|=============================================================================| | | | WW WW WW WW WW WWWWWW WW WWWWW WWWW | | WW WW WW WW WW WW WW WWWW WW WW WW WW | | WW WW WW WW WWWWWWW WW WW WW WW WWWWW WW WW | | WWWW WWWW WW WW WW WW WWWWWWWW WW WW WW WW | | WW WW WW WW WW WWWWWW WW WW WW WW WWWW | | | | | | W | | sW | | WW | | sWW | | WWW | | wWWW | | wWWWW | | WW WW | | WW WW | | wWW WW | | wWW WW | | WW WW | | WW WW | | WW WW | | WW WW | | WW WW | | WW WW | | wwwwww WW WW | | WWWWWww WW WW | | WWWWWwwwww WW WW | | wWWWwwwwwWW WW | | wWWWWWWWWWWwWWW WW | | wWWWWW wW WWWWWWW | | WWWW wW WW wWWWWWWWwww | | WWWW wWWWWWWWwwww | | WWWW WWWW WWw | | WWWWww WWWW | | WWWwwww WWWW | | wWWWWwww wWWWWW | | WwwwwwwwwWWW | | | | | | | | by: Wolfgang Kilian | | Thorsten Ohl | | Juergen Reuter | | Christian Speckner | | | | if you use WHIZARD please cite: | | W. Kilian, T. Ohl, J. Reuter, arXiv: 0708.4233 [hep-ph] | | M. Moretti, T. Ohl, J. Reuter, arXiv: hep-ph/0102195 | | | |=============================================================================| | WHIZARD 2.0.5 |=============================================================================| | Initializing process library 'processes' | Reading model file '/afs/desy.de/group/theorie/software/share/whizard/models/SM.mdl' | Using model: SM | Reading commands from file 'W-endpoint.sin' [user variable] parton = PDG(2, -2, 1, -1, 21) [user variable] jet = PDG(2, -2, 1, -1, 21) [user variable] lepton = PDG(11, 13) [user variable] neutrino = PDG(12, -12, 14, -14) | Process 'enj': ignoring existing source code | Added process to library 'processes': | [O] enj = u:ubar:d:dbar:gl, u:ubar:d:dbar:gl => e-:mu-, nue:nuebar:numu:numubar, u:ubar:d:dbar:gl | Generating code for process library 'processes' | Calling O'Mega for process 'enj' | command: /afs/desy.de/group/theorie/software/bin/omega_SM.opt -o enj.f90 -target:whizard -target:parameter_module parameters_SM -target:module enj -target:md5sum 7EDA0439232BE5AD7D97F1F73234B210 -fusion:progress -scatter 'u:ubar:d:dbar:gl u:ubar:d:dbar:gl -> e-:mu- nue:nuebar:numu:numubar u:ubar:d:dbar:gl' | Writing interface code for process library 'processes' | Compiling process library 'processes' | Loading process library 'processes' | Process 'enj': updating configuration SM.ms = 0.0000000000000000 SM.mc = 0.0000000000000000 SM.me = 0.0000000000000000 SM.mmu = 0.0000000000000000 sqrts = 14000.000000000000 $lhapdf_file = "cteq5l.LHgrid" Beam data (collision): p (mass = 0.0000000 GeV) p (mass = 0.0000000 GeV) sqrts = 14000.0000000000 GeV | Initializating integration for process enj: | Generating phase space configuration ... | ... done. | ... found 5 phase space channels, collected in 3 groves. | Phase space: found 5 equivalences between channels. | Wrote phase-space configuration file 'enj.phs'. | iterations = 5:20000 | Applying user-defined cuts. | Creating VAMP integration grids: | Using phase-space channel equivalences. | 20000 calls, 5 channels, 7 dimensions, 20 bins, stratified = T | Integrating process 'enj': |=============================================================================| | It Calls Integral[fb] Error[fb] Err[%] Acc Eff[%] Chi2 N[It] | |=============================================================================| 1 20000 4.7606971E+06 5.96E+05 12.52 17.71* 0.16 2 20000 5.2286720E+06 2.11E+05 4.04 5.72* 0.18 3 20000 5.4080971E+06 8.94E+04 1.65 2.34* 0.19 4 20000 5.4305548E+06 4.71E+04 0.87 1.23* 0.19 5 20000 5.4314245E+06 3.37E+04 0.62 0.88* 0.19 |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| 5 100000 5.4248647E+06 2.60E+04 0.48 1.51 0.19 0.55 5 |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Creating integration history display enj.history.ps and enj.history.pdf |=============================================================================| 5 100000 5.4248647E+06 2.60E+04 0.48 1.51 0.19 0.55 5 |=============================================================================| | Process 'enj': | time estimate for generating 10000 unweighted events: 10m:48s $description = "A WHIZARD 2.0 Example." $y_label = "$N_{\textrm{events}}$" $title = "$W$ Endpoint (``Jacobian Peak'') in $pp\to \ell\bar\nu j$" $x_label = "$p_T^\ell$/GeV" $title = "Jet-$p_T$ in $pp\to \ell\bar\nu j$" $x_label = "$p_T^j$/GeV" $title = "Lepton Energy in $pp\to \ell\bar\nu j$" $x_label = "$E^\ell$/GeV" $title = "Jet Energy in $pp\to \ell\bar\nu j$" $x_label = "$E^j$/GeV" n_events = 1000 | Initializing simulation for processes enj: | Simulation mode = unweighted, event_normalization = '1', unpolarized_events | Requested number of events = 1000 | This corresponds to luminosity [fb-1] = 0.1843E-03 | Generating 1000 events ... | Writing events in internal format to file 'enj.evx' | Applying user-defined analysis setup. | ... 1000 events generated. 1000 total. | Simulation finished. $out_file = "W-endpoint.dat" | Writing analysis data to file 'W-endpoint.dat' | Compiling analysis results in file 'W-endpoint.tex' | Compiling analysis results display in 'W-endpoint.tex' | WHIZARD run finished. |=============================================================================|