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Chapter ‍3 Working with WHIZARD

WHIZARD can run as a stand-alone program. You (the user) can steer WHIZARD either interactively or by a script file. We will first describe the latter method, since it will be the most common way to interact with the WHIZARD system.

3.1 Hello World

The legacy version series 1 of the program relied on a bunch of input files that the user had to provide in some obfuscated format. This approach is sufficient for straightforward applications. However, once you get experienced with a program, you start thinking about uses that the program’s authors did not foresee. In case of a Monte Carlo package, typical abuses are parameter scans, complex patterns of cuts and reweighting factors, or data analysis without recourse to external packages. This requires more flexibility.

Instead of transferring control over data input to some generic scripting language like PERL or Python (or even C++), which come with their own peculiarities and learning curves, we decided to unify data input and scripting in a dedicated steering language that is particularly adapted to the needs of Monte-Carlo integration, simulation, and simple analysis of the results. Thus we discovered what everybody knew anyway: that W(h)izards communicate in SINDARIN, Scripting INtegration, Data Analysis, Results display and INterfaces.

SINDARIN is a DSL – a domain-specific scripting language – that is designed for the single purpose of steering and talking to WHIZARD. Now since SINDARIN is a programming language, we honor the old tradition of starting with the famous Hello World program. In SINDARIN this reads simply

printf "Hello World!"

Open your favorite editor, type this text, and save it into a file named hello.sin.

    | Writing log to 'whizard.log'
    |                                                                             |
    |    WW             WW  WW   WW  WW  WWWWWW      WW      WWWWW    WWWW        |
    |     WW    WW     WW   WW   WW  WW     WW      WWWW     WW  WW   WW  WW      |
    |      WW  WW WW  WW    WWWWWWW  WW    WW      WW  WW    WWWWW    WW   WW     |
    |       WWWW   WWWW     WW   WW  WW   WW      WWWWWWWW   WW  WW   WW  WW      |
    |        WW     WW      WW   WW  WW  WWWWWW  WW      WW  WW   WW  WWWW        |
    |                                                                             |
    |                                                                             |
    |                                        W                                    |
    |                                       sW                                    |
    |                                       WW                                    |
    |                                      sWW                                    |
    |                                      WWW                                    |
    |                                     wWWW                                    |
    |                                    wWWWW                                    |
    |                                    WW WW                                    |
    |                                    WW WW                                    |
    |                                   wWW WW                                    |
    |                                  wWW  WW                                    |
    |                                  WW   WW                                    |
    |                                  WW   WW                                    |
    |                                 WW    WW                                    |
    |                                 WW    WW                                    |
    |                                WW     WW                                    |
    |                                WW     WW                                    |
    |           wwwwww              WW      WW                                    |
    |              WWWWWww          WW      WW                                    |
    |                 WWWWWwwwww   WW       WW                                    |
    |                     wWWWwwwwwWW       WW                                    |
    |                 wWWWWWWWWWWwWWW       WW                                    |
    |                wWWWWW       wW        WWWWWWW                               |
    |                  WWWW       wW        WW  wWWWWWWWwww                       |
    |                   WWWW                      wWWWWWWWwwww                    |
    |                     WWWW                      WWWW     WWw                  |
    |                       WWWWww                   WWWW                         |
    |                           WWWwwww              WWWW                         |
    |                               wWWWWwww       wWWWWW                         |
    |                                     WwwwwwwwwWWW                            |
    |                                                                             |
    |                                                                             |
    |                                                                             |
    |  by:   Wolfgang Kilian, Thorsten Ohl, Juergen Reuter                        |
    |        with contributions from Christian Speckner                           |
    |        Contact: <whizard@desy.de>                                           |
    |                                                                             |
    |  if you use WHIZARD please cite:                                            |
    |        W. Kilian, T. Ohl, J. Reuter,  Eur.Phys.J.C71 (2011) 1742            |
    |                                          [arXiv: 0708.4233 [hep-ph]]        |
    |        M. Moretti, T. Ohl, J. Reuter, arXiv: hep-ph/0102195                 |
    |                                                                             |
    |                               WHIZARD 3.1.4
    | Reading model file '/usr/local/share/whizard/models/SM.mdl'
    | Preloaded model: SM
    | Process library 'default_lib': initialized
    | Preloaded library: default_lib
    | Reading commands from file 'hello.sin'
    Hello World!
    | WHIZARD run finished.
Figure 3.1: Output of the "Hello world!" SINDARIN script.

Now we assume that you – or your kind system administrator – has installed WHIZARD in your executable path. Then you should open a command shell and execute (we will come to the meaning of the -r option later.)

/home/user$ whizard -r hello.sin

and if everything works well, you get the output (the complete output including the WHIZARD banner is shown in Fig. ‍3.1)

| Writing log to 'whizard.log'
[... here a banner is displayed]
|                               WHIZARD 3.1.4
| Reading model file '/usr/local/share/whizard/models/SM.mdl'
| Preloaded model: SM
! Process library 'default_lib': initialized
! Preloaded library: default_lib
| Reading commands from file 'hello.sin'
Hello World!
| WHIZARD run finished.

If this has just worked for you, you can be confident that you have a working WHIZARD installation, and you have been able to successfully run the program.

3.2 A Simple Calculation

You may object that WHIZARD is not exactly designed for printing out plain text. So let us demonstrate a more useful example.

Looking at the Hello World output, we first observe that the program writes a log file named (by default) whizard.log. This file receives all screen output, except for the output of external programs that are called by WHIZARD. You don’t have to cache WHIZARD’s screen output yourself.

After the welcome banner, WHIZARD tells you that it reads a physics model, and that it initializes and preloads a process library. The process library is initially empty. It is ready for receiving definitions of elementary high-energy physics processes (scattering or decay) that you provide. The processes are set in the context of a definite model of high-energy physics. By default this is the Standard Model, dubbed SM.

Here is the SINDARIN code for defining a SM physics process, computing its cross section, and generating a simulated event sample in Les Houches event format:

process ee = e1, E1 => e2, E2
sqrts = 360 GeV
n_events = 10
sample_format = lhef
simulate (ee)

As before, you save this text in a file (named, e.g., ee.sin) which is run by

/home/user$ whizard -r ee.sin

(We will come to the meaning of the -r option later.) This produces a lot of output which looks similar to this:

 | Writing log to 'whizard.log'
[... banner ...]
 |                               WHIZARD 3.1.4
 | Reading model file '/usr/local/share/whizard/models/SM.mdl'
 | Preloaded model: SM
 | Process library 'default_lib': initialized
 | Preloaded library: default_lib
 | Reading commands from file 'ee.sin'
 | Process library 'default_lib': recorded process 'ee'
 sqrts =  3.600000000000E+02
 n_events = 10
 | Starting simulation for process 'ee'
 | Simulate: process 'ee' needs integration
 | Integrate: current process library needs compilation
 | Process library 'default_lib': compiling ...
 | Process library 'default_lib': writing makefile
 | Process library 'default_lib': removing old files
 rm -f default_lib.la
 rm -f default_lib.lo default_lib_driver.mod opr_ee_i1.mod ee_i1.lo
 rm -f ee_i1.f90
 | Process library 'default_lib': writing driver
 | Process library 'default_lib': creating source code
 rm -f ee_i1.f90
 rm -f opr_ee_i1.mod
 rm -f ee_i1.lo
 /usr/local/bin/omega_SM.opt -o ee_i1.f90 -target:whizard
  -target:parameter_module parameters_SM -target:module opr_ee_i1
  -target:md5sum '70DB728462039A6DC1564328E2F3C3A5' -fusion:progress
  -scatter 'e- e+ -> mu- mu+'
 [1/1] e- e+ -> mu- mu+ ... allowed. [time: 0.00 secs, total: 0.00 secs, remaining: 0.00 secs]
 all processes done. [total time: 0.00 secs]
 SUMMARY: 6 fusions, 2 propagators, 2 diagrams
 | Process library 'default_lib': compiling sources
 | Process library 'default_lib': loading
 | Process library 'default_lib': ... success.
 | Integrate: compilation done
 | RNG: Initializing TAO random-number generator
 | RNG: Setting seed for random-number generator to 9616
 | Initializing integration for process ee:
 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 | Process [scattering]: 'ee'
 |   Library name  = 'default_lib'
 |   Process index = 1
 |   Process components:
 |     1: 'ee_i1':   e-, e+ => mu-, mu+ [omega]
 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 | Beam structure: [any particles]
 | Beam data (collision):
 |   e-  (mass = 5.1099700E-04 GeV)
 |   e+  (mass = 5.1099700E-04 GeV)
 |   sqrts = 3.600000000000E+02 GeV
 | Phase space: generating configuration ...
 | Phase space: ... success.
 | Phase space: writing configuration file 'ee_i1.phs'
 | Phase space: 2 channels, 2 dimensions
 | Phase space: found 2 channels, collected in 2 groves.
 | Phase space: Using 2 equivalences between channels.
 | Phase space: wood
 Warning: No cuts have been defined.
 | Starting integration for process 'ee'
 | Integrate: iterations not specified, using default
 | Integrate: iterations = 3:1000:"gw", 3:10000:""
 | Integrator: 2 chains, 2 channels, 2 dimensions
 | Integrator: Using VAMP channel equivalences
 | Integrator: 1000 initial calls, 20 bins, stratified = T
 | Integrator: VAMP
 | It      Calls  Integral[fb]  Error[fb]   Err[%]    Acc  Eff[%]   Chi2 N[It] |
    1        784  8.3282892E+02  1.68E+00    0.20    0.06*  39.99
    2        784  8.3118961E+02  1.23E+00    0.15    0.04*  76.34
    3        784  8.3278951E+02  1.36E+00    0.16    0.05   54.45
    3       2352  8.3211789E+02  8.01E-01    0.10    0.05   54.45    0.50   3
    4       9936  8.3331732E+02  1.22E-01    0.01    0.01*  54.51
    5       9936  8.3341072E+02  1.24E-01    0.01    0.01   54.52
    6       9936  8.3331151E+02  1.23E-01    0.01    0.01*  54.51
    6      29808  8.3334611E+02  7.10E-02    0.01    0.01   54.51    0.20   3
| Simulate: integration done
| Simulate: using integration grids from file 'ee_m1.vg'
| RNG: Initializing TAO random-number generator
| RNG: Setting seed for random-number generator to 9617
| Simulation: requested number of events = 10
|             corr. to luminosity [fb-1] =   1.2000E-02
| Events: writing to LHEF file 'ee.lhe'
| Events: writing to raw file 'ee.evx'
| Events: generating 10 unweighted, unpolarized events ...
| Events: event normalization mode '1'
|         ... event sample complete.
| Events: closing LHEF file 'ee.lhe'
| Events: closing raw file 'ee.evx'
| There were no errors and    1 warning(s).
| WHIZARD run finished.

The final result is the desired event file, ee.lhe.

Let us discuss the output quickly to walk you through the procedures of a WHIZARD run: after the logfile message and the banner, the reading of the physics model and the initialization of a process library, the recorded process with tag ’ee’ is recorded. Next, user-defined parameters like the center-of-mass energy and the number of demanded (unweighted) events are displayed. As a next step, WHIZARD is starting the simulation of the process with tag ’ee’. It recognizes that there has not yet been an integration over phase space (done by an optional integrate command, cf. Sec. ‍5.7.1), and consequently starts the integration. It then acknowledges, that the process code for the process ’ee’ needs to be compiled first (done by an optional compile command, cf. Sec. ‍5.4.5). So, WHIZARD compiles the process library, writes the makefile for its steering, and as a safeguard against garbage removes possibly existing files. Then, the source code for the library and its processes are generated: for the process code, the default method – the matrix element generator O’Mega is called (cf. Sec. ‍9.3); and the sources are being compiled.

The next steps are the loading of the process library, and WHIZARD reports the completion of the integration. For the Monte-Carlo integration, a random number generator is initialized. Here, it is the default generator, TAO (for more details, cf. Sec. ‍6.2, while the random seed is set to a value initialized by the system clock, as no seed has been provided in the SINDARIN input file.

Now, the integration for the process ’ee’ is initialized, and information about the process (its name, the name of its process library, its index inside the library, and the process components out of which it consists, cf. Sec. ‍5.4.4) are displayed. Then, the beam structure is shown, which in that case are symmetric partonic electron and positron beams with the center-of-mass energy provided by the user (360 GeV). The next step is the generation of the phase space, for which the default phase space method wood (for more details cf. Sec. ‍8.3) is selected. The integration is performed, and the result with absolute and relative error, unweighting efficiency, accuracy, χ2 quality is shown.

The final step is the event generation (cf. Chap. ‍11). The integration grids are now being used, again the random number generator is initialized. Finally, event generation of ten unweighted events starts (WHIZARD let us know to which integrated luminosity that would correspond), and events are written both in an internal (binary) event format as well as in the demanded LHE format. This concludes the WHIZARD run.

After a more comprehensive introduction into the SINDARIN steering language in the next chapter, Chap. ‍4, we will discuss all the details of the different steps of this introductory example.

3.3 WHIZARD in a Computing Environment

3.3.1 Working on a Single Computer

After installation, WHIZARD is ready for use. There is a slight complication if WHIZARD has been installed in a location that is not in your standard search paths.

In that case, to successfully run WHIZARD, you may either

  • manually add your-install-directory/bin to your execution PATH
    and your-install-directory/lib to your library search path (LD_LIBRARY_PATH), or
  • whenever you start a project, execute
        your-workspace> . your-install-directory/bin/whizard-setup.sh
    which will enable the paths in your current environment, or
  • source whizard-setup.sh script in your shell startup file.

In either case, try to call whizard --help in order to check whether this is done correctly.

For a new WHIZARD project, you should set up a new (empty) directory. Depending on the complexity of your task, you may want to set up separate directories for each subproblem that you want to tackle, or even for each separate run. The location of the directories is arbitrary.

To run, WHIZARD needs only a single input file, a SINDARIN command script with extension .sin (by convention). Running WHIZARD is as simple as

  your-workspace> whizard your-input.sin

No other configuration files are needed. The total number of auxiliary and output files generated in a single run may get quite large, however, and they may clutter your workspace. This is the reason behind keeping subdirectories on a per-run basis.

Basic usage of WHIZARD is explained in Chapter ‍3, for more details, consult the following chapters. In Sec. ‍14.1 we give an account of the command-line options that WHIZARD accepts.

3.3.2 Working Parallel on Several Computers

For integration (only VAMP2), WHIZARD supports parallel execution via MPI by communicating between parallel tasks on a single machine or distributed over several machines.

During integration the calculation of channels is distributed along several workers where a master worker collects the results and adapts weights and grids. In wortwhile cases (e.g. high number of calls in one channel), the calculation of a single grid is additionally distributed. For that, we provide two different parallelization methods, which can be steered by $vamp_parallel_method, implementing the dualistic parallelization approach between channels and single grids. The simple method provides a locally-fixed assignment approach without the need of intermediate communication between the MPI workers. Whereas the load method provides a global queue with a master worker acting as a (communication) governor, therefore, excluding itself as potential "computing" worker. The governor receives and distributes work requests from all other workers, and, finally, receives their results. The methods differ from each other only in the way how they distribute excessive workers, in the case, where there are more workers than channels. Here, the load method implements a balancing condition based on the channel weights in contrast to the simplistic ansatz.

Both methods use a full non-blocking communication approach in order to collect the integration results of each channel after each iteration. After finishing the computation of a channel, the associated slave worker spawns a callback mechansim leading to the initialization of a sending process to the master. The master worker organizes, depending on the parallelization method, the correct closing of the sending process for a given channel by a matching receiving process. The callback approach allows us to concurrently communicate and produce integration results providing an increased parallelization portion, i.e. better HPC performance and utilization.

The load method comes with a drawback that it does not work with less than three workers. Hence, we recommend (e.g. for debugging purpose of the parallel setup) to use the simple method, and to use the load method only for direct production runs.

In order to use these advancements, WHIZARD requires an installed MPI-3.1 capable library (e.g. OpenMPI) and configuration and compilation with the appropriate flags, cf. ‍Sec. ‍2.3.

MPI support is only active when the integration method is set to VAMP2. Additionally, to preserve the numerical properties of a single task run, it is recommended to use the RNGstream as random number generator.

  $integration_method = 'vamp2'
  $rng_method = 'rng_stream'
  $vamp_parallel_method = 'simple' !! or 'load'

WHIZARD has then to be called by mpirun

  your-workspace> mpirun -f hostfile -np 4 --output-filename mpi.log whizard your-input.sin

where the number of parallel tasks can be set by -np and a hostfile can be given by --hostfile. It is recommended to use --output-filename which lets mpirun redirect the standard (error) output to a file, for each worker separately.

Notes on Parallelization with MPI

The parallelization of WHIZARD requires that all instances of the parallel run be able to write and read all files produced by WHIZARD in a network file system as the current implementation does not handle parallel I/O. Usually, high-performance clusters have support for at least one network filesystem.

Furthermore, not all functions of WHIZARD are currently supported or are only supported in a limited way in parallel mode. Currently the ?rebuild_<flags> for the phase space and the matrix element library are not yet available, as well as the calculation of matrix elements with resonance histories.

Some features that have been missing in the very first implementation of the parallelized integration have now been made available, like the support of run IDs and the parallelization of the event generation.

A final remark on the stability of the numerical results in terms of the number of workers involved. Under certain circumstances, results between different numbers of workers but using otherwise an identical SINDARIN file can lead to slightly numerically different (but statistically compatible) results for integration or event generation This is related to the execution of the computational operations in MPI, which we use to reduce results from all workers. If the order of the numbers in the arithmetical operations changes, for example, by different setups of the workers, then the numerical results change slightly, which in turn is amplified under the influence of the adaptation. Nevertheless, the results are all statistically consistent.

3.3.3 Stopping and Resuming WHIZARD Jobs

On a Unix-like system, it is possible to prematurely stop running jobs by a kill(1) command, or by entering Ctrl-C on the terminal.

If the system supports this, WHIZARD traps these signals. It also traps some signals that a batch operating system might issue, e.g., for exceeding a predefined execution time limit. WHIZARD tries to complete the calculation of the current event and gracefully close open files. Then, the program terminates with a message and a nonzero return code. Usually, this should not take more than a fraction of a second.

If, for any reason, the program does not respond to an interrupt, it is always possible to kill it by kill -9. A convenient method, on a terminal, would be to suspend it first by Ctrl-Z and then to kill the suspended process.

The program is usually able to recover after being stopped. Simply run the job again from start, with the same input, all output files generated so far left untouched. The results obtained so far will be quickly recovered or gathered from files written in the previous run, and the actual time-consuming calculation is resumed near the point where it was interrupted.1 If the interruption happened during an integration step, it is resumed after the last complete iteration. If it was during event generation, the previous events are taken from file and event generation is continued.

The same mechanism allows for efficiently redoing a calculation with similar, somewhat modified input. For instance, you might want to add a further observable to event analysis, or write the events in a different format. The time for rerunning the program is determined just by the time it takes to read the existing integration or event files, and the additional calculation is done on the recovered information.

By managing various checksums on its input and output files, WHIZARD detects changes that affect further calculations, so it does a real recalculation only where it is actually needed. This applies to all steps that are potentially time-consuming: matrix-element code generation, compilation, phase-space setup, integration, and event generation. If desired, you can set command-line options or SINDARIN parameters that explicitly discard previously generated information.

3.3.4 Files and Directories: default and customization

WHIZARD jobs take a small set of files as input. In many cases, this is just a single SINDARIN script provided by the user. When running, WHIZARD can produce a set of auxiliary and output files:

  1. Job. Files pertaining to the WHIZARD job as a whole. This is the default log file whizard.log.
  2. Process compilation. Files that originate from generating and compiling process code. If the default O’Mega generator is used, these files include Fortran source code as well as compiled libraries that are dynamically linked to the running executable. The file names are derived from either the process-library name or the individual process names, as defined in the SINDARIN input. The default library name is default_lib.
  3. Integration. Files that are created by integration, i.e., when calculating the total cross section for a scattering process using the Monte-Carlo algorithm. The file names are derived from the process name.
  4. Simulation. Files that are created during simulation, i.e., generating event samples for a process or a set of processes. By default, the file names are derived from the name of the first process. Event-file formats are distinguished by appropriate file name extensions.
  5. Result Analysis. Files that are created by the internal analysis tools and written by the command write_analysis (or compile_analysis). The default base name is whizard_analysis.

A complex workflow with several processes, parameter sets, or runs, can easily lead to in file-name clashes or a messy working directory. Furthermore, running a batch job on a dedicated computing environment often requires transferring data from a user directory to the server and back.

Custom directory and file names can be used to organize things and facilitate dealing with the environment, along with the available batch-system tools for coordinating file transfer.

  1. Job.
    • The -L option on the command line defines a custom base name for the log file.
    • The -J option on the command line defines a job ID. For instance, this may be set to the job ID assigned by the batch system. Within the SINDARIN script, the job ID is available as the string variable $job_id and can be used for constructing custom job-specific file and directory names, as described below.
  2. Process compilation.
    • The user can require the program to put all files created during the compilation step including the library to be linked, in a subdirectory of the working directory. To enable this, set the string variable $compile_workspace within the SINDARIN script.
  3. Integration.
    • The value of the string variable $run_id, if set, is appended to the base name of all files created by integration, separated by dots. If the SINDARIN script scans over parameters, varying the run ID avoids repeatedly overwriting files with identical name during the scan.
    • The user can require the program to put the important files created during the integration step – the phase-space configuration file and the VAMP grid files – in a subdirectory of the working directory. To enable this, set the string variable $integrate_workspace within the SINDARIN script. ($compile_workspace and $integrate_workspace may be set to the same value.)
    Log files produced during the integration step are put in the working directory.
  4. Simulation.
    • The value of the string variable $run_id, if set, identifies the specific integration run that is used for the event sample. It is also inserted into default event-sample file names.
    • The variable $sample, if set, defines an arbitrary base name for the files related to the event sample.
    Files resulting from simulation are put in the working directory.
  5. Result Analysis.
    • The variable $out_file, if set, defines an arbitrary base name for the analysis data and auxiliary files.
    Files resulting from result analysis are put in the working directory.

3.3.5 Batch jobs on a different machine

It is possible to separate the tasks of process-code compilation, integration, and simulation, and execute them on different machines. To make use of this feature, the local and remote machines including all installed libraries that are relevant for WHIZARD, must be binary-compatible.

  1. Process-code compilation may be done once on a local machine, while the time-consuming tasks of integration and event generation for specific parameter sets are delegated to a remote machine, e.g., a batch cluster. To enable this, prepare a SINDARIN script that just produces process code (i.e., terminates with a compile command) for the local machine. You may define $compile_workspace such that all generated code conveniently ends up in a single subdirectory.

    To start the batch job, transfer the workspace subdirectory to the remote machine and start WHIZARD there. The SINDARIN script on the remote machine must include the local script unchanged in all parts that are relevant for process definition. The program will recognize the contents of the workspace, skip compilation and instead link the process library immediately. To proceed further, the script should define the run-specific parameters and contain the appropriate commands for integration and simulation.

  2. Analogously, you may execute both process-code compilation and integration locally, but generate event samples on a remote machine. To this end, prepare a SINDARIN script that produces process code and computes integrals (i.e., terminates with an integrate command) for the local machine. You may define $compile_workspace and $integrate_workspace (which may coincide) such that all generated code, phase-space and integration grid data conveniently end up in subdirectories.

    To start the batch job, transfer the workspace(s) to the remote machine and start WHIZARD there. The SINDARIN script on the remote machine must include the local script unchanged in all parts that are relevant for process definition and integration. The program will recognize the contents of the workspace, skip compilation and integration and instead load the process library and integration results immediately. To proceed further, the script should define the sample-specific parameters and contain the appropriate commands for simulation.

To simplify transferring whole directories, WHIZARD supports the --pack and --unpack options. You may specify any number of these options for a WHIZARD run. (The feature relies on the GNU version of the tar utility.)

For instance,

whizard script1.sin --pack my_ws

runs WHIZARD with the SINDARIN script script1.sin as input, where within the script you have defined

$compile_workspace = "my_ws"

as the target directory for process-compilation files. After completion, the program will tar and gzip the target directory as my_ws.tgz. You should copy this file to the remote machine as one of the job’s input files.

On the remote machine, you can then run the program with

whizard script2.sin --unpack my_ws.tgz

where script2.sin should include script1.sin, and add integration or simulation commands. The contents of ws.tgz will thus be unpacked and reused on the remote machine, instead of generating new process code.

3.3.6 Static Linkage

In its default running mode, WHIZARD compiles process-specific matrix element code on the fly and dynamically links the resulting library. On the computing server, this requires availability of the appropriate Fortran compiler, as well as the OCaml compiler suite, and the dynamical linking feature.

Since this may be unavailable or undesired, there is a possibility to distribute WHIZARD as a statically linked executable that contains a pre-compiled library of processes. This removes the need for the Fortran compiler, the OCaml system, and extra dynamic linking. Any external libraries that are accessed (the Fortran runtime environment, and possibly some dynamically linked external libraries and/or the C++ runtime library, must still be available on the target system, binary-compatible. Otherwise, there is no need for transferring the complete WHIZARD installation or process-code compilation data.

Generating, compiling and linking matrix element code is done in advance on a machine that can access the required tools and produces compatible libraries. This procedure is accomplished by SINDARIN commands, explained below in Sec. ‍5.4.7.

3.4 Troubleshooting

In this section, we list known issues or problems and give advice on what can be done in case something does not work as intended.

3.4.1 Possible (uncommon) build problems

OCaml versions and O’Mega builds

For the matrix element generator O’Mega of WHIZARD  the functional programming language OCaml is used. Unfortunately, the versions of the OCaml compiler from 3.12.0 on broke backwards compatibility. Therefore, versions of O’Mega/WHIZARD up to v2.0.2 only compile with older versions (3.04 to 3.11 works). This has been fixed in all WHIZARD versions from 2.0.3 on.

Identical Build and Source directories

There is a problem that only occurred with version 2.0.0 and has been corected for all follow-up versions. It can only appear if you compile the WHIZARD sources in the source directory. Then an error like this may occur:

libtool: compile:  gfortran -I../misc -I../vamp -g -O2 -c processes.f90 -fPIC -o
libtool: compile:  gfortran -I../misc -I../vamp -g -O2 -c processes.f90 -o
          processes.o >/dev/null 2>&1
make[2]: *** No rule to make target `limits.lo', needed by `decays.lo'.  Stop.
make: *** [all-recursive] Error 1

In this case, please unpack a fresh copy of WHIZARD and configure it in a separate directory (not necessarily a subdirectory). Then the compilation will go through:

$ zcat whizard-3.0.3.tar.gz | tar xf -
$ cd whizard-3.0.3
$ mkdir _build
$ cd _build
$ ../configure FC=gfortran
$ make

The developers use this setup to be able to test different compilers. Therefore building in the same directory is not as thoroughly tested. This behavior has been patched from version 2.0.1 on. But note that in general it is always adviced to keep build and source directory apart from each other.

3.4.2 What happens if WHIZARD throws an error?

Particle name special characters in process declarations

Trying to use a process declaration like

process foo = e-, e+ => mu-, mu+

will lead to a SINDARIN syntax error:

process foo = e-, e+ => mu-, mu+
| Expected syntax: SEQUENCE    <cmd_process> = process <process_id> '=' <process_p
| Found token: KEYWORD:    '-'
*** FATAL ERROR:  Syntax error (at or before the location indicated above)

WHIZARD tries to interpret the minus and plus signs as operators (KEYWORD: ’-’), so you have to quote the particle names: process foo = "e-", "e+" => "mu-", "mu+".

Missing collider energy

This happens if you forgot to set the collider energy in the integration of a scattering process:

*** FATAL ERROR:  Colliding beams: sqrts is zero (please set sqrts)

This will solve your problem:

sqrts = <your_energy>

Missing process declaration

If you try to integrate or simulate a process that has not declared before (and is also not available in a library that might be loaded), WHIZARD will complain:

*** FATAL ERROR: Process library doesn't contain process 'f00'

Note that this could sometimes be a simple typo, e.g. in that case an integrate (f00) instead of integrate (foo)

Ambiguous initial state without beam declaration

When the user declares a process with a flavor sum in the initial state, e.g.

process qqaa = u:d, U:D => A, A
sqrts = <your_energy>
integrate (qqaa)

then a fatal error will be issued:

*** FATAL ERROR: Setting up process 'qqaa':
***                 --------------------------------------------
***              Inconsistent initial state. This happens if either
***              several processes with non-matching initial states
***              have been added, or for a single process with an
***              initial state flavor sum. In that case, please set beams
***              explicitly [singling out a flavor / structure function.]

What now? Either a structure function providing a tensor structure in flavors has to be provided like

beams = p, pbar => pdf_builtin

or, if the partonic process was intended, a specific flavor has to be singled out,

beams = u, U

which would take only the up-quarks. Note that a sum over process components with varying initial states is not possible.

Invalid or unsupported beam structure

An error message like

*** FATAL ERROR: Beam structure: [.......] not supported

This happens if you try to use a beam structure with is either not supported by WHIZARD (meaning that there is no phase-space parameterization for Monte-Carlo integration available in order to allow an efficient sampling), or you have chosen a combination of beam structure functions that do not make sense physically. Here is an example for the latter (lepton collider ISR applied to protons, then proton PDFs):

beams = p, p => isr => pdf_builtin

Mismatch in beams

Sometimes you get a rather long error output statement followed by a fatal error:

 Evaluator product
 First interaction
 Interaction: 6
 Particle 1
  [momentum undefined]
 State matrix:  norm =  1.000000000000E+00
     [f(92) c(1 )]
       [f(-6) c(-1 )] => ME(1) = ( 0.000000000000E+00, 0.000000000000E+00)
*** FATAL ERROR: Product of density matrices is empty
***                 --------------------------------------------
***              This happens when two density matrices are convoluted
***              but the processes they belong to (e.g., production
***              and decay) do not match. This could happen if the
***              beam specification does not match the hard
***              process. Or it may indicate a WHIZARD bug.

As WHIZARD indicates, this could have happened because the hard process setup did not match the specification of the beams as in:

process neutral_current_DIS = e1, u => e1, u
beams_momentum = 27.5 GeV, 920 GeV
beams = p, e => pdf_builtin, none
integrate (neutral_current_DIS)

In that case, the order of the beam particles simply was wrong, exchange proton and electron (together with the structure functions) into beams = e, p => none, pdf_builtin, and WHIZARD will be happy.

Unstable heavy beam particles

If you try to use unstable particles as beams that can potentially decay into the final state particles, you might encounter the following error message:

*** FATAL ERROR:  Phase space: Initial beam particle can decay

This happens basically only for processes in testing/validation (like t tb b). In principle, it could also happen in a real physics setup, e.g. when simulating electron pairs at a muon collider:

process mmee = "mu-", "mu+" => "e-", "e+"

However, WHIZARD at the moment does not allow a muon width, and so WHIZARD is not able to decay a muon in a scattering process. A possibile decay of the beam particle into (part of) the final state might lead to instabilities in the phase space setup. Hence, WHIZARD do not let you perform such an integration right away. When you nevertheless encounter such a rare occasion in your setup, there is a possibility to convert this fatal error into a simple warning by setting the flag:

?fatal_beam_decay = false

Impossible beam polarization

If you specify a beam polarization that cannot correspond to any physically allowed spin density matrix, e.g.,

beams = e1, E1
beams_pol_density = @(-1), @(1:1:.5, -1, 1:-1)

WHIZARD will throw a fatal error like this:

 Trace of matrix square =    1.4444444444444444
 Polarization: spin density matrix
   spin type     = 2
   multiplicity  = 2
   massive       = F
   chirality     = 0
   pol.degree    = 1.0000000
   pure state    = F
   @(+1: +1: ( 3.333333333333E-01, 0.000000000000E+00))
   @(-1: -1: ( 6.666666666667E-01, 0.000000000000E+00))
   @(-1: +1: ( 6.666666666667E-01, 0.000000000000E+00))
*** FATAL ERROR: Spin density matrix: not permissible as density matrix

Beams with crossing angle

Specifying a crossing angle (e.g. at a linear lepton collider) without explicitly setting the beam momenta,

  sqrts = 1 TeV
  beams = e1, E1
  beams_theta = 0, 10 degree

triggers a fatal:

*** FATAL ERROR: Beam structure: angle theta/phi specified but momentum/a p undefined

In that case the single beam momenta have to be explicitly set:

  beams = e1, E1
  beams\_momentum = 500 GeV, 500 GeV
  beams\_theta = 0, 10 degree

Phase-space generation failed

Sometimes an error might be issued that WHIZARD could not generate a valid phase-space parameterization:

| Phase space: ... failed.  Increasing phs_off_shell ...
| Phase space: ... failed.  Increasing phs_off_shell ...
| Phase space: ... failed.  Increasing phs_off_shell ...
| Phase space: ... failed.  Increasing phs_off_shell ...
*** FATAL ERROR: Phase-space: generation failed

You see that WHIZARD tried to increase the number of off-shell lines that are taken into account for the phase-space setup. The second most important parameter for the phase-space setup, phs_t_channel, however, is not increased automatically. Its default value is 6, so e.g. for the process e+ e → 8γ you will run into the problem above. Setting

phs_off_shell = <n>-1

where <n> is the number of final-state particles will solve the problem.

Non-converging process integration

There could be several reasons for this to happen. The most prominent one is that no cuts have been specified for the process (WHIZARD2 does not apply default cuts), and there are singular regions in the phase space over which the integration stumbles. If cuts have been specified, it could be that they are not sufficient. E.g. in ppjj a distance cut between the two jets prevents singular collinear splitting in their generation, but if no pT cut have been set, there is still singular collinear splitting from the beams.

Why is there no event file?

If no event file has been generated, WHIZARD stumled over some error and should have told you, or, you simply forgot to set a simulate command for your process. In case there was a simulate command but the process under consideration is not possible (e.g. a typo, e1, E1 => e2, E3 instead of e1, E1 => e3, E3), then you get an error like that:

*** ERROR: Simulate: no process has a valid matrix element.

Why is the event file empty?

In order to get events, you need to set either a desired number of events:

n_events = <integer>

or you have to specify a certain integrated luminosity (the default unit being inverse femtobarn:

luminosity = <real> / 1 fbarn

In case you set both, WHIZARD will take the one that leads to the higher number of events.

Parton showering fails

For BSM models containing massive stable or long-lived particles parton showering with PYTHIA6 fails:

     Advisory warning type 3 given after        0 PYEXEC calls:
     (PYRESD:) Failed to decay particle  1000022 with mass   15.000
*** FATAL ERROR: Simulation: failed to generate valid event after 10000 tries

The solution to that problem is discussed in Sec. ‍10.7.3.

3.4.3 Debugging, testing, and validation

Catching/tracking arithmetic exceptions

Catching arithmetic exceptions is not automatically supported by Fortran compilers. In general, flags that cause the compiler to keep track of arithmetic exceptions are diminishing the maximally possible performance, and hence they should not be used in production runs. Hence, we refrained from making these flags a default. They can be added using the FCFLAGS = <flags> settings during configuration. For the NAG Fortran compiler we use the flags -C=all -nan -gline for debugging purposes. For the gfortran compilers, the flags -ffpe-trap=invalid,zero,overflow are the corresponding debugging flags. For tests, debugging or first sanity checks on your setup, you might want to make use of these flags in order to track possible numerical exceptions in the produced code. Some compilers started to include IEEE exception handling support (Fortran 2008 status), but we do not use these implementations in the WHIZARD code (yet).

This holds for simple workflow. In case of scans and repeated integrations of the same process, there may be name clashes on the written files which prevent resuming. A future WHIZARD version will address this problem.

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