
Event output files in other formats are re-generated on the fly. Thisy
method can also be used to increase an event sample afterwards,
spending CPU time essentially on newly generated events only. 4.9.3 Hard limitsThere are situations where one has to control the amount of memory,
CPU time, and disk space which the program uses. In particular, batch
installations put limits on these resources and kill processes which
exceed them. Some of these issues can be handled by WHIZARD:
- This parameter (in minutes) sets an
internal limit on the wallclock time the run may use. When it is
exceeded, the program terminates. Depending whether the termination
occured during integration or simulation, the program can be
restarted such that it will resume after the last grid or event
written, respectively.
- events_per_file:
- This parameter takes care of event
files becoming too large: once it is exceeded, a new file is begun.
An external analysis would then process the files consecutively.
Note that this does not apply to the internal event file
whizard.evx which cannot be split; if this file becomes too
large, one has to switch it off by write_events_raw=F .
- bytes_per_file:
- The analogous parameter which
counts the number of bytes allowed for an event file. This relies
on certain assumptions on the number of bytes an event takes in a
particular format.