Opened 9 years ago
Closed 9 years ago
#793 closed defect (wontfix)
Different particle counts between W1 and W2
Reported by: | Juergen Reuter | Owned by: | ALL |
Priority: | P0 | Milestone: | v2.3.0 |
Component: | core | Version: | 2.2.8 |
Severity: | critical | Keywords: | |
Cc: |
When looking at four jets (in that case coming from WW) then the LC generator group reported that the number of charged particles, photons and neutral particles in general is a lot higher in W2 then in W1. At the WHIZARD meeting we came up with a list of possible errors: Currently our best bet is actually 7) and would ask you to rerun Whizard2 with the suggested setting.
Possible issues:
1) Transferral of color flows from LHE to color ordering in PYJETS
2) Cuts
3) The exact partonic process: flavors, cross sections, parameters (especially
CKM matrix elements)
4) splitting into a showering / hadronization step
5) way of PYTHIA call (PY4FERM)
6) transferal of PYTHIA settings
7) Different scales in W1 vs W2 related to 5)
================================================================================ We observe:
- Unlikely as the LHE Pythia6 interface is standard and used in countless runs (also by Madgraph).
- W2: M > 10 GeV on all Jets. Looks simple enough to be the fine but we don't have the W1 input file to verify.
- CKM Matrix elements in W2 have been updated and they are not changed from their defaults. Flavor definition of the process is weird but seems consistent between W1 and W2.
- Unlikely as it works for 2jets.
- We do not fully understand what is happening in py4ferm. It looks as if it is setting the Ws as mothers which could change the color reconnection that is done. See MSTP(115). In our setup with LHE there would be no color reconnection done for the 4 fermion process because there is no W as a mother. This is only an issue if the used tune actually uses MSTP(115). The setting of the probabilities in Tim's code according to the color flows looks fine if there is no bug hidden.
- Unlikely as it works for 2jets.
- Py4frm sets the initial showering scale to mW. This would also be a reasonable scale for W2
================================================================================ Things still to be done:
- Verify that the color flow in the Whizard particle set is the same as in the
Pythia common block with
--debug2 shower
- Individual cross sections of each of the 5 components have to agree at the percent level
- All SM parameters have to be checked between DBD samples and W2. Easily
accessible in sindarin with
- Verify in W1 that MSTP(115) is off and not activated by another setting (just form looking at the tune it seems to be off).
- In W2 the scale should be set to mW with:
scale = mW
Per default the scale is sqrts. This could actually easily explain a lot more radiated particles in W2.
Attachments (7)
Change History (36)
comment:1 Changed 9 years ago by
comment:2 Changed 9 years ago by
I added the LC 1.95 version as branches/1.95_LC to our repo, starting to fix issues to get this running again.
Changed 9 years ago by
Attachment: | E500.P4f_ww_h.eL.pR.sin added |
SINDARIN file to produce the distributions for charged particles and photons.
comment:3 Changed 9 years ago by
Another idea would be to do a factorized production such that pythia knows the parents of the jets similar to py4ferm
comment:4 follow-up: 5 Changed 9 years ago by
Apparently you still use the hacked model. For the record, to use the above attached sindarin one has to remove all lines involving pi0
(and thus also neutral
). Still there is pythia6-parameters.sin
missing. Do you have the file?
Changed 9 years ago by
Attachment: | pythia6-parameters.sin added |
Here is a file of the PYTHIA parameters truncated to the essentials.
comment:5 Changed 9 years ago by
Replying to bchokoufe:
Apparently you still use the hacked model. For the record, to use the above attached sindarin one has to remove all lines involving
(and thus alsoneutral
). Still there ispythia6-parameters.sin
missing. Do you have the file?
Partially yes, you should still use the 'hacked' model. 'neutral' should work with the actual trunk, however.
comment:6 Changed 9 years ago by
AFAICT, We can cross off 1). I generated 5 events and the color flow in Whizard (c-sbar, ubar-d) was every time correctly recognized by Pythia. After shower there are usually only gluons in between but sometimes qqbar can break the color string (as expected).
comment:7 Changed 9 years ago by
A run with 50k events can be found here:
But I think only the photon distribution makes sense. The others likely didn't include the hadrons due to the model problem.
So an average of 50 photons per event is still a factor of 2 too many?
comment:8 Changed 9 years ago by
For comparison, I can confirm that with scale = 500 GeV
one gets only a bit more, cf. here
(53.8 instead of 50.4). So also 7) can be crossed off.
comment:9 follow-up: 13 Changed 9 years ago by
There is the following line in shower.nw which looks suspicious: call pygive ("MSTP(111)=1") !!! Allow hadronization and decays as it seems to switch on hadronization even during the shower stage. However, the following test SINDARIN does not produce hadrons in any of the 4 events, so there hadronization seems to be switched off.
model = SM process eeqq = e1, E1 => u, U sqrts = 500 GeV integrate (eeqq) ?ps_fsr_active = true sample_format = lhef n_events = 4 simulate (eeqq)
comment:10 Changed 9 years ago by
I did the following debug procedure using this SINDARIN file:
model = SM process eeqq = e1, E1 => u, U sqrts = 500 GeV integrate (eeqq) ?ps_fsr_active = true $shower_method = "PYTHIA6" ?hadronization_active = true sample_format = lhef n_events = 4 simulate (eeqq)
with --rebuild-events --debug2 shower --debug2 transforms. What looks funny is, that for the second event onwards in the line 'before pyevnt, before boosting' there seems to be the old PYTHIA event still in the common blocks. Then, after all but the first event's statement 'After pyevnt, after boosting' there are hadronic particles in the event. So shouldn't we somehow clear the PYTHIA6 event record before calling pyevnt again?
Changed 9 years ago by
Attachment: | debug.001.gz added |
eeqq debug output, please look for the 'before/after pyevnt' statements
comment:11 Changed 9 years ago by
Ok, the listings in debug.001 above look ok, all events are different, particle numbers also become smaller, and there seem to be no left-overs from previous events in the new events.
comment:12 follow-up: 14 Changed 9 years ago by
Well yes it seems that 'before pyevnt' still has the old particle in the PYTHIA common blocks as pyevnt has not been called yet. But as you observe it should be no problem because otherwise particle number would never get smaller. But what I still find suspicous are the 'after pyevnt' listings. Only in the first event, the event is as expected (unhadronized). Afterwards it is not (and also not the old one). Maybe the settings are being overwritten?
comment:13 Changed 9 years ago by
Replying to jr_reuter:
There is the following line in shower.nw which looks suspicious: call pygive ("MSTP(111)=1") !!! Allow hadronization and decays as it seems to switch on hadronization even during the shower stage.
The comment is not super clear. MSTP(111) is the master switch to allow hadronization and decays in principle. But in the two lines directly thereafter you find
call pygive ("MSTJ(1)=0") !!! No jet fragmentation call pygive ("MSTJ(21)=1") !!! Allow decays but no jet fragmentation
comment:14 Changed 9 years ago by
Replying to bchokoufe:
.. But what I still find suspicous are the 'after pyevnt' listings. Only in the first event, the event is as expected (unhadronized). Afterwards it is not (and also not the old one). Maybe the settings are being overwritten?
Well at least the settings stay fixed. A pystat(5) at the 'after pyevnt' shows that MSTP and PARP blocks are identical
comment:15 follow-up: 19 Changed 9 years ago by
It really looks like that from the 2nd event on the hadronization would happen already at the stage of the shower, but then the complete event seems to stay unchanged through the hadronization event transform stage.
comment:16 Changed 9 years ago by
Further possible issues:
8) Polarization. Everything is set to polarized in the given sindarin. Disable it and see if the number of photons changes. Pythia throws some warnings concerning polarization:
I IST ID Mothers Colours p_x p_y p_z E m 1 -1 11 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 252.800 252.800 0.000 2 -1 -11 0 0 0 0 1.341 -60.388 -325.710 325.710 0.000 3 1 4 1 2 501 0 -24.574 -30.417 -199.219 203.021 0.000 4 1 -3 1 2 0 501 21.452 -53.392 -109.592 123.779 0.000 5 1 -2 1 2 0 502 1.917 25.519 12.852 28.636 0.000 6 1 1 1 2 502 0 2.547 -2.097 223.050 223.074 0.000 Warning: Stored helicity information is wrong: 9for ip = 162. Event listing of user process at input (simplified) I IST ID Mothers Colours p_x p_y p_z E m 1 -1 11 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 254.898 254.898 0.000 2 -1 -11 0 0 0 0 -22.142 -74.258 -306.423 306.423 0.000 3 1 -4 1 2 0 502 -11.079 -39.319 74.752 85.186 0.000 4 1 -1 1 2 0 501 -92.085 -11.238 -208.572 228.272 0.000 5 1 2 1 2 501 0 -13.839 40.416 -54.645 69.362 0.000 6 1 3 1 2 502 0 94.862 -64.118 136.940 178.501 0.000 | 90.0 45000 5000 0m:52s Warning: Stored helicity information is wrong: 9for ip = 99.
comment:17 Changed 9 years ago by
There is also the following:
9) TAUOLA and PHOTOS: both are switched on. On the other hand, the discrepancy I guess was there already before TAUOLA and PHOTOS have been added to WHIZARD2.
comment:18 Changed 9 years ago by
When allowing hadronization in the shower step (by comment out "MSTJ(1)=0"
) and setting hadronization_active = true
, I am still getting 52 photons on average. So 4) can likely be crossed off.
comment:19 Changed 9 years ago by
Replying to jr_reuter:
It really looks like that from the 2nd event on the hadronization would happen already at the stage of the shower, but then the complete event seems to stay unchanged through the hadronization event transform stage.
Indeed and I think I found the culprit. Due to this
if (shower%initialized_for_NPRUP >= NPRUP) then call msg_debug (D_SHOWER, "calling upinit") call upinit () else ... pygive statements ... shower%initialized_for_NPRUP = NPRUP end if
mechanism the settings are only set once for each process. What also confuses me is why upinit should not be called for the first event if it provides necessary information.
comment:20 Changed 9 years ago by
Enforcing to set
call pygive ("MSTP(111)=1") !!! Allow hadronization and decays call pygive ("MSTJ(1)=0") !!! No jet fragmentation call pygive ("MSTJ(21)=1") !!! Allow decays but no jet fragmentation
for each event still gives 50.4 photons... debug output looks more like expected though (after pyevnt only partons and only later on hadrons)
comment:21 Changed 9 years ago by
I also checked that incoming and outgoing momenta also coiincide with the script tests/
. Not a single mismatch in 5000 events. Not even if I reduce the numerical thresholds.
comment:22 Changed 9 years ago by
By deactivating the polarized statements, I get far less warnings from Pythia but the average number of photons is still 50.5. So cross off 8) as well. Same when I deactivate the manual tauola activation (<#photons> = 50.0).
Mini summary: We checked 1), 4), 7) 8), 9)
Leaving open 2) Cuts, 3) exact partonic process, 5) PY4FERM, 6) pythia settings transferral
comment:23 Changed 9 years ago by
I checked all that ALL of the settings that are set in pythia6-parameters.sin
are correctly landing in Pythia's common blocks and stay the same over 5 events. So cross off 6) as well.
comment:24 follow-up: 25 Changed 9 years ago by
Mhh. You get a very different photon distribution when you let Pythia decay the W's, see here Mean is 28.4 (so could be the factor of 2 we are looking for). I suspect that py4ferm ensures that the 4j case is treated like a WW. Next I try factorized decay in Whizard.
comment:25 follow-up: 26 Changed 9 years ago by
Replying to bchokoufe:
Mhh. You get a very different photon distribution when you let Pythia decay the W's, see here
That would be a disaster for any generic shower approach, right? The shower has to start from the specific EW process, then, i.e., matched to the matrix element...
comment:26 Changed 9 years ago by
Replying to kilian:
Replying to bchokoufe:
Mhh. You get a very different photon distribution when you let Pythia decay the W's, see here
That would be a disaster for any generic shower approach, right? The shower has to start from the specific EW process, then, i.e., matched to the matrix element...
Well I don't think we are looking at a physical observable, when I only histogram photons with at least 1 GeV, the histogram changes again strongly - mean is 21
(so this is factorized WW decay in Whizard and count if E > 1 Gev [A]
). This is still sensitive to collinear splittings. For a proper analysis I think I have to build jets out of all particles in the event (currently not possible in sindarin due to the model issue). Or at least demand that photons are well separated from the rest (also not clear to me how I can formulate this).
Nevertheless also with the full process I now get with a 1 GeV cut - mean of 22 !!!
comment:27 Changed 9 years ago by
Here are the comparisons of the cross sections for the five processes denoted
P1 = ww_h0cuxx: e1, E1 -> c:cbar, d:s:b:D:S:B, u:U, d:s:b:D:S:B P2 = ww_h0uubd: e1, E1 -> u:U, b:B, u:U, d:D P3 = ww_h0uusd: e1, E1 -> u:U, s:S, u:U, d:D P4 = ww_h0ccbs: e1, E1 -> c:C, b:B, c:C, s:S P5 = ww_h0ccds: e1, E1 -> c:C, d:D, c:C, s:S
The three numbers below are unpol., pol. LR (1./1.), pol. LR (1./1.) with ISR:
P1 WHIZARD1 1602.2(2.2) fb 6385.3(9.0) fb 6787.41(7.30) fb WHIZARD2 1597.0(3.3) fb 6373.1(12.9)fb 6747.32(4.06) fb ---------------------------------------------------------------------- P2 WHIZARD1 ----------- 0.0947(140) fb 0.101194(110) fb WHIZARD2 ----------- 0.0947(2) fb 0.100463(60) fb ----------------------------------------------------------------------- P3 WHIZARD1 ------------ 311.70(44) fb 332.46(36) fb WHIZARD2 ------------ 312.09(62) fb 330.83(19) fb ----------------------------------------------------------------------- P4 WHIZARD1 ------------ 10.739(147) fb 11.432(13) fb WHIZARD2 ------------ 10.731(22) fb 11.402(7) fb ------------------------------------------------------------------------ P5 WHIZARD1 ------------ 310.86(79) fb 332.36(37) fb WHIZARD2 ------------ 312.33(60) fb 329.67(20) fb
The only cuts applied are the invariant mass cuts on the pairs of all jets of 10 GeV each. Over all, the numbers look fine, while for the case with ISR there is a slight undershooting in the case of WHIZARD2, which is borderline, and most likely comes from the different mapping and integration strategies between WHIZARD1 and WHIZARD2.
comment:28 Changed 9 years ago by
Update from Akiya Miyamoto: the discrepancy between WHIZARD2 and WHIZARD 1.95LCGenG still persists when switching beamstrahlung and ISR off. The partonic cross sections here conincide at the fifth of a permil level, so no chance that tails of events produce more charged or neutral particles or that different mappings of ISR structure functions play a role. It is most likely the details in the treatment of PY4FRM based on HEPEVT events vs. the exchange via LHE events in WHIZARD2.
comment:29 Changed 9 years ago by
Resolution: | → wontfix |
Status: | new → closed |
Parts of Akiyas Mail with references:
According to the LEP-1 and LEP-2 measurements, the averaged charged multiplicity, for Z is about 20 and those for WW is about 40. See for example, Figure 20.6 and DELPHI paper, Eq. 36 and 37.
Copy from my Mail to Akiya:
I think I could track down the issue to whether Pythia knows that the 4j come from a WW or not. As I didn't manage to build ROOT in my environment, I rewrote the basics of your analysis in Rivet. Results are here (plots are normalized to number of events) [ATTACHED] (numberOfChargedTracks.pdf) scale is mW, no ISR, no beamstrahlung, sqrts = 500 GeV for both simulations.
For the $4j$ I just ran the sindarin with these options. For $WW\to 4j$, I let Whizard do a factorized WW decay with
process jjjj_ww = e1, E1 => "W+", "W-" process Wp_dec = "W+" => uq, down_type_q process Wm_dec = "W-" => cq, down_type_q unstable "W+" (Wp_dec) unstable "W-" (Wm_dec)I think the difference is similar to "W1 noISR, noBS" to "W2 noISR, noBS" in your plots. However, you seem to get an average number of charged tracks in W2 of ~55 while I get 49.6 but maybe this is not significant. In the factorized case the mean is 39.5 so just on point with your references.
The question remains what the correct physics is. My guess is that Pythia will preserve the mass of the resonant Ws when it has the mother daughter relations that the jets come from the Ws. One could try to fudge a py4ferm by inserting the mother-daughter-relations. However, this is also not really correct as we can see from the diagramgs [ATTACHED] (jjjj_i1_diags.pdf) there are even for this flavor composition still quite a number of non-double-resonant diagrams. Maybe it is best to just simulate factorized WW when you want to reproduce WW results.
PS: To the Whizards: I think the best thing one could do is to write out the most probable resonance history a la Jezo / Nason. Most probable can be computed with Breit-Wigner-Mappings. I am not quite sure how we could use our infrastructure for the Born case.
Upshot: We hope that the generator group is happy that they can reproduce the W1 results with the factorized approach and will close this issue for now. A more rigorous approach to set resonance histories in Whizard in general for parton showers is very desirable as it changes particle multiplicities, jet counts, etc. more strongly than naively expected.
Changed 9 years ago by
Attachment: | numberOfJets.pdf added |
Changed 9 years ago by
Attachment: | numberOfJets.2.pdf added |
Changed 9 years ago by
Attachment: | numberOfChargedTracks.pdf added |
Changed 9 years ago by
Attachment: | jjjj_i2_diags.pdf added |
Couldn't upload all diagrams but the others have the same topologies
Can you please add the sindarin file, including the commands to produce the plots, to reproduce this?
From Akiya's mail:
The whizard1.95 code used for the DBD production is available at
They can be downloaded by svn co
As long as I see, PY4FRM is called at