| Writing log to 'whizard.log' |=============================================================================| | | | WW WW WW WW WW WWWWWW WW WWWWW WWWW | | WW WW WW WW WW WW WW WWWW WW WW WW WW | | WW WW WW WW WWWWWWW WW WW WW WW WWWWW WW WW | | WWWW WWWW WW WW WW WW WWWWWWWW WW WW WW WW | | WW WW WW WW WW WWWWWW WW WW WW WW WWWW | | | | | | W | | sW | | WW | | sWW | | WWW | | wWWW | | wWWWW | | WW WW | | WW WW | | wWW WW | | wWW WW | | WW WW | | WW WW | | WW WW | | WW WW | | WW WW | | WW WW | | wwwwww WW WW | | WWWWWww WW WW | | WWWWWwwwww WW WW | | wWWWwwwwwWW WW | | wWWWWWWWWWWwWWW WW | | wWWWWW wW WWWWWWW | | WWWW wW WW wWWWWWWWwww | | WWWW wWWWWWWWwwww | | WWWW WWWW WWw | | WWWWww WWWW | | WWWwwww WWWW | | wWWWWwww wWWWWW | | WwwwwwwwwWWW | | | | | | | | by: Wolfgang Kilian | | Thorsten Ohl | | Juergen Reuter | | Christian Speckner | | | | if you use WHIZARD please cite: | | W. Kilian, T. Ohl, J. Reuter, arXiv: 0708.4233 [hep-ph] | | M. Moretti, T. Ohl, J. Reuter, arXiv: hep-ph/0102195 | | | |=============================================================================| | WHIZARD 2.0.6 |=============================================================================| | Initializing process library 'processes' | Loading process library 'processes' | Reading model file '/archive/fbach/whizard-2.0/_inst_wtpp140/share/whizard/models/SM.mdl' | Using model: SM | Reading commands from file 'processes_Threeshl.sin' [user variable] j1 = PDG(1, -1, 2, -2) [user variable] j2 = PDG(3, -3, 4, -4) [user variable] jl = PDG(1, -1, 2, -2, 3, -3, 4, -4) [user variable] jb = PDG(5, -5) [user variable] j = PDG(1, -1, 2, -2, 3, -3, 4, -4, 5, -5, 21) [user variable] qu = PDG(2, 4) [user variable] Qu = PDG(-2, -4) [user variable] qd = PDG(1, 3) [user variable] Qd = PDG(-1, -3) [user variable] el = PDG(11, -11) [user variable] ne = PDG(12, -12) [user variable] my = PDG(13, -13) [user variable] nm = PDG(14, -14) [user variable] pr = PDG(1, -1, 2, -2, 3, -3, 4, -4, 21) | Process 'enmm': keeping configuration | [L] enmm = d:dbar:u:ubar:s:sbar:c:cbar:gl, d:dbar:u:ubar:s:sbar:c:cbar:gl => e-:e+, nue:nuebar, mu-, mu+ | Generating code for process library 'processes' | Skipping process 'enmm' (source code exists) | Writing interface code for process library 'processes' | Unloading process library 'processes' | Compiling process library 'processes' | Skipping process 'enmm' (object code exists) | Skipping library 'processes' (no processes have been recompiled) | Loading process library 'processes' | Process 'enmm': keeping configuration SM.me = 0.0000000000000000 SM.mmu = 0.0000000000000000 SM.ms = 0.0000000000000000 SM.mc = 0.0000000000000000 sqrts = 14000.000000000000 Beam data (collision): p (mass = 0.0000000 GeV) p (mass = 0.0000000 GeV) sqrts = 14000.0000000000 GeV ************************************* * LHAPDF Version 5.8.1 * * Configured for the following: * * All PDFs * * FULL MEMORY option * * Maximum 3 concurrent set(s) * ************************************* >>>>>> PDF description: <<<<<< CTEQ6L1 - LO with LO alpha_s Reference: J. Pumplin, D.R. Stump, J. Huston, H.L. Lai, P. Nadolsky, W.K. Tung hep-ph/0201195 >>>>>> <<<<<< Parametrization: CTEQ6 Beam data (collision): p (mass = 0.0000000 GeV) p (mass = 0.0000000 GeV) sqrts = 14000.0000000000 GeV | Initializating integration for process enmm: | Read phase-space configuration from file 'enmm.phs'... | ... found 15 phase space channels, collected in 9 groves. | Phase space: found 15 equivalences between channels. | iterations = 5:5000, 10:10000 | Applying user-defined cuts. | Reading integration grids and results from file 'enmm.vg': | Cut configuration has changed, discarding old grid file | Creating VAMP integration grids: | Using phase-space channel equivalences. | 5000 calls, 15 channels, 10 dimensions, 20 bins, stratified = T | Integrating process 'enmm': |=============================================================================| | It Calls Integral[fb] Error[fb] Err[%] Acc Eff[%] Chi2 N[It] | |=============================================================================|